Grayson doesn't have a bad life, not really. But given the chance to improve his on his alright life, he'll grab it without a second thought, even if he has to make a deal with a devil to do so. The sorting hat did say his ambition was dangerous, after all.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.
Discord Link: discord .gg/k3jTZB9
Pat reon Link: Pat reon .com/TheDarkWolfShiro
Chapter 15: Dates and Deals
Sitting at the edge of the lake on a slightly enchanted blanket, I take a moment to thank whoever it was who worked out we could enslave the house-elves for the large picnic basket that is sat between us.
One of my family house-elves took care of everything in the time it took us to get changed into a more casual outfit than the usual school robes. I enjoy being a male, it means I can dress in simple black trousers and a plain shirt and I appear semi-formal, while Daphne is stuck wearing an outfit that she looks utterly uncomfortable in despite her attempts to play it off.
I'm going to take a wild guess that Tracey is responsible for the short skirt and tight blouse Daphne was probably forced into, given how she keeps tugging it back down as it rides up past her knees.
It isn't... scandalously short, but I don't think anyone in school has ever seen Daphne out of her usual school robes, and more than a few people have given her a double take as we walked down here.
"I don't like this..." Daphne admits quietly, a privacy spell stopping people from eavesdropping on us.
"And there are a dozen things I'd rather be doing, but this isn't about how much we enjoy ourselves, I've arranged for Keira and Lyra to spread rumours confirming we are engaged to explain the sudden change, and that we are both uncomfortable but trying to make it work." I reply calmly, looking over Daphne's long legs as she gives me a slightly dirty look.
She restrains herself from physically responding since there are a few more couples around the lake, as there always are on Sundays.
"You trust Lyra, of all people? You know she-" Daphne starts.
"Wants to be the Black Heiress, I know... she has already tried, and failed, to make her move to weaken my position, and I have a good enough hold over her to stop her from trying anything. I don't trust her, but I know she's smart enough to know I could ruin her if I wanted to." I explain making Daphne pause, a slight smile crossing her face as she gives me a look of admiration.
Power is attractive for Daphne, I've noticed that... political power especially, and honestly?
Daphne has a beautiful smile when she isn't forcing it.
I've also spent more of my demonic essence lately, and I thought hard about what to use it on...
But the answer was obvious in hindsight.
The Eyes that see the Truth – Uncommon Rank
Allows the user to see that which is hidden, revealing the secrets and hidden knowledge.
Can reveal Fetishes, Lesser and Major secrets, along with detecting hidden things within the users sight. Grants the user the password to hidden passageways.
Daphne Greengrass, Heiress of the House Greengrass
Faction – Herself
Thoughts about you – Mistrust, paranoia, bitterness
Fetishes – Exhibitionism (Undiscovered), Bondage (Undiscovered)
Lesser Secrets – She wants to become Minister of Magic to get back at the people who have looked down on her for not being from a 'proper British bloodline'
Major Secrets – She has a powerful phobia of wolves, she is jealous of Tracey's other friends and wants to stop Tracey from spending time with them, she fears Tracey would abandon her if she wasn't bound to her by a life debt.
Biggest Secret – ???
Her major secrets aren't that useful, though I could think of a few ways to take advantage of her phobia to make me seem better in her eyes, but I'll refrain for now.
Her jealousy over Tracey having friends other than her doesn't surprise me since Tracey is her only friend while Tracey herself is a very popular girl but the fact that Daphne is clearly insecure under her Ice Queen persona is definitely interesting.
I'm good at reading people, and I honestly think Tracey worships the ground Daphne walks on, but I have no reason to assure Daphne of that, after all an insecure Daphne is a more easily controlled Daphne.
"Impressive, I suppose... but Lyra still thinks she is the Queen of Slytherin, and you're playing with fire." Daphne warns making me chuckle to myself.
"Lyra's power comes from one thing, and one thing alone... her parents. Lucius isn't willing to support her against me because I'm the only thing stopping my mother from ruining him for her own amusement and Narcissa has ordered Lyra to behave and appease me at any means necessary to protect their family. Lyra barks a lot, but her bite isn't something I have to worry about." I say calmly, making her eyebrow raise even as I feel a hint of arousal coming from her. "Lyra acts like she rules our house because I let her, I don't want the spotlight and it is better to leave someone I have a leash on in charge than have someone else take over. Lyra might have a long leash, but I can tighten her collar and bring her to heel if she forgets her place. Besides, I have Pansy and Millicent watching her for me, from the outside they are her toadies but in truth I'm using them both to keep Lyra under watch, and she knows it."
