

It's been a pain in the ass walking through the air using a small trick I long figured out. Sucker punching a rather large seagull looking bird that tried, to once again EAT MY DAMN HEAD, out of the air with its head caving in under my rings. I continued walking through the sky using spiritual energy infused with the coldness of my breathing style. Each step I take ripples through the air as frozen strands of energy make platforms under my feet. I was thankful that I could slightly rip off Bleach, walking or run through the air using spiritual energy was definitely helpful in fights or just strolls.

Even with that though sometimes I had to fight the wildlife in the skies, both mundane and fantasy ones. Though I was also talking to the one who gave me this world mission, the world itself.

[Please pick or create three skills max, Outsider. Then go forth and RUIN the Demons, they've had enough fun, so have the Angel's.]

"These skills can be existing ones or my own design, as long as it's reasonable, right?"

[Yes Outsider, no more no less.]

"Then, for one, it's a passive one that serves as a debuff for enemies and a buff for myself. It'll simply be called BOSS MUSIC, I know you have some knowledge of other worlds, and the boss music I'm mainly wanting is DOOM Marine's theme whenever he's about to rip and tear. Let's say the debuff once triggered is intense unnerving fear, unable to think clearly, and if anything Demonic or Divine hears it. Then, well, they either instantly or slowly lose their will to live, while having restrictions slowly encroaching on their powers. All depending on their ranking in either category. The intensity of the effects though is all determined by my hatred and rage."

[Fear… a good choice of passive mind games. Enough limitations and other factors to be doable… Rip and Tear, as you said.]

"Heh awesome now I can troll people with boss music, the second skill I want is one you already have created, Golemancy. Just with a slight twist, I want to be Empowered Golemancy so that I can effectively combine it with a skill from my third racial trait. Just with the added option to store golems regardless of size into a subspace. As for why I requested this skill and amendment, it is because of my future goal."

[You plan to create temporary or permanent bodies for your third racial trait, Outsider? I see… so that THING knows what you'd want to work towards while solving my own issue, so I won't limit the skill, instead I WANT you to use it right away for one of your monsters. The sooner the Demons suffer for deviating from their purpose, the better.]

"Then I know one annoying bastard I can just set loose once we're done here. As I already have everything needed to make at least ten of my chimera's, but this one would potentially have a chance to permanently have a body. Now the final one I would like is another passive, but it's also an active one, Bioengineering or as many call it Biomancy. You don't have to worry about the knowledge required for it, if I'm right, then as soon as you give me it, I'll have everything I need crammed into my head."

[Very well. I look forward to the results, Outsider.]

As soon those parting words were said, I suddenly coughed up extreme amounts of blood. My still relatively fresh born soul feeling as it was burning up until everything settled, and I cackled even as soon after that my brain was being overloaded.


[BusterThug: You made two very useful requests and a stupid one… to become some sort of summoner? What is wrong with your mind?

ShyGutarist: Summon a kitten…?

NightFather: Hm? What's the "annoying" creature you're about to let run amok on some demons?]

I didn't give the blonde idiot an answer, instead I focused on one of the chimera's I had created. One of the few weaker ones I could currently manifest, with Chimera Manifestation at its supposed rank. Making the materials I had VERY PAINFULLY gathered in my new world as the creatures did theoretically exist as they could be summoned, found, or found sealed due to being spiritual in nature, appear before me. I just know the Vatican certainly hates me since I murdered two of their secrets for this eventuality. Yet, I could give fewer shits or fucks than a whore sucking a dead man's dick for money.

A section of a Divine Dragon's heart from the entire corpse I had, the nasty thing that Holy Scourge, the skull of a Grim Reaper, VERY dangerous Bonewalker, some essence from an Ancient Spirit of Light, a Pope turned Holy Nightmare from the Crusades, and the blood of a Human, my blood, in a vial appeared within my hands. Stepping onto the top of a tree, I found some place with plenty of sunlight and darkness. Then with a thought assisted by a new forming energy, mana, through my body.

I had begun carefully trying to create a potential permanent body for one of my chimera's. The process I had decided to go with was meticulous down to the last detail. The information and biological data of the chimera from the data crammed into my head about them from my Racial. I did everything to the T with little margins for deviation, as this was both a test and a potential boon for future fights.

