
A SSS Ranked Player's World Domination

In a world where pixels and reality collide, a new saga unfolds. Follow the journey of Zero, an SSS Ranked Number 1 player who's about to become a legend in a realm he once thought was confined to his screen.

Rankings · Fantasía
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15 Chs

An Overlord

Chapter 1 Part 1: An Overlord

In the heart of a bustling metropolis, a man named Zero resides in a modest apartment. He's not the kind of guy you'd easily notice in a crowd, with his unassuming demeanor and striking white hair that seems to shimmer like snow under the right light. His piercing red eyes, however, are a sharp contrast to his unremarkable appearance.

Every morning, Zero's routine begins with the soft glow of his screens. Posters of epic battles and sweeping landscapes adorn the walls, turning his room into a gallery of his adventures. Multiple monitors line his desk, each one transporting him to a world beyond his four walls—a world known as "Eldoria."

Eldoria is not just another game; it's a sprawling realm that beckons with limitless possibilities. It's a world where players forge their destinies, where empires rise and fall, and where legends are born. It's a MMORPG that has captivated millions of players across the globe.

Zero is no mere player in Eldoria. As soon as he logs in, he morphs into Khronos, a legend whose name reverberates across the digital realm. Within this vast fantasy universe, Zero is more than himself; he is a commander, a leader whose every decision shapes the course of battles and the fate of nations.

But Zero's ascendancy in Eldoria goes far beyond his strategic brilliance. He's not just a number among the masses; he's ranked number one, the undisputed champion of the game. His name is synonymous with victory, and his reputation as a gaming virtuoso extends far and wide.

Behind his success lies more than just skill and dedication. Zero has invested his time, his passion, and even his resources into Eldoria. He's poured a staggering one million dollars into the game, accumulating in-game currency, acquiring powerful items, and unlocking rare skills. This investment isn't just monetary; it's a testament to his commitment to the virtual world he calls home.

The transition from reality to Eldoria is seamless for Zero. With the tap of a key, he's transported from his apartment to the sunlit plains of the virtual world.

Amidst battles and quests, Zero's attention shifts to a different facet of his virtual realm—the Citadel of Shadows. His castle, an awe-inspiring structure, stands as a testament to his power and influence. Its towering spires touch the virtual skies, while its dungeons plunge deep into the virtual earth. Every stone, every detail of its architecture, is a reflection of Zero's imagination.

But amidst the grandeur of the castle, Zero's most prized possessions are the girls who surround him—the avatars he crafted with care and attention to detail. Each one is a masterpiece of beauty, with distinct features that set them apart. Their presence is more than just aesthetic; it's a testament to the bond between creator and creation.

As Khronos, he commands his ten avatars—Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, and Kappa—each one a reflection of his imagination and strategic genius.

These avatars, these NPCs Zero created, are his companions. They are the embodiment of his creativity and his bond with Eldoria. They are not mere lines of code; they are heroes in their own right.

As the day turns to night, Zero's room is bathed in the soft glow of his screens. Time seems to blur as he navigates through Eldoria's complexities. In the quiet moments between battles, he wonders about the lines that separate reality and the game. What if the boundaries between these two worlds were to blur? What if the virtual became real, and the real became virtual?

Little does he know, the universe has a way of weaving destinies. Zero's life as Khronos, the ruler of Eldoria, is about to collide with a reality far beyond his wildest imagination. An adventure awaits, one that will challenge his notions of what's possible and reshape his world in ways he never dared dream.