"Hmm." Daphne replies, taking a sip from her butterbeer as a way of getting out of replying as her mind races, making me smirk internally. Daphne likes power, and showing that I have just that is what I need to bring her into my circle more willingly.
"I thought you were unambitious, more interested in your spells than politics?" Daphne asks after a moment, her tone slightly less abrasive than usual.
"Then you misjudged me, though I'd be the first to admit my true interests lie in the intellectual pursuits, not the endless political manoeuvring that it is magical politics. The simple fact is that the current administration, thanks to a certain old man, is pushing heavily for the restriction of a lot of magic, entire branches have been outlawed in the past few decades and as someone who wants to study magic, all magic, that doesn't exactly benefit me. If I want to truly explore all magic has to offer, I need to be ready to get involved with politics and start undoing Dumbledore's influence, which is a difficult task to say the least." I explain making her pause. "As it happens, having a wife who happens to be Minister of Magic would be rather helpful, wouldn't you think?" I ask, watching her eyes widen slightly, a scheming look in them.
"That's why you're invested in seeing me succeed, you're planning on using me for your own ends." Daphne says quickly, relaxing slightly as she confirms what I thought of her.
She is far more comfortable with the idea of me helping her for my own ends than she is with the idea of someone helping her out of the kindness of their own hearts, she has a reason why I'd assist her and it makes her feel more in control to know my motives.
Or what she thinks my motives are.
"No more than you are using me for your own ambition, but all successful relationships are built on being mutually beneficial." I say calmly, reaching forwards and gently grasping her chin.
For a moment she goes to pull back before she notices Lavender Brown and her gaggle of gossiping girls watching us, giggling to themselves, causing her to pause as I lean in and place a light kiss on her lips, closing her eyes as she pushes her lips against mine.
Her lack of experience is clear as she basically smashes her face against mine, our noses colliding making me chuckle as I pull back, watching her cheeks light up in faint blush as she looks away from me.
"Are they gone yet?" Daphne asks, glancing back towards the Gryffindors walking off into the distance, occasionally looking back and giggling. "Why are we so interesting to them?"
"Because I'm something of a non-entity, I've kept my head down for the past three years... and this is the first time anyone has seen you doing anything like this, you barely spend any time in public." I point out as I put an arm around her shoulder, pulling her against my check.
I make sure to keep my hand away from her breasts as I cuddle her slightly, knowing when to take things slowly as she settles against me. Honestly, I'm horny as fuck and I want to throw her down and take her... I'm always horny in the morning now and Astoria prancing around naked didn't help, but I have enough self-control to wait until later to take care of my growing arousal.
Astoria is lucky I didn't have time, otherwise I would have spent some time putting the little brat in her place but I have plans to do that anyway. I like Astoria's brattiness, to an extent... and she is quickly passing the limit of trouble I am willing to put up with from her.
Thankfully, Anastasia is willing to do a lot to keep me happy and betrothed to the bundle of paranoia and ambition wrapped in a nice pretty exterior that is currently fidgeting against me, which gives me options to work with.
" really think you can take on Dumbledore, of all people?" Daphne asks after a moment of surprisingly comfortable silence.
"Hm, I think it is possible... if difficult. Dumbledore's star is waning, and while the old man probably has a good few decades in him yet, he has made more enemies than he has allies, and he has no real replacement. Dumbledore is a single man and if he falls, through either death or disgrace, he has no-one to pick up the banner he has been carrying all these years, all his followers are just that... followers. There isn't a single person in his group that could take his place as the figurehead and actually succeed. I mean... who would even try? His brother? The goat-fucking barkeep, I don't think so. Arthur Weasley? He is too busy playing with his muggle toys. Lord Strenger? He is a drunk and a gambler. Lord Foltest? He has the charisma, sure, but his entire family are shrouded in bad press, not least of which is the rumours of his daughter being a cannibal." I chuckle. "Dumbledore is powerful, but he has no one to replace him when he is gone, and that will be the downfall of everything he worked towards."
"Perhaps... but he is still Dumbledore." Daphne points out making me nod, the old man is a household name for a reason.
"Do you know why Dumbledore became such a powerful figure?" I ask rhetorically, making her nod.
"Grindelwald." Daphne answers. "He beat a Dark Lord."
"Not quite." I correct making her pause. "Dumbledore is a half-blood with no family power or wealth, but he was already a powerful and important figure long before he defeated Grindelwald, he became such a powerful figure for one simple reason... because he was magically powerful." I explain, frowning slightly. "There is a clear correlation between people with powerful magic and people who become important figures in our world, Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Voldemort... even going back to the founders and Merlin himself. Power attracts followers, regardless of anything else."
