

The year is 2068. For his entire life he has wondered what he is and how he is able to do the things he does. He does not believe he is a member of the Genome Program as so many have told him. An Extinction Level Event occurs on Earth and propels him and his friends nearly 500 years into the future. It has become a world none of them were ever prepared for, yet it also begins to unravel the mystery of what they truly are. Martin discovers his true history, his true identity, and the answers to the questions he has asked all of his life begin to take shape. Only not into what he had ever imagined. He is a Spartan. Born a Spartan and so much more. His roots are in Sparta, but even more lies beyond everything he has come to believe to be true. Read and discover with him.

LOVERIC · Ciencia y ficción
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532 Chs



"Open your eyes she-elf wolf." The male voice spoke to her. "I know you are awake."

Tarifa allowed her eyes to open slowly so she could focus. When she did, she found herself staring into incredible violet orbs that were gazing back at her intently, violet colored eyes that held no malice, no lust, no hostility, just intense interest.

The face of the blond haired man focused even more, and she saw the strong solid jaw, the thick eyebrows and thin lips, and the neatly trimmed blond mustache and beard. The face was deeply tanned and weathered, but it was extremely handsome. The dirty blond hair fell to his shoulders, which Tarifa saw were very broad, but it was clean and she detected the soft wild aroma of the deep timber that she remembered from her childhood.