Grayson doesn't have a bad life, not really. But given the chance to improve his on his alright life, he'll grab it without a second thought, even if he has to make a deal with a devil to do so. The sorting hat did say his ambition was dangerous, after all.
Disclaimer: I own nothing
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Chapter 14: Greengrass Gals
"Astoria, you have three seconds to explain what the hell you are doing." I warn, glaring at the smug and entirely naked pain in my ass as she stands in front of me, her eyes flickering to the door.
"Here's the thing, Gray... you keep avoiding me, and I wanted to make sure you wouldn't have the option of running away this time. The only way out is that way, and my sister is waiting to ambush you as we speak... of course a single shout from me would get her attention and she already doesn't really like you, so finding you and her precious little sister, both naked in your bedroom? That's gonna be a problem for you." Astoria says casually, shrugging as she sits on the edge of my bed, entirely too smug as she stares me down challengingly.
"...Astoria, has anyone told you that you're an idiot?" I ask, drawing a pattern in the air with my wand and quickly reactivating my ward-scheme. Leaving it off was a foolish mistake, and one I would never have made back in the Slytherin common room... I've already gotten too comfortable in my little private suite.
"Mhm, you have. Quite a few times actually." Astoria says with a carefree smile.
"I have a silencing ward around my room, two ways... that I just activated, and now only I can open my bedroom door. You didn't really think it would be so easy to threaten me did you?" I ask with a cold stare, watching her carefree expression flicker slightly as I approach, wand in hand.
For a brief moment, she looks panicked before she goes back to looking unconcerned.
"Oh well, there goes that plan... but you know I'm just going to pester you until you actually listen to me, right? I don't give up easily." Astoria says as she hops off the bed, small budding breasts bouncing slightly as she does so.
As she goes to approach, she pauses as I bring my wand to bare aiming it at her forehead with a cold stare.
That she tried to blackmail me is already grating on my wrath, and I have to take a moment to recenter myself to force it back down.
"You aren't going to hurt me." Astoria says confidently, taking another step forwards until my wand is pressed against her head, right between the eyes as she goes cross-eyed to look at it.
"Are you so sure about that? I never took you to be so naïve, Astoria... and you've just gotten yourself locked in the bedroom of someone you just tried to blackmail, naked and defenceless." I point out making her shrug.
"I told someone I was going to visit you, so you'd get into trouble if you actually did anything to me." Astoria bluffs making me roll my eyes.
"Skilled Legilimens here, remember? You didn't tell anyone, and I am skilled enough with the mind arts to obliviate you afterwards if I want to get some revenge." I counter, making her shrug again.
"Worth a try, so onto my next point! You won't actually hurt me since you are fond of me, even if you don't want to admit it." Astoria claims as I pause, pushing my wand forwards a bit making it dig into her skin as I glare at her.
A part of me wants to just curse the smug brat as she grins up at me, but the worst part is that she isn't wrong. I've been tutoring her for a long time, and as annoying as she can be she is one of the few people I actually talk with and she can be entertaining when she wants to be.
"What exactly do you want to discuss?, talk quickly or I'm going to just start cursing and deal with the consequences later, I am too tired to deal with your brand of stupidity right now." I warn pulling my wand back as she beams up at me.
"What I want to discuss is this!" Astoria says as she reaches forwards and pats my chest making me pause as I stare down at her. "Looking good there, teach."
"Tori, what on earth are you babbling about? Have you been eating potion ingredients again?"
She tried to blackmail me to talk about my looks? I don't... I don't get women.
"Okay, that was one time and in my defence how was I supposed to know they weren't candy?! They looked so enticing... but no, I haven't. So, Gray... been working out? Pumping iron with Damian? Are you hoping to join the Quidditch team next year?" Astoria asks as I stare down at her.
"...I would rather French kiss the giant squid." I say with a slight sneer.
"Yup, thought as much... so tell me, Mr Book-loving Nerd, why the hell are you so buff? Have you even looked at yourself in the mirror lately?" Astoria asks making me freeze, glancing down at my naked body.
I can see the formation of a six-pack where once was only soft flesh, and my arms are far more toned than usual... something that the Hogwarts robes usually hid.
" did you even notice that?" I ask, avoiding the question. It should come as no surprise that my demonic nature is starting to show through on my mortal form. This... could actually be a problem sooner or later.