"Where are you going with this?" Daphne asks making me smile slightly. "Neither of us are magical giants."
"Yet." I reply with a mysterious smile, making her eyes narrow in suspicion. Despite my best efforts, I've used Tyche to spy on gossiping people and already heard people mentioning that I seem to be doing better with my magic in class lately, so I might as well work with it. "But the point stands, appear powerful and you will gather followers... and this year is ideal to start, you heard Dumbledore during his speech, aside from the Tri-Wizard Cup there will be a series of events and competitions between the three schools to give the rest of the students something to do other than watch three champions. Among them is of course Quidditch because of course it is, Academic Challenges and more importantly... a duelling competition, where the students who aren't lucky enough to become champion can show of their skills in front of the staff and students of three of the most prodigious schools in the world."
"...the perfect place to start making a reputation." Daphne finishes as she furrows her brow cutely. "You plan on taking part?"
"Maybe, duelling isn't my forte but I don't need to win to make a name for myself, and I have some new tricks up my sleeves. You aren't a bad duellist yourself, you've held your own in Defence, and winning the whole thing isn't necessary, you just need to get far enough to make a good showing, impress the right people. Then maybe try a few duelling circuits when we are older to keep building that rep... it is where Dumbledore failed, he had all the power and preparations but then he basically retired to his tower and spent the next few decades hiding away only popping out to attend the occasional meeting."
"You've got it all planned out, huh?" Daphne asks, looking up at me with a slightly fond smile.
"Barely, this is a very bare-bones plan for now, I'm still working on it. I'll flesh it out after I've made my preparations for the duelling competition. Reputation is everything, and if I have the world thinking I'm powerful then things will go better for me, for us both, in the long run." I explain, smiling as she rests her head on my chest, looking out over the lake quietly.
Daphne is a prickly one, but I am making some progress with her.
"'ve seen them as well, right?" Daphne asks quietly making me chuckle as I glance over to a suspiciously placed bush a short distance from us, three pairs of eyes staring out of it.
"Keira is many things, subtle isn't one of them... I'm guessing you'd say the same about Tracey and Astoria?" I ask making Daphne sigh tiredly, giving a half-glare at our watchers.
"Sitting around a lake is boring, even if you have been... surprisingly enjoyable company, but the moment we leave they are going to drag me away for interrogation. Do you think they'll get bored and wander off if we stay like this for a while longer?" Daphne asks as I chuckle.
"Absolutely not, but at least we can waste their time out of spite." I say making her giggle, a surprisingly light sound as she glances back at them.
"I hate wasting time, but I want to get back at the voyeurs even more." Daphne admits as she looks up at me.
"On that we can agree."
- Later -
"You know, I don't think I've ever seen Daphne smile like that before." Tracey admitted as I watch her slowly drop her robes, revealing her completely naked body beneath it, her nipples hardened and a small trail of arousal leaking down her leg. "Or giggle like a normal teenage girl for that matter."
Tracey Davis
Faction – Servant of Daphne Greengrass and Grayson Raum
Thoughts about you – Smugness, Lust, Optimism
Fetishes – Being dominated, being owned
Lesser Secrets – She's easy, she'd do anything for Daphne
Major Secrets – She loves Daphne romantically, she agreed to spy on Daphne for Anastasia Greengrass for Daphne's own good
Biggest Secret – ???
Hmm, spying on Daphne? With Daphne's insecurities I could destroy their relationship with that knowledge, and then Daphne would only have me to rely on... No, I have no need to do that.
"She is a charming young woman, beneath the icy persona she uses." I say easily as I shrug off my shirt.
I'm still horny, and Tracey gave me an open offer to deal with my lusts.
Daphne was just happy to be freed from Tracey's questioning, she freed herself from Astoria's interrogation with stunning the brat, something she cleared did often from how easily she did it.
"She really is, I'm just glad you managed to get her to drop her mask, even if only for a little while... I don't suppose you want to tell me how you did it?" Tracey asked as she fell to her knees, crawling between my legs and quickly undoing my trouser buttons, pulling them and my boxers down.
"We talked about politics and future ambitions mostly." I admit making her pause as she grasps my length, staring up at me for a moment before she giggles, her hand starting to stroke me gently.
"Why am I not surprised? Oh well, if that is what it takes to get her to loosen up, so be it~ she didn't even pull away when you kissed her, you made some serious progress thawing her out." Tracey said as she leaned forwards, her lips parting as she engulfed my length.
