
Two Brothers Pt.1

trLenard Geldstein, Month 11, Day 22, Year A.F 652. Road to Aster, Kingdom of Rosalia.

A messenger runs in, his flushed expression, tired from running through the night as he shouts inside our commanding tent, "Your Highness, bad news from Aster."

I take the letter from his hand as I ask, "What is it?"

"Aster has surrendered! Though more news arrive along with the let-" The messenger collapses, his unconcscious expression made the new much more urgent.

I open it up to read it as the Lords and their officers watch me as I spoke, "The City of Aster have fallen, Lord Aster won the battle against the armies led by the Duke Viller, whose armies are retreating towards us."

The Lords and officers whisper in distress. How could that be? How could they lose yet allow for the city to fall, what sort of factor forced this kind of conclusion.

Though I continued and the words I dreaded to read followed, "The Bruncian army of twenty thousand has made landfall and took the city for themselves. The Araselian army, passed by the city and gave chase instead, chasing the Army now led by Prince Athan."

"This could be our chance!" Lord Belford shout as he stood up.

He looks down in thought as he drummed his fingers on the table, "If we take out Prince Athan, the kingdom's nobles would no longer be divided."

He raises his hand as he spoke, "From that, we can gather support and push back against the invading force."

Lord Mirs shakes his head, "Is that even possible? At this point in time, Duke Arthen remains untouched, even our reports indicate that most of the men under him remain loyal and if never even fought once, how could we expect their support if he seemingly remains untouched."

"Because his rule would be null and illegitimate, his basis in supporting Prince Athan was to preserve the kingdom on the right path. If we kill the prince, we take away his legitimacy on the fact that, he would no longer be a legitimate ruler."

"You keep saying that, but it doesn't mean, they would follow." Lord Mirs replied as he sighed, "As sad as it is, I don't think the kingdom could be saved as it is. Grand Duke Arthen has a stranglehold over the south, something which we couldn't break."

He gestures to the letter, "And with Bruncia and Arasel already cooperating, I think our chances of winning this war, is near impossible."

He then looks to me, his eyes pleading as he spoke, "My Prince, the best we should do now is return to our cities and gather our forces to fight for another day."

"That-" I close my eyes before I could finish. I understand what Lord Mirs is saying, but just knowing that Athan is so close in my hands, just waiting to be killed is filling me with resentment.

With conviction filling me, I look up"We will move out the moment the sun rises and end the battle for the throne once and for all."

Athan Geldstein Month 11, Day 22, Year A.F 652. Road to Ivrid, Kingdom of Rosalia.

"Sir!" A messenger opens the tent as I stood above a table watching the map for our next moves. The officers look at him before he swallows dryly.

"The enemies continue to chase us." He spoke.

I nod at him, "I am aware of that, is there anything else."

"Some scouts sighted signs of an army, a eight hours away from us." He said as he bowed, delivering a devastating news one that made the officer around me gasp in shock.

I sit back down, my string cut, the stress these last few days came back in full force. The last few days has been hectic and nerve-wracking. Never have I carried so much responsibility.

And now many more are about to happen. I hold my head in pain. My mind swirling with thoughts on how I could ever leave this predicament behind.

"Tell them to scout out what their numbers are and reports back to me."

He bows before standing back up waiting for more orders.

"You may leave," I said to the messenger, who salutes immediately and exited the tent. The silence was deafening as the officers take in the dire situation we find ourselves in.

An officer then spoke with hesitation, "Sir, what do we do now?"

I look down their eyes on me, asking me for help and the responsibility of such nearly crushes me. I look down, my eyes downcast as I try to think of a way out of this mess.

Though before anything comes to mind, a messenger arrives with a shout, "Sir! Duke Vincent has awoken." The surrounding men almost cheered before he continued with grave news, "The doctor has diagnosed him, his condition he will not last a week if we continue in travel."

The grave news bears down on us before I spoke up, "Have the doctors do the best they can to keep him alive."

The messenger salutes before he exits the tent.

With the grave news I spoke to men around me, "Do any of you have any ideas."

They looked around in hesitation before a man spoke up, "Sir, how about we push forward against one army and head straight back to Ivrid, I'm sure Grand Duke Rivider would gladly welcome you back."

I glance at him as I spoke, "How exactly do you plan that to work?"

He looks down, "I believe that the army in front of us is one of lesser numbers. If we take advantage of this, we could at least push against it."

"Is it though?" I cross my arms to him, "Im sure you are aware my brother still hasnt participated in battle." I point to the table, "Then the army we fought in Aster, weren't the twenty thousand army we anticipated."

"But what about the thirty thousand coming from the north? They most probably exhausted their forces just to arrive at such a time." Another officer spoke.

Another officer then interjects, "You're assuming such a force came from the enemy," He glance around before stepping closer to the map, "The enemy has an ally in the Kingdom of Arasel. A place with enough men to spare."

"So what you're saying is that the army before us will be a fourteen thousand army. One which cannot hope to win against, one without a strategy." I said to them and he nods.

"How many men do we have left."I ask in trepidation, a bit fearful of the number.

One officer walked forward and replied, "Six thousand infantry and a thousand demon knights."

The number settles between us and all I could do was sit, aware of my capabilities, knowing that I lack the necessary knowledge to win a battle against an enemy twice our size.

"This much disadvantage even without considering the enemy behind us." I slam my hand in anger and fury, aware of my inadequacies. The officers flinch from my anger before I look to them all.

"Is there any way we could retreat safely?" I said to them.

They shake their heads. It seems the numbers they have are too much for us to escape from. I give a single sigh before looking back up to them.

"Have the men ready by dawn. We'll be pushing forward against our enemy and hope for the best."I said to them, the head sank as their anxious expressions hid from my view.

"Those who wish to leave may leave, but from now we'll be making a plan to break through that army and win to fight another day." I say to them before I stand back up my eyes glued to the map.

Athan Geldstein Month 11, Day 23, Year A.F 652. Road to Ivrid, Kingdom of Rosalia.

The morning air was chilly, the morning sun was shining down upon the plain. The entire night we discussed and debated on what we should do and now that moment has arrived at last.

The sounds of bustling men ran through beside me as I walked through the morning, their busy expression and flurry of activity, readying for the battle ahead.

I weave and walked through such chaos, hoping to meet Duke Dunsten before the start of the battle, deciding my fate, whether or not I live through this

With that thought in mind, I arrive within his quarters. A doctor meets me with a salute, "My Prince, Duke Dunsten's condition isn't good right now. I dont think it's best for you to meet him."

"It's fine, I'm merely here to talk to him." The doctor gives me a hesitant nod before letting me in.

Duke Vincent opens his eyes before coughing violently. He notices my presence and tried to stand up. I interrupt him, "It's fine, just sit down. I'm merely here to tell you we're about to engage an enemy twice our size and Im not sure if we can win. So I hope you know what this would mean.

He gazes at me with pity and apology before nodding, "Sir, we're ready to move out." An officer spoke behind me and I stood up ready to leave.

As I do, Vincent whispered behind me, "I'm sorry."