
A Sorcerer Supreme In Another World

After their defeat by Thanos and Lilith, with the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Midnight Suns. Edward Igarashi, a master of mystic arts, finds himself in a parallel world after Thanos' snap. Surprisingly, this new world is eerily similar to his own.

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4 Chs

Chapter 03: Kamar-Taj

The Lost Sorcerer


Chapter 03: Kamar-Taj

- Edward Igarashi –


Edward's motionless body began to twitch slightly, a sign that his spirit had returned from encountering the Vishanti. His eyes flickered open, and he was still in the familiar room, with Master Hamir sitting nearby, calmly sipping his tea. It was evident that Master Hamir had been aware of Edward's return, and a warm smile graced his lips.


"Congratulations, Edward. It appears that the Vishanti have accepted you as the Sorcerer Supreme," Master Hamir said, his voice filled with genuine pride.


Edward nodded, a sense of fulfillment washing over him as he accepted a cup of freshly brewed tea. "Yes, they blessed me, and I have become the Sorcerer Supreme."


"Truly remarkable! What an extraordinary experience you've had, my Sorcerer Supreme," Master Hamir responded, his admiration evident.


Curiosity got the better of Edward, and he couldn't help but inquire, "Master Hamir, have you never encountered the Vishanti yourself?"


Master Hamir shook his head, a hint of wistfulness in his eyes. "Unfortunately, no. I was never the true Sorcerer Supreme. I merely held the position temporarily until the rightful one arrived. Thus, I never had the privilege of experiencing what you did today."


Edward felt a pang of guilt. He understood the weight of feeling like a replacement and couldn't help but sympathize. However, Master Hamir quickly dispelled his concerns.


"Do not trouble yourself with such thoughts, Edward. I accepted my role long ago, and I only wish to see Kamar-Taj flourish under your leadership," Master Hamir reassured him with a warm smile.


"I understand, Master Hamir. Rest assured, and I will do everything in my power to make Kamar-Taj greater than ever," Edward affirmed, giving the elder sorcerer a confident thumbs-up.


Master Hamir's expression shifted from gratitude to seriousness as he updated Edward on the current state of Kamar-Taj and the Earth. Though not the most powerful sorcerer, Master Hamir possessed a wealth of knowledge, and he shared it willingly.


Hours passed as they exchanged information, and once Master Hamir had imparted his wisdom, he left the room. Now that Edward was the Sorcerer Supreme, the chamber no longer belonged to him.


Alone in the room, Edward mulled over the information he had received. The current state of Kamar-Taj was less healthy than he had hoped. He bore no ill feelings toward Master Hamir, who had done his best to lead Kamar-taj under challenging times, often alongside Doctor Druid and Doctor Voodoo.


Kamar-Taj had remained aloof from mortal affairs, focusing on the magical side of the world. However, they were aware of the changes occurring on Earth, and it was not that hard since they still had access to the internet or modern equipment.


Unlike the wizard kind in England, they preferred to keep up with the mortal world even if they remained secluded. After the fall of the Ancient One, the magical world became rowdy, as many evil sorcerers didn't hesitate to cause trouble.


Per the wisdom imparted by Master Hamir, the advent of Quirks undeniably affected their efforts to conceal the existence of magic. While there were instances where they cautiously revealed the mystical arts to specific destined individuals, this certainly did not translate to an open embrace of magic to the whole world. The truth remained that mastering magic was a complicated art that posed significant risks to a layman.


Furthermore, the approach of those quirks by the people somewhat surprised Edward. While Quirks were slightly restricted by certain countries like Japan, Russia or China, there was more or less no blatant discrimination against Quirk users, unlike the mutants in Edward's original world.


Edward couldn't suppress a twinge of envy despite the imperfections of this new world. In his realm, he had witnessed countless friends who were mutants subjected to unrelenting discrimination and prejudice.


Perhaps, he pondered with a wistful smile, there was a way to bring them here, to this place of newfound potential. The memory of Magneto's vision of a nation exclusively for mutant-kind crossed his mind, offering a glimmer of hope for a better future.


However, the world was not without its share of problems. Discrimination had shifted towards those who couldn't manifest Quirks, known as "Quirkless" individuals. Edward had heard that the suicide rates among them were alarmingly high.