"What can I say, me and Daphne have a lot in common." I admit as I pause, as much as I want to just lean back and enjoy Tracey's enthusiastic blowjob, her fetishes made it clear that she'd prefer it if I was more active myself. "But enough about Daphne, she's not the one sucking my cock after all." I say with a casual smirk as I look down at her.
Making a questioning hum around my cock as she bobs her head, she stares up at me in confusion.
"Tracey, stand up." I order, letting my demonic side come out just a little more as my voice grows deeper, more commanding.
Her eyes widening slightly, Tracey pulls back from my shaft with a slight pop as her lips free my dick, standing up quickly making her breasts bounce.
"Is there a problem?" Tracey asks hesitantly as I stare her down, a smirk growing on my lips.
"Hmm, not quite." I say rising from the bed as I take a step forwards, entering her personal space. Reaching forwards, I wrap a arm around her waist and grab her ass roughly, squeezing it as I pull her body against my own. "But I've had to force my lust down for hours and I'm not feeling very... passive right now, you said you'd satisfy my urges if I played nice with Daphne, right?" I ask as I maul her backside making her moan slightly, her eyes widening.
"I did..." Tracey agrees, her voice husky as my throbbing length gets trapped between her thighs, rubbing against her undercarriage.
"Good girl." I say with a smirk, moving one of my hands to her sopping pussy with a smirk. "You're a bit of a slut, aren't you?" I ask rhetorically as I call on my newest magic...
I've finally found the time to look at the tome Lucifer gave me, the tome of Eromancy, the art of sex magic created by the Great Demon King Dantalion.
He didn't seem the type when I summoned him, but he made an entire branch of magic dedicated to sex and I've learnt a couple of spells from it, including one simply called 'Arouse'.
Sending strands of demonic magic into Tracey through my finger as it slides into her slit, and almost immediately her quiet moans grow louder as she wraps her hands around my waist, pulling me closer, her breasts pressing up against my bare chest.
I have another one, but that is one I plan on testing on someone else.
"But as slutty as you might be... you didn't let any of the boys you played with down here, did you?" I ask as I slip another finger into her, slowly pumping them as she whimpers.
"I... no, sir." Tracey says quickly making me smirk.
"And that's the difference between them and me, the other boys were just your plaything, to be tossed aside when you got bored... but you are mine, and I have no intention of letting you go." I say as I pull my hand away, amused by her whimpers. "Get on the bed and get in position." I say, deliberately not clarifying what position I wanted as she whimpers slightly.
"I- yes, sir." Tracey says as she reluctantly pulls away from me, need in her eyes as she stares at my dick.
Moving to the bed, she pauses as she reaches it before she lays down on her back, her legs spread wide invitingly.
She is clearly nervous, but between my general position over her and her own rapidly skyrocketing arousal, she doesn't flinch back as I move over her, smirking down at her as I line myself up.
It's a bit of a waste to just take her virginity like this, but if I need virgins there are plenty around and I'm not ready to bring Tracey or Daphne into the demonic side of my life anyway.
Pressing the tip against her soaked lower lips, I teasingly rub the head along her slit as she stares up at me in desire, I may have overdone it with my spell to be honest, I wasn't sure how much magic to put into it so I just dumped a load of magic into the spell.
"You are mine, Tracey Davis... and all those boys you played with will have to go find a new toy, I don't feel like sharing." I say calmly, lining myself back up and thrusting myself into her.
She is tight, maybe even tighter than Keira, but her arousal has lubricated her more than enough that my passage is smooth and almost painless for her as I quickly bottom out inside her with a grunt, a moan leaving Tracey as her virginity is ripped away.
"T-tecnically, I'm Daphne's." Tracey counters, even as her legs instinctively wrap around my waist, pulling me deeper into her willing cunt.
"And Daphne is mine, even if she doesn't want to admit it. You came alongside her as a freebie." I remind her as I start to thrust. "You might as well have a collar saying 'Property of Grayson Raum' written on it, the contract makes sure of that." I chuckle. "So beautiful, so popular... I wonder how all your friends and admirers would act if they found out that you are a glorified sex toy?"
Despite my mocking words, I feel her tighten down on my invading length as she moans, her lust increasing as I start to hammer into her, not bothering to be gentle, even with it being her first time.
I don't need to be, I can feel the lust and pleasure in her grow at my rough and degrading treatment, making me chuckle to myself even as I keep rutting into her.
There are a few advantages to being a lust demon.
