
A letter to my Secret Crush

Dear secret crush, I have a lot to tell you but I don't know where to start and I couldn't bring myself to face you.

Okay let me start from here. I want to tell you that a really love you and long for your presence and love. I wish I can get to have you and show you how much I love and cherish you. Everyday I wish I could be in your embrace and in your warmth but you seem so far away from me and so unreachable and untouchable.

Even though I can't get in touch with you I want to tell you that I love you with the whole of my heart and soul.

Kim Seo Jin is a 22 year old lady who is having secret crush on a guy who she couldn't confess her feelings to. Even though she get to see her secret crush Park Seo Won e everyday as it is the case that thetly are working in the same company.

Well you wouldn't believe who the secret crush is, actually our secret crush is the CEO of the company where Kim Seo Jin is working which makes it more difficult for her to profess her love. Kim Seo Jin is a bright girl who is always up and doing but when it comes to love she can be so naive and stupid so one afternoon Seo Jin went to the cafeteria close to her company to get cups of coffee for herself and her friend who is working in the same company as her then unfortunately she met with her secret crush the CEO of the company and immediately fell in love with him and that was was her secret love started.