Edward was genuinely perplexed by this general attitude. Before the Quirk era, the world had seemingly forgotten humanity's struggles and efforts. It was honestly unfortunate to see such discrimination. He couldn't help but shake his head at the injustice faced by Quirkless individuals and those with "villainous Quirks." The world was far from perfect, even with the emergence of these extraordinary abilities.


Indeed, if Tony were here, he would undoubtedly be the first to break those prejudices and showcase humanity's boundless potential without superpowers.


In all honesty, had the inhabitants of this world been aware of Tony's remarkable accomplishments and the sheer power of his technology, they would likely be shocked. Even among those with superhuman abilities, the consensus was clear: never underestimate Tony Stark, for he had an uncanny knack for pulling ingenious solutions out of thin air.


Nonetheless, Edward recognized the necessity of prioritizing Kamar-Taj and preparing for the imminent challenges ahead rather than becoming entangled in the affairs of the mortal world.


He harboured no illusions that his ascension to the role of Sorcerer Supreme had occurred in secrecy. The mystical forces and entities that governed the universe were not easily fooled, and he was sure that his newfound connection with the Vishanti had not gone unnoticed. These cosmic entities hardly ever revealed their presence, and their involvement in his journey was a signal to others.


Edward understood the need to bolster Earth's defences and fortify Kamar-Taj's mystical wards. However, his immediate focus lay on the disciples of the mystic arts, nurturing their potential and guiding them on a path to greater enlightenment.


With these thoughts in mind, he decided to bring his contemplation to a close and retire for the night. Tomorrow held profound significance for every inhabitant of Kamar-Taj, and he was determined not to falter. His inaugural address to the gathered disciples would set the tone for his time as the Sorcerer Supreme, and he was resolute in making a solid first impression—rather than becoming the laughingstock.




- Wong –


The disciples of Kamar-Taj gathered in the field, their faces a mixture of anticipation and confusion. They had received word from the now-former Sorcerer Supreme Hamir about the succession of a new Sorcerer Supreme that no one heard or knew of. For many, this was a sudden event and a source of bewilderment. 


Many of the younger disciples in the crowd were in doubt by this Edward Igarashi. At the same time, the elders were a little more sensible as they were more informed about the secrets.


A young sorcerer, Wong, stood among the disciples, who showed confusion by the recall and about the new Sorcerer Supreme. He had been away on a journey when the recall from Master Hamir had come. Returning to Kamar-Taj, he was thrust into a situation like many, as he couldn't fully grasp the situation.


Wong had always been a dedicated student of the mystic arts, diligently following the teachings of Kamar-Taj. He had heard tales of the Sorcerer Supreme and the responsibilities of the title. Still, he had never imagined witnessing the transition firsthand.


After all, it was known that most sorcerers who took the roles would last for a very long time.


Whispers and hushed conversations rippled through the crowd as the disciples speculated about Edward's origin and strength. Some spoke of his rumoured encounters with otherworldly beings and his journey to meet the Vishanti. Others wondered about the changes this would bring to Kamar-Taj and the wider mystical world.


Wong, too, had questions that gnawed at him. What would Edward's role as Sorcerer Supreme mean for their daily lives and studies? Would they be expected to take on new responsibilities or adapt to a different curriculum? The uncertainty left him feeling lost.


Amidst the sea of questions and doubts, Wong searched for a familiar face, hoping to find reassurance or guidance. He spotted Master Hamir, the former Sorcerer Supreme and now Elder known for his wisdom and serenity. Perhaps, in these uncertain times, Master Hamir would offer some clarity.


Wong took a deep breath as the disciples gathered, steeling himself for when their new Sorcerer Supreme would address them. Whatever changes lay ahead, he knew that the teachings of Kamar-Taj would guide them through hard times.




- Hamir –


The field at Kamar-Taj was abuzz with anticipation as the disciples gathered, their robes fluttering in the gentle mountain breeze. At the forefront of the assembly stood Master Hamir, a figure of great respect among the sorcerers of Kamar-taj. Beside him was Edward Igarashi, the man of the hour, now recognized as the Sorcerer Supreme.


Master Hamir, with his characteristic air, stepped forward and raised his hands, signalling for silence. The murmurs among the disciples soon faded, and all eyes turned to the stage.


"Disciples of Kamar-Taj," Master Hamir began, his voice carrying the weight of years of experience and knowledge. "Today, we bear witness to an important occasion. With great pride and respect, I introduce our new Sorcerer Supreme and former disciple of the Ancient One, Edward Igarashi."


