
A soul in The Cage

A man woke up in the strange darkness. He should be dead, but for some reason he was alive. And was locked up in the strange cage. Who did it? And why was he in this cage? He doesn't know, but he decided that he needed to get out of this place and find out who was behind his imprisonment.

TDwk · Fantasía
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51 Chs


Time passes swiftly when you're busy. Lena knows it pretty well. When she began helping other servants with preparations, it was around two p.m. And the time now is around six p.m. The time for celebration was near, and, of course, they had already finished with preparations. The only thing left was to tell involved parties about it. And Lena, because she was the personal maid of young master Ethan, went towards his room.

When she reached his room, she didn't even bother knocking and opened the door. It was rude, but she was Ethan's maid, so it didn't matter. And she was used to opening the door of this room without knocking, because it was her responsibility to keep this room clean when Ethan was unconscious.

She came inside and saw Ethan sitting at the table, with different magic colors revolving around him. Lena counted ten different colors. And Ethan's eyes were closed, with a frown and sweat on his face. He didn't even notice that the door was open and someone had come inside.

Shortly afterward, the revolving stopped, and magical colors disappeared.

"Huuu... I didn't think that controlling elements would be so difficult. But in the end, I succeeded."

Ethan raised his fist with a satisfied smile on his face.

Clap, Clap, Clap!

"It was really amazing, Ethan!"

Only now he noticed that he wasn't alone in the room and turned his head towards Lena, who stopped to clap and was now smiling warmly at him.

"Thank you. Um, but when did you come inside?"

"Not long ago, but it's impressive that you didn't even notice it."

"Um, thank you."

Ethan thanked, confusedly. 

"Never mind. I came to remind you about the celebration. It would be bad if the one responsible for making his servant work for four hours straight forgot about it; don't you think so too, master?"

Only now has Ethan noticed that it's already evening.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Please wait for me outside; I need to get myself ready."

Lena nodded and left. And Ethan, after washing himself and changing clothes, followed after her.

When they came down, everyone was already gathered. And after Ethan apologized for being late, the celebration began.

At first, Lena wanted to stand behind Ethan as his maid, but after the persuasion of Captain Siegfried and permission from the Count, she sat down at the table with Ethan. It was unthinkable for a maid to sit with the master of the house beside one table in noble society, but the Anselm family was weird in this aspect. After all, when she appeared, Karl's butler James, his wife, and their daughter were sitting down at the table as if nothing had happened. James and Helen were used to it, and their daughter wasn't aware of the conduct in noble society.

Between the delicious food and small talk, the time passed. And Ethan was asked by his aunt to show his progress in magic; after all, though they live in the same mansion, there wasn't an opportunity for them to see his magic because everyone was busy with their duties. So Ethan stood up and, after walking to the open place beside the table, closed his eyes. Shortly afterward, elemental spheres of different elements were formed and started to rotate around him. It didn't last for long, though.

"Sorry, I can only do this much for now."

Ethan bowed. He thought that this wasn't something impressive and didn't expect that everyone would start to clap. And the one who was most impressed, besides the kids, was Brenda, his aunt, who knows much more than him and his teacher about magic.

"Impressive, Ethan. Not only your control, but even your understanding of elements, is remarkable. You are indeed very talented."

She said this, smiling proudly. And little Millicent too chimed in.

"Big Bro is so cool! Teach me!"

The same thoughts were in Alice's mind too, though she didn't say a word and only looked at him eagerly. There was also little Ella with them, though she was just looking at him with wide open eyes, not understanding why pretty colors matter more than a delicious cake.

"Hehe, look how eager my daughters are to learn, so Ethan, would you agree to teach them?"

"Of course."

Ethan nodded at Brenda's request and turned towards Millicent, who was coking her cute head after hearing the words 'learning' and 'teach'.

"We can start tomorrow. First, I teach you how to read and write."

"Read? Not shiny thing."

"Yes, you need to first learn how to read and write, and after that, learn other things before learning magic."

Millicent only now understood, so she hung her head low, dejectedly. She didn't like to learn. Beside her, Alice was nodding determinedly, and little Ella was looking in confusion at them. Their different and cute reactions brought smiles to the faces of others. 

"Hoho, it looks like the saying that a talented individual is talented in everything. It looks like it would be an easy task to teach young master Ethan the art of the sword, don't you think, Muller?"

Siegfried said this after Ethan returned to his place at the table.


Muller doesn't like to talk much.

And hearing about it, Brenda, with the face 'I hear about for the first time' turned towards her husband,

"How is it that I learned about it not from you, my dear husband?"

"It's not that I'm forcing Ethan; it was his request. And I don't think it might become dangerous for him from the start. After all, he needs to learn the basics of sword wielding, and I also need to find someone around his age for sword practicing."

Karl said this to appease his wife, who was very protective of her family.


Hearing her approval, Karl breathed a sigh of relief.

[Heh, it turns out a smart and shrewd Count might be so weak around his wife. Though it's good that she's protective of you, for training, it's better if you get some bumps and bruises.]

Ethan ignored his teacher's words and concentrated on the cake before him. And Brenda pondered about his sword training.

"Then I feel like it would be a good choice if Captain Muller will be Ethan's teacher."

She said it after some time.

"My thought exactly, though it will depend on the weapon Ethan chooses."

Karl said, and Muller nodded.

"And we also need to find a good medic to help if something goes wrong at the training."

Brenda said this in contemplation.

"But, my love, we have good medics stationed in guard quarters."

"They ain't good enough. And I already have a good candidate for it. She's one of my good friends."