
A Space With Angels And Demons

Arthur_Hansrod · Ciencia y ficción
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2 Chs

Night Elves

He gives us a choice to leave and never come back ,or to die . All my comrades choose to leave but I was the leader who failed the mission so if I do return I'm a dead man so I choose to stay . Lord Vaku instructs his men to prepare a ship and puts my men on it as I am escorted to a holding cell some time passes I hear the ship taking off followed by a loud explosion ,I know what has happened but surprisingly I'm unmoved by the lose of my friends I just stand there with a blank expression afew days later . I'm told since my friends died they have paid for the murder of all the beastmen so I am free to go . Lord Vaku walks up to me and gives me a hug and says I'm sorry for the lose of your friends when suddenly he falls to the ground as a puddle of blood beings to form around him the guards shout you stop but I start running and don't stop night falls and I find myself deep in one of the forests of this planet I have no food and no water all I have is a lighter and a knife I guess I might as well make a fire so I cut up some wood n start a small fire when suddenly I hear some leaves and branches shaking I throw my knife in the direction I hear the noise coming from I hear something fall as I walk closer to see what I hit it looks like a woman with pointy ears wearing a black cloak with the night eleves emblem on her shoulder .

Eleves are a subspecies of human from Beta 222 they are fast and agile and if she is part of the night eleves she's part of the best .

I ask what are you doing here she doesn't respond , I walk closer to her and say I'm not gonna hurt u but she spits on my face I try to tie her up but she tackles me and holds a knife to my throat so I ask what she wants and she tells me to shut up before they find us I say who she she grabs me and climbs a tree to see giant scorpions carrying humanoid guards she says those are the wolf guard they are in charge of hunting down fugitives or people who've gone against the crown ,I ask so why are they looking for you she says I killed the queen about 15 years ago I look at her confused how could she have killed the queen 15 years ago cause she doesn't look a day over 20 I ask how old are you she says 125 she explains that they have extremely long lifespans compared to humans or the namuh I ask what that is and she says that species the humans refer to as humanoids .

She sighs and starts crying I move closer to her and ask what wrong then she pushes me off the the onto the ground comes down and says rule number one about being out here don't trust anyone but yourself my chest starts glowing and heating up when suddenly a large pillar of fire shoots out of my chest the fire was so hot and so bright it lit up the whole sky it then suddenly it stopped it didn't seem to hurt me I said I get back onto my feet look to my side to see the elf unconscious I touch her face and she's burning up so I put her on my back and start running around looking for a river I find one I put her in it but her and the water begin to glow she gasps for air and jumps out of the water punching me and shouting next time a little more warning before you do that . I say ok with I smile and sigh of relief ,I did get your name I ask her Hanna she says I say you don't have a last name she says no I was abandoned as a child I never knew my parents but the family that raised me called me Hanna . That's pretty depressing but I never knew my father I only had my mom growing up ,I remember all I wanted was to live a quiet peaceful life but because of the emperor of Alpha B 15

I had to join the army . It's been the most hellish month of my existence first a mission went wrong my squad died now I'm on the run ,are you sure you should be telling me this Hanna asks , I'm a dead man either way the only thing I truly want is peace and unity.

Ok so first thing in the morning we're going to the night elves headquarters , and why would I go there I ask she responds with to start over you can join the night elves , but I'm not an elf I say yes but you're no normal person either ,no normal human can jump 50 meters vertically onto a tree or survive a 50 meter drop. I'm sure with Abit more training you'll be one of the best in no time trust me , find but one one condition I say what's that she says when I finally beat you in hand to hand combat you owe me a kiss or atleast lemme take you out ,on a planet where we aren't wanted fugitives reluctantly she agrees and we being our journey to the night elves headquarters.