Applause and amazement rippled through the crowd as they finally witnessed the figure of their new leader. Edward, standing beside Master Hamir, exuded an air of confidence, a stark contrast to the confusion he had felt earlier that day.


"I never knew the Ancient One had a disciple."


"Yeah, me neither."


"He only came back now?"


"Maybe he was trapped somewhere? After all, as the disciple of the Ancient One, it must not be easy."


"That's true…"


Whispers and hushed conversations rippled through the crowd once more as the disciples speculated about Edward's status.


"Silence," exclaimed Master Hamir as he silenced the crowd.


Master Hamir continued, "Edward has undergone trials and challenges that few of us can comprehend. He has journeyed to realms beyond our own, met with beings of immense power, and earned the blessing of the Vishanti."


The mention of the Vishanti elicited the disciples' collective gasp of awe. The mystical patrons of Kamar-Taj were revered, and their favour was not easily obtained.


"Edward's dedication to the mystic arts, his unwavering commitment to the path of sorcery, and his willingness to embrace the unknown have set him on this extraordinary path," Master Hamir declared.


Edward stepped forward, his gaze sweeping over the faces of those before him. He felt a deep sense of responsibility. With a steady voice, he began his speech.


"My fellow disciples, today marks the beginning of a new era for Kamar-Taj and the mystical world. The role of the Sorcerer Supreme is not one I take lightly. It is a duty, a calling, and a privilege."


"Friends," Edward addressed the assembly, "let us not forget the challenges that lie before us. The mystic forces we wield are constantly in flux, and the equilibrium is ever-shifting." He paused, letting his words sink in, before continuing, "But it is in our unity, in our shared knowledge and dedication, that we find strength."


A murmur of agreement rippled through the gathering, and Edward nodded. "We must honour the teachings of the Ancient One and Master Hamir, who have guided us with wisdom and grace. Their legacy is the foundation upon which Kamar-Taj stands."


Edward's voice carried a note of reverence for his mentors as he spoke. "But we must also look to the future. We must explore new horizons, expand our understanding of the mystic arts, and ensure that Kamar-Taj continues to be a beacon of hope and enlightenment for future generations."


"As Sorcerer Supreme, I vow to protect our world from mystical threats on our world and to ensure that Kamar-Taj remains a beacon of light in the shadowy realms of magic."


The disciples listened intently, their doubts gradually giving way to a sense of responsibility. Edward's words resonated with them, and they began to see the path forward and respect for their new Sorcerer Supreme.


In closing, Edward raised his hands, and a gentle ripple of magic flowed through the air, creating intricate patterns of light that danced above their heads. It was a symbol of unity, a reminder that they were all connected by the mystic thread of Kamar-Taj.


"Together, we shall face the challenges that lie ahead, and together, we shall forge a future steeped in magic and wonder."


The field erupted in applause, and Edward's heart swelled with fulfillment. As the new Sorcerer Supreme, he knew that his journey was only beginning, but with the support of his fellow sorcerers, he was ready to embrace the destiny that awaited him.


In the peaceful aftermath of Edward's speech. Then, two figures silently joined Master Hamir at the forefront of the gathering.


The first of the little group was Doctor Voodoo, a sorcerer of immense power and wisdom. His presence was marked by a serene aura that seemed to harmonize with the very energies of Kamar-Taj. Deep and knowing, his eyes scanned the crowd of disciples as if searching for something beyond the visible.


Beside Doctor Voodoo stood Doctor Druid, a sorcerer whose connection to the Earth's mystical forces was profound. He typically wears a flowing, light-blue cloak or cape with a hood. Underneath, he sports a dark-red, skin-tight suit, sometimes adorned with various mystical or runic symbols. He has pointy side hair, a beard, and a mustache, which give him a wise and mysterious appearance.


Master Hamir acknowledged their arrival with a respectful nod, and the three sorcerers gathered in a small circle to discuss in hushed tones. Their conversation was cloaked in secrecy, hidden from the curious ears of the disciples.


"Master Hamir, it is a significant occasion indeed," Doctor Voodoo began, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of knowledge. "The Vishanti's blessing upon the new Sorcerer Supreme is a sign of great importance."


Doctor Druid nodded in agreement. "The balance of mystical forces in this realm is shifting, and the emergence of a new Sorcerer Supreme may hold the key to restoring that equilibrium."


Master Hamir thoughtfully added, "Edward Igarashi has shown great potential, and his connection to the Vishanti is undeniable. But we must remain vigilant. The mystical world is not without its challenges and threats."