By the time six days had passed, one of the more tricky and annoying chimera's I created had become REALITY. The Stream also seemed to agree as the seemingly Human male smiled while stretching out.

[Create Life +777,777 SP]

[Chimera Verse: Gleeful Heretic manifested (Permanently)]

While the one I had manifested was considered "weak" he was nonetheless extremely dangerous and effectively immortal. Because once he got his hands on someone, they were guaranteed to suffer his "merciful healing" if they're an enemy. The one before me appearance wise currently is a seven-foot, tanned male Human. He has pure white hair with some golden highlight streaks throughout it. Blood-red ruby eyes that literally pierce and gaze upon your soul upon gazing at you. While I basically provided nothing but energy and the materials, everything about him as I once wrote was there, including his clothes and weapon.

It was honestly weird seeing his clothing of choice in person. As it was quite literally that of a combat medic priest. The clothing looked like an emerald green tattered priest robe that reached the ground almost. It also hangs loosely over a white and gold shirt with oricahlum armor bits woven into it. His pants being a faded, vibrant emerald green color due to the long years he was supposed to be wearing them. He didn't exactly wear shoes, his feet instead were wrapped in bandages. While at his waist hangs a Katana, his weapon of choice, that he calls Empress. The blade was alive as I knew what the fuck it was tied to and what it could do.

"Salutations! You already know me, but your… watchers… don't besides my title from the Stream. Dandy Cheerful, genocidal immortal pain in the neck at your service once more in a different life! Who am I healing, "healing", or murdering en masse?!"

When Dandy mentioned my viewers, I could feel the hatred from him towards any involved with or being a God. His eyes practically lit up with a blood gold glow, with his pupils becoming slits like a dragon's pupils. Other than that, he was ALWAYS cheerful as he spoke, a smile permanently on his face as he seemed to never lose his cheer.

"Meeting you in real life is very weird… but you certainly live up to my intention for your character."

"Oh, don't make me blush, I'll drain the life from everything and everyone around us if you do. Plus, you made me like this for a reason, so I embrace it because it's absolutely hilarious to watch everyone's reactions! I also absolutely love being an immortal cockroach, as some of the other Chimera's call me."

Chuckling, I couldn't exactly disagree with the chimera currently housed in a Bio Golem body. So I decided to just point at the most obvious landmark of this world, which was essentially a giant white cross. Kind of hard to miss since it's fucking MASSIVE.

"Around that are some Demons getting ready to start the apocalypse, buy this world time so that it's Chosen can rewrite history. I've got to deal with a Demonic Possession and possibly a Demonic Rebirth, even in this world."

Dandy just waved his left hand, then he was gone with the smell of brimstone and blood as the war cleric disappeared. The fact that he could travel through swapping places with anything considered harmful to life was something interesting. As I'll admit I never went into details about what a lot of my written creatures of chaos and destruction could do. I usually just gave them an outline of everything and that was it. So as far as I'm truly aware Dandy could snap his fingers and all life could just drop dead, before getting revived instantaneously before a single body hit the ground. Which is absurd since according to my racial trait, he's one of the weakest Chimera's I can manifest.

Sighing, I shook my head and walked down a nearby dirt path a little bit. Ignoring the hermit watching me from afar, heading straight to my destination before I went to join Dandy in purging corrupted beings. After all, Demons tend to be mostly spirits in nature, and I excel in killing those given my job as a Banisher. Pushing the door open of a small wooden cabin, I greeted the bedridden woman inside with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Dakota, and I believe you're turning into a Demon. So to fulfill part of a contract with someone VERY IMPORTANT, I'm here to purge or assimilate that nasty Demonic Infection on your soul. Into you safely without you losing yourself, so do not resist because that thing is reactive to you using any skills. Cute how I can feel its glare though… makes what I'm about to do more interesting."

"I wouldn't be able to fight you anyways. You won't tell me who told you to do this either from that look in your eyes. So go ahead, if it helps me lessen Raven's worries, then for him I'll bear with this… suspicious medical treatment."

"Smart woman, because I don't need you awake or with intact limbs to fix your soul."

My patient just snorted at my blunt statement and stared at me. Approaching her bedside, taking a seat in the chair her brother potentially sat in often, I grabbed her head and placed a hand over her heart. Well time to deal with another possession… this one will likely burn my own soul though.