"Oh, I convinced Juliet to spy on you showering, but don't worry about that... you weren't so fit when before the summer, and I know you too well to think you ever wasted time training when you could be studying... and even if you were training, you've grown a few inches in a matter of days... so what did you do?" Astoria asks making me pause.
Firstly, she and Juliet did what? It is true that the large bathroom doesn't have any wards on it but still...
And secondly, I underestimated how perceptive she could be, and that was clearly a mistake. It is far too easy to see the bratty and irresponsible girl as no threat at all, but the only reason I kept tutoring her is because she is surprisingly intelligent behind her attitude.
"I fail to see how that is any of your business." I say coldly making her giggle.
"And since when have I cared about not sticking my nose into other peoples business?" Astoria asks as she looks up at me smugly. "So, is it drugs? Brewed yourself some secret potion to give yourself a growth spurt?" Astoria asks as I sigh.
She's closer to the truth than she realises. I could just obliviate her, but the problem is that she will just notice the same things that caused her to do this, and shrinking myself to my old size would be far too foolish.
I can hide my growth as a regular growth spurt, and very few see me without my robes on but Astoria clearly doesn't respect my privacy...
"Something like that, though nothing illegal and I'm certainly not going to tell you the exact details." I say deciding that half-truths are my best bet.
"Hmm, nope, I don't believe you, but you're kinda stubborn at times so I can wait to find out the real answer... and what it has to do with that little black Moke that you suddenly came back with after the summer." she says, gesturing to the side where Tyche hides in the shadows... not hidden enough though, apparently. "Could have sworn you thought pets were a waste of time~ but I'll leave you for now, you can distract Daph and then I'll slip away like a ninja~ "
"Very well... though I have one thing to say first, Tori..." I say, rushing forwards at inhuman speeds as her eyes widen, my hand grasping her throat and pinning her down on the bed as I glare at her, my wrath unleashed... if only a little.
Holding down the smaller girl, I realise she had a point... I was always fairly small for my age and she isn't that much younger than me, but now I almost tower over her as she stares up at me with a hint of fear.
I'm almost flattered in her trust of me, still unafraid and assured that I wouldn't actually harm her.
"Do not threaten me ever again." I say coldly as she nods quickly, unable to speak with my grasp on her neck.
Loosening my grip, she smiles up at me sheepishly.
"Got it, don't want curiosity to kill the snake~ Sorry... but you know, if anyone came in the room now you'd have a hard time explaining this~" Astoria points out as she looks down, making me freeze as I realise out position. "Well, a harder time than you already are~"
With Astoria on her back on my bed and me hovering over her, both naked... this would look rather suggestive to any outside observer... especially given the way I am rested between her legs which have spread when I pinned her down.
Looking down, I pause as I look at the way my shaft rests on stomach, I could pull back just a bit and thrust forwards and I'd be inside her... this wouldn't look suggestive at all, it would be downright incriminating.
Letting go, I step back and quickly start to dress as Astoria giggles to herself, rubbing her neck slightly.
"No need to be embarrassed, we are going to be seeing each other naked a lot in the future~ If I'm going to be your mistress, there's nothing wrong with having a taste first~" Astoria giggles again, making me look at her. "Oh, didn't know~" she teases in her 'I know something you don't know voice', entirely too smug. "Daphne made mother swear not to marry me off if she went through with the engagement, but Daphne has never been as clever as she thinks she is, and mother plans on handing me over to you down the line when it is too late for Daphne to escape from the marriage, two gorgeous Greengrass gals for the price of one~"
"And how do you know this?" I ask, making giggle as she stands up, hopping in place slightly.
"Because she asked me! Daphne and Mother are always at each others throats but I'm not as prideful and hotheaded as Daph, kinda ironic considering how she tries to act like an ice queen, so Mother actually took me aside and discussed things with me, aren't I amazing?" Astoria asks as I sigh to myself.
"Tori, please put your clothes on and hide so I can get us out of the trouble you have put us in." I deadpan as I finish dressing, making her shrug as she sits back on the bed.
"Nah, clothes are overrated anyway... but fine, I'll hide away~"
Watching her chose her hiding place (under the quilt in my bed), I groan to myself. I'd say it is too early to deal with this, but there is no time in the day in which Astoria would make sense.
- Daphne -
Pacing outside Grayson's bedroom, she scowled to herself as she went over her plan again.
Gray slept far more than she expected, and she'd been standing here looking like a fool for almost two hours already, unless she had already missed him and he woke up before she got here? No, he was in there she was sure of it.