Doctor Voodoo's eyes glittered with a deep understanding. "We shall keep a watchful eye on the unfolding events. The fate of Kamar-Taj and the mystical realm is in our hands."


As the trio of sorcerers continued their discussion, the disciples watched in silent reverence, knowing that the destiny of Kamar-Taj hung in the balance. The arrival of Doctor Voodoo and Doctor Druid was a testament to the gravity of the situation, and they could only wait and trust in the wisdom of their leaders.




- Edward Igarashi –


With the support of Master Hamir and the guidance of the Vishanti, Edward Igarashi stepped forward, ready to address the assembly of disciples gathered before him. The excitement and curiosity in their eyes mirrored his sense of responsibility and determination.


"My fellow disciples of Kamar-Taj," Edward began, his voice carrying a sense of duty, "Today marks a new era for our sacred sanctuary."


A murmur of confusion and anticipation swept through the crowd. Master Hamir, Doctor Voodoo and Doctor Druid were not spared the anticipation and confusion.


Edward continued, "But let us not forget I do not stand alone. We are a community bound by the pursuit of duty and the mastery of mystical arts. Together, we shall rise to meet the challenges ahead of us.


He raised his hands, gesturing to the sprawling grounds of Kamar-Taj. "Our sanctuary has always been a bastion of wisdom, a repository of ancient teachings. However, the world around us is ever-changing. To thrive, we must adapt."


Edward's gaze turned toward the library, a place of reverence for all who sought to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. "In the coming days, I will expand our library with knowledge from across the realms. Knowledge is our most potent weapon and shall be our shield."


He then directed their attention to the training grounds, where disciples honed their skills. "Our training methods will evolve as well. We shall incorporate new techniques and disciplines, drawing from the wealth of mystical traditions beyond these walls. Our strength lies in our adaptability."


A ripple of excitement passed through the assembly. Change was in the air, and it was met with enthusiasm.


Edward's expression grew earnest. "But amidst these changes, let us never forget the core values that define us—dedication, discipline, and the unwavering pursuit of balance. We remain connected to the ancient traditions that have shaped us all through these virtues."


He paused, allowing his words to resonate with the hearts of his fellow disciples. "Together, we shall continue to safeguard Kamar-Taj and the Earth. Our duty as sorcerers is to protect and preserve; in doing so, we honour the legacy of those who came before us."


"My fellow disciples of Kamar-Taj," Edward began, his voice carrying the weight of authority from his newfound role as Sorcerer Supreme. "I stand before you today as your peer and Sorcerer Supreme. I understand many of you have questions, and I hope to address them now."


He paused momentarily, allowing the murmurs and whispers to die down.


"I have decided on the path that Kamar-Taj will tread in the coming days."


Edward's words hung in the air, and he could see the surprise and curiosity in the eyes of the disciples.


"I have decided that Kamar-Taj will once again open its doors to the outside world as it was once meant to be. We will continue to train and guide those who are fated with Kamar-Taj and possess the potential for the mystic arts. It is our duty to ensure that the knowledge and wisdom of the mystic arts are not lost to time."


He could sense a mixture of emotions in the crowd—surprise, excitement, and perhaps a hint of apprehension.


"This decision does not come lightly and will change our daily lives and routines. But I believe that embracing this change can strengthen our bonds with the wider mystical world and contribute to the greater good."


Edward's gaze swept over the disciples, and he could see the determination in their eyes.


"Together, we will face the challenges that lie ahead. We will continue to uphold the principles and teachings of Kamar-Taj, and we will do so with an open heart and an open door. Our sanctuary will again be a beacon of hope for those seeking the mystic arts."


With that, Edward Igarashi concluded his speech, and the disciples of Kamar-Taj erupted into applause. The future was uncertain, but with their new Sorcerer Supreme at the helm and a commitment to adapt and grow, they faced it with courage and determination.


As Edward left the assembly of disciples, he noticed Wong among the gathered crowd. Edward was slightly surprised, and his eyes fixed on Wong with a mixture of disbelief and realization.


As the applause resonated through the courtyard and Edward stepped away from the podium, his thoughts briefly turned to the Wong of this new world. He couldn't help but wonder about the differences and similarities between this Wong and the one he had known in his own reality.


'Is he as dedicated and wise as the Wong I knew?' Edward mused silently. 'Or perhaps this Wong has his own unique qualities and experiences that make him who he is?'


He knew that Wong had played a significant role in the life of his predecessor, Stephen Strange, and he wondered if the same held true in this reality. The presence of Doctor Voodoo and Doctor Druid in the gathering also intrigued him. It was clear that Kamar-Taj had its own set of accomplished sorcerers, each with their own strengths and perspectives.


'Wong will be an important ally,' Edward decided. 'Someone to seek guidance from, to learn from, and to work alongside as we face the challenges that lie ahead.'


'Should I assign him as the librarian?' thought Edward as he walked to his chamber, ready to meet the Sorcerer Supreme of Hong Kong and London Sanctum Sanctorum.




In the quiet chamber of Kamar-Taj, Edward sat alongside Master Hamir, both men conversing about the changes that lay ahead for the sanctuary. The room was adorned with ancient scrolls and mystical artifacts, a testament to the centuries of knowledge that had been gathered within its walls.


As they discussed the future of Kamar-Taj, the chamber's doors swung open, and in walked two distinguished figures—the enigmatic Doctor Voodoo and the wise Doctor Druid. Their presence was both a surprise and an honour, for these sorcerers were renowned in the mystical world.


"Master Hamir, Sorcerer Supreme," Doctor Voodoo greeted them with a respectful nod. "I hope we are not intruding."


"Please, you can simply call me Edward." Said Edward with a smile.


Master Hamir smiled warmly. "Not at all, my friends. Please, have a seat."


The two sorcerers took their places, their robes adorned with intricate symbols and amulets. Doctor Druid, known for his deep connection to the natural world, exuded an air of calm and serenity. At the same time, Doctor Voodoo, a master of the voodoo arts, carried an aura of mystique.


"We have heard of your ascension, Edward," Doctor Druid began, his voice gentle yet filled with wisdom. "It is a momentous occasion for Kamar-Taj and the mystical community as a whole."


Edward inclined his head in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Doctor Druid. I am honoured by your presence."


Doctor Voodoo's gaze bore into Edward's with an intensity that seemed to pierce through his very soul. "The Vishanti have chosen well, but with great power comes great responsibility. We are here to offer our guidance and support."


Master Hamir interjected, "Indeed, the role of Sorcerer Supreme is not one to be taken lightly. Edward, you will need all the wisdom and counsel you can gather."


Edward nodded solemnly, appreciating the gravity of their words. "I understand, and I am grateful for your offer of guidance."


Doctor Voodoo added, "We also believe that by opening Kamar-Taj to the wider world, we can usher in a new era of mystical enlightenment. But you must also be prepared for the challenges that will come."


Edward's determination remained unwavering. "I am ready to face those challenges, and I am committed to upholding the legacy of Kamar-Taj."


Master Hamir, who had been silently observing the exchange, spoke with pride in his voice. "With the guidance of Doctor Voodoo and Doctor Druid, as well as the support of our fellow sorcerers, Kamar-Taj shall thrive under your leadership, Edward."


Edward began the conversation with a sense of purpose. "The future of Kamar-Taj is a responsibility I do not take lightly. With the Vishanti's blessing, we can shape our path."


Doctor Druid nodded, his eyes reflecting the depths of his connection to the natural world. "The decision to open our doors to the outside world is significant. It will bring new perspectives and challenges."


Doctor Voodoo added, "And with those challenges come growth opportunities. The mystical arts must evolve to meet the changing world."


Master Hamir interjected, "We must maintain our traditions while adapting to the needs of the modern era. Balance is the key."


As they continued their discussions and shared insights, the four sorcerers forged their friendship to confront the challenges threatening their duty across the globe, standing as guardians of the mystical world.




- Mephisto –


In the fiery depths of his hellish domain, Mephisto, the crimson demon, lounged upon his infernal throne. His realm blazed with unholy flames, casting an eerie glow upon the surrounding dimension, reflecting the turmoil within him.


"This purple-skinned bastard!" Mephisto roared in a fit of rage, his voice reverberating through the hollow chamber. "After all I did for him! He dares to..." His profanity-laden tirade continued, the air crackling with the intensity of his anger, the walls of his castle quaking under the fiery onslaught he unleashed.


As the flames threatened to consume his surroundings, Mephisto took a deep breath, reigning in his fury with a practiced ease. The room, which had borne the brunt of his outburst, began to cool, and the demon settled back upon his dark throne, his mood sullen.