As the door finally opened, she hid her annoyance and quickly stood at attention, seeing Grayson walk out with a slight yawn.
" there something I can do for you, Daphne?" Gray asked, making her nod quickly.
"I... have been thinking about what you were saying, about my... approachability and how my regular attitude would interfere with my long term plans." Daphne started as Gray closed his door, before leaning against it.
"I see, and how does that lead to you ambushing myself outside my bedroom at... nine am?" he asked, casting Tempus to check the time as she sighed.
"Because you are... correct." Daphne admitted, as reluctant as she was to agree with him. "And I believe you can help me correct that error before it is too late, and help me appear more approachable to my peers and perhaps assist me in changing some of my long term plans." she said quickly, as much as she didn't want to, she had to admit that Gray seemed to have a better idea of what would be needed for her long term goal of claiming the Minster of Magic's office for herself than even she did.
It made sense, her family was more based around financial power than political power, while the Raum and Black family were entrenched deeply in the political world.
She likely knew a lot more about finances and business than Gray, and she'd be a fool not to take advantage of the mind before her, especially one trained by Yennefer Raum of all people.
"Hm, and how exactly where you hoping to go about that?" Gray asked, a hint of knowing amusement on his face as she took a deep breath, the start of a blush forming on her cheeks.
"W-with today off from lessons, I believe it is an ideal time for us to start... humanising me among our peers, with a... date." Daphne bit out as she ignored the amusement on his face.
"Tracey put you up to this didn't she?" Gray asked making her turn bright red.
"I... she convinced me of the benefits such an... event could provide me." Daphne said quickly as Gray chuckled.
"Of course she did, and she's right... nothing humanises a girl more than seeing her act like... well, a teenage girl instead of the scowling statue you usually are." Gray agreed as she sighed.
"We can't leave Hogwarts until the next Hogsmeade weekend, but I have done my research and it appears couples enjoy spending time by the Great Lake, so perhaps we should start there?" Daphne suggested making Gray pause.
"Hm, but there is one thing you seem to have forgotten... the reason why I should give one of my days off up to help your reputation. My long term plans don't require popularity, and this is a day I could spend a dozen better ways." Gray pointed out with a cold pragmatism that she almost admired, or she would if it wasn't getting in her way.
"A favour, no questions asked as long as it doesn't effect my sister." Daphne offered making him smirk slightly. "All you are losing is a day off, so that is more than a fair price." she said making him nod slightly.
"And do you think you can actually play your part? This whole thing relies on you actually being able to act like a normal teenage girl, and I doubt you can pull that off, let alone actually act like a teenage girl on a date, given your poorly hidden dislike of me." Gray pointed out making her take a deep breath before she stepped forwards towards him, pausing in front of him.
Staring up at him, she let her slight scowl fade into a somewhat passible soft smile (that she would forever deny practising in front of a mirror) before she leant forwards, capturing his lips with her own.
Seeing the surprise in her eyes she paused for a second before pulling back, giving him a smug look.
The advantage of having a friend as... open as Tracey is that she had a practice partner for things like this.
"I see, well as long as they aren't close enough to see your eyes it should be fine." Gray said calmly, making her narrow her eyes at him.
"What exactly does that mean?" Daphne asked making him chuckle.
"You have the smile down, mostly... but your eyes give away your inner emotions, and that kind of anger isn't what a girl on a date should be feeling." Gray pointed out making her pause.
She looked fine when she was testing it...
"But fine. Well then, fiancée... let's go on a date." Grayson said with a calm smirk.
"No tongue during kisses and keep your hands away from my breasts and backside." Daphne warned as she held her hand out, feeling her cheeks heat up as he took it into his own with a smile. "I'm not Tracey, my clothes are staying on."
"Understood, shall we go?"
Nodding, she only had one last question.
What the fuck did a couple even do on a date? It was fortunate Grayson seemed to know what he was doing, as she certainly didn't.
- Grayson -
...what the hell does a couple actually do on a date?
I've kinda been skipping to the sex part recently.
- Bonus Scene – ??? -
"Wolves asleep amidst the trees, bats all a swaying in the breeze~" she sung as she walked down through her castle dungeons, a smile on her face as she drug one of her fingers along the wall, watching as her nail carved through the stone. "But one soul lies anxious wide awake, fearing all manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths... for your dolly Polly sleep has flown, don't dare let her tremble alone."