He couldn't help but reflect on his current circumstances. Somehow, against all odds, he had survived the legendary snap performed by Thanos. Yet, it had transported him to a new world, one uncannily similar to his own but filled with an abundance of superpowered individuals.


What brought a sinister smile to Mephisto's lips was the prevalence of souls ripe for the taking – those of the disregarded and desperate. To a demon like him, it was a veritable treasure trove.


But Mephisto was not impulsive; he was a cunning monster. Even in this new world, he could sense the wards of those donkeys from Kamar-Taj. Those damned wards kept his actual body out of the Earth. He suspected the Ancient One or a powerful entity like Odin might be present on this new Earth.


So, he discreetly gathered information by deploying his avatars across the world. One such avatar had brought exciting news from London: a new Sorcerer Supreme, blessed by the Vishanti, now held the mantle at Kamar-Taj.


Mephisto sneered with disdain at the revelation. His conquest of Earth wouldn't be straightforward. The Ancient One appeared to have long departed, only to be replaced by another formidable sorcerer.


"Edward Igarashi," Mephisto muttered with a tinge of recognition, a hint of annoyance simmering in his heart. A memory resurfaced of a young sorcerer who had trailed the Ancient One like a shadow.


Could it be him? Mephisto pondered in silence, puzzled by the situation. If he were to invade the mortal world with his legions and proper form, he needed more information about this new Earth and a way to weaken those three vexing wards.


An idea took root in Mephisto's malevolent mind as he gazed up from his throne, a malevolent glint in his eyes. "Perhaps we can create another one..."




- Edward Igarashi -


The next few months they were proved to be remarkably fulfilling for Edward and the disciples of the mystic arts at Kamar-Taj.


Edward dedicated most of his time to the sanctum, delving deeper into its library's boundless knowledge and magic. He recognized the need for capable people and appointed Wong as the librarian. He took him under his wing, knowing that reliable individuals were vital for Kamar-Taj's well-being.


With Doctor Voodoo and Doctor Druid tending to their respective sanctums and Master Hamir volunteering to train the disciples, Edward found himself missing the days of Mordo and Kaecilius before their descent into darkness. Their talent in the mystic arts and dedication had been undeniable, and their betrayals were a bitter memory.


Nevertheless, Edward, versed in various magical arts, used his abilities to create clones of himself to help shoulder the responsibilities. The weight of his new role as Sorcerer Supreme often felt burdensome, especially when he compared it to the serene leadership of the Ancient One.


He always saw the Ancient One drinking tea or looking at the clouds as the Sorcerer Supreme while he worked tirelessly like a dog.


Yet, Edward's diligence was directed towards the greater good of Kamar-Taj. He focused on nurturing individuals like Wong, preparing them to support the sanctum, even in his absence.


On a happier note, Kamar-Taj experienced an influx of three quirkless newcomers in their ranks, each arriving with unique motivations. Edward delighted in the astonishment on their faces when he unveiled the reality of magic. Though the sanctum enjoyed a period of relative peace, Edward understood that complacency was a luxury he couldn't afford.


It was the calm before the storm. Edward regularly verified the sanctum's protective wards and honed his mastery over the Eye of Agamotto, known as the Time Stone.


He didn't isolate himself from the outside world entirely, instead choosing to keep a watchful eye on the realm of pro-heroes. He even ventured into the business world, establishing a company to gain influence and financial resources. While he possessed the ability to create wealth through magic, he recognized the importance of playing a more subtle, long-term game.

Moreover, he hoped to improve the world by creating this company and gaining influence. Edward wasn't so stubborn to think they would be able to hide magic for too long since many catastrophic events would inevitably affect both sides of the world.


He even considered adopting an alternate identity to navigate both worlds, aligning with heroes and villains.


Moreover, he even knew which identity he could "borrow" from, and it's not like they existed in this world…


As he pondered about both personas, a voice that seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality echoed deeply in his mind, delivering profound and wise guidance. "Identity theft is not a joke, Edward! Millions of families suffer every year!"


Startled by the mysterious message, Edward even used magic to probe the origin of these profound words, but they remained puzzling.


Edward decided to set this peculiar event aside for the moment and focused on implementing his plan. He summoned two distinct clones, each with a unique purpose, and sent them on their respective missions.


With a sense of anticipation and the sanctum's wards safeguarding Kamar-Taj, Edward continued his tireless efforts, waiting for news of the clones' success and ready to face the challenges ahead.







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