Opening the cell door, she walked in and locked eyes with the man she had come to speak with, the shirtless man chained to the wall staring at her in barely disguised fear.
"For the Witcher, heartless, cold, paid in coin of gold. He comes he'll go leave naught behind, but heartache and woe~" she continued before her sweet voice dropped to a dark snarl as she finished. "Deep, deep woe." she growled as she stalked towards him. "Do you like my singing? I've heard you're something of an expert at it?" she asked with a smile as the brown haired human paused.
"It was... wonderful? I love the whole, snarling finish thing you did, very nice?" her captive said quickly. "...what answer doesn't get me eaten?"
"Oh, I'd never eat you... who could deprive the world of Julian Alfred Pankratz, the world would be a more dull place without you in it~" she said teasingly running a finger along his bare chest.
"Ah! A fan, well you didn't need to all this if you wanted an autograph." Jaskier, or Dandelion depending on who you asked, said with false cheer. "In fact, why don't you untie me so I can-"
Cutting him off by grabbing his throat, she stared at him with a calm smile.
"Oh no, no no no... I don't think I'll be letting you leave just yet little songbird. We have so much to discuss, like your songs for example... a few in particular." she said, letting go of his neck and grasping his chin,stroking it almost lovingly. "All I need are a few little answers, and you can go back to your singing, that's all..."
"And what songs would they be, bards love to talk about their work, you know?" Jaskier said quickly making her smirk.
"Toss a Coin to your Witcher for one, and your re-imagining of the Lullaby of Woe... I'd also like to discuss Wolven Storm, even if it isn't one of yours~ but if you would prefer I can pay Priscilla a visit and ask her directly..." she trailed off watching his eyes widen, even as his gaze hardened slightly.
For a poncy bard, he had quite the backbone.
"And what do you want to discuss about them?" Jaskier asked, his tone colder.
"Hmm... how about your muse for them? The White Wolf, Geralt was it?" she asked, making Jaskier nod slightly. "I've heard a lot about him, about his amazing skill with magic and his silver blades... about how he could hunt anything... and about how he slaughtered my kin with the greatest of ease, a maelstrom of silver and death swirling his way through their lair." she snarled, making Jaskier pause.
"Geralt only hunted sentient creatures if they could be proven to be evil- which is probably not something I should have said." Jaskier trailed off at her icy glare.
"Where is he? Where is this Witcher you are so fond of singing about?"
"...gonna take a wild guess and say, vampire?" Jaskier asked making her curl her lips back slightly, a pair of long fangs on display. "Called it, guess you've been sleeping for a long time, because Geralt... Geralt died a long time ago, over a decade ago now." Jaskier said making her pause, staring at him for any sign of deceit. "So... since I can't help you, why don't you just let me g-"
Grabbing his throat again, she paused as she considered her options. Awakening to find her family long dead had been a shock, and now the target of her revenge was gone as well?
"Remind me, Wolven Storm was about Geralt and his love... correct?" she asked, the bards eyes widening in realisation. "So... where can I find the raven haired woman who smelt of berries tart and lilac sweet? Geralt took my family away from me, and it is only fair I return the favour. Did the bastard leave any spawns behind? Where are they?"
"..." staring at her in silence, Jaskier's eyes hardened to stone as he glared right back at her, defiance in his gaze.
Reaching with her free hand, she placed a finger on his bare chest before pushing forwards, smiling as it sunk into the weak flesh, a hiss of pain leaving the surprisingly stubborn bard as she drug it down his chest leaving a weeping wound in its place.
"Look, you aren't the first scary sexy lady to try hurting me to get to Geralt, not even the fifth... and Yen is a lot scarier than you, so you're just going to have to go ahead and kill me." Jaskier said with a serious glare. "Merlin will rise from the grave and do a jig before I lead you to Geralt's family."
"Hmm, I believe you... I wonder though, is Priscilla as stalwart as you?"
Watching the hint of panic slip through his stare, she smiled, smelling blood in the water. Love was always such a reliable weakness in men.
Authors Note: Short, I know, but I wanted to get something out before Christmas for you guys. Merry Christmas, you degenerates. I will probably do another SA chapter in January to make up for the shortness before going back to Freedom.
To clear something up, I plan to rotate my three stories from now on and none of them are being dropped. I'll probably do Freedom, New Game Plus, Freedom then Sorcerers. I like writing Freedom the most so I want to give it the most love and I'll have more time again soon.
Assuming we survive until 2021.