Pulling out of her, I grab her hips and flip her over, one hand gripping her hair as I force her face down into the bedsheets, even as I lift her up onto her knees and thrust right back into her, using my new position to put more force behind my pounding,
Slapping her ass as I fuck her, I smirk at the moan that leaves her. She might have been a virgin a few minutes ago, but she is a quick learner and even with my harsh treatment, she is still moving her hips back to meet my thrusts.
Slutty girls are kinda fun, no need for the slow and steady treatment I have to give Daphne, I can just drag her to the bedroom and have my way with her, it certainly pleases the lust demon within me.
Too horny to keep messing with her, I let loose and for the next few minutes the room is filled with the sounds of flesh colliding, accompanied by her muffled moans and my grunts and occasional growl as I take her.
One day, possibly soon, it'll be blonde hair in my grasp and a more lithe body under me as I use her for my pleasure, and I can't wait to find out what Daphne sounds like when she cums... somehow I doubt she'll be as much as a screamer as Tracey is, my sheets failing to quiet her cries... but Astoria might be.
She's always been annoyingly loud, and I've frequently thought she'd be more tolerable if she was gagged.
After holding out all day, it is only my demonic nature that keeps me from reaching my release too quickly, and with such a tight pussy wrapped around my cock it was only a matter of time before I came, grunting to myself as I fill her waiting cunt with my seed.
"F-fuck..." Tracey says quietly as I pull out of her, watching my cum leak out of her spread slit as she turns over, sweating and panting slightly. "Someone was pent up." she says with a giggle, making me smirk
"'Was'?" I ask, still hard as her eyes widen. Grabbing her legs, I lift them up by her shoulders and smile, immediately slamming back into her.
- Later -
When you have a target in mind for something like this, you need to know their habits and usual routes to catch them at the ideal time...
Fortunately, Hermione is a creature of habit and finding her was childs play, and with her choice of haunts it is all too easy to explain my own presence.
Why wouldn't I be in the library after all?
It isn't that I dislike Hermione, honestly her own talent is admirable... but I've had to deal with countless taunts over my inability to best her, so when it came to picking a target for a subtle but embarrassing spell, there was really only one target.
And as I said, Hermione is a creature of habit... so all I had to do was look at what coursework we have and make sure to check out the book she'd need for her essay length answers.
Even now I can see her giving me a dirty look as I flick through one of them, Juliet sat next to me reading the book I chose for her.
I know Hermione, far too well, and it is only a matter of time before she can't resist the urge to come over and try and liberate the tome I have claimed for myself.
"Grayson?" Hermione asks, making me look up from my reading (like I don't have this book memorised already), Juliet looks up as well but she pauses as she goes to greet her sister, going back to her reading.
I've made it clear that Hermione is a public enemy in Slytherin, and if Juliet wants to succeed in Slytherin she needs to distance herself from her in public. It's nice to see it has started to bear fruit.
"Something I can help you with, Granger?" I ask calmly, flipping to a random page as I read a potion recipe with some amusement, it takes a special kind of asshole to immediately give the returning students hard homework.
So of course it was for potions. Snape enjoys punishing people for having free time, or just existing. I admire his potions skills, and respect his power and no-nonsense attitude, but that doesn't change the fact that he is an unrepentant asshole.
And probably proud of it.
"You can, first of all... why are you with Juliet and secondly, I need that book you're pretending to read." Hermione half-growls, I've been wasting time (as much as I dislike doing so) and her temper has always been a little short.
Lyra made sure to make sure every knew that Hermione was a base animal who resorts to punching like a muggle after Hermione broke her nose last year. I still have no idea what the hell happened to be honest.
Hermione Granger
Faction – Gryffindor House, The Golden Trio
Thoughts about you – Competitive, Slight Fondness, Irritation
Fetishes – Teacher/Mentor Play (Undiscovered), Pet Play (Undiscovered)
Lesser Secrets – How many times she's broken the rules in her adventures with Rose. She's jealous of Rose and Ginny's looks
Major Secrets – She sneaks into the forbidden section using Rose's invisibility cloak to study outlawed magic to try and keep up with her rival, Grayson
Biggest Secret – ???
And here I thought she was so straight laced.
"Firstly, I'm mentoring her. It's a common practice among Slytherin and Ravenclaw for upper year students to tutor the younger year students... and no-one else was willing to take Juliet here under their wing so I volunteered. Luckily she clearly inherited the brains in the family, so I have a fairly easy job." I explain, not able to resist taking a pot shot at her even as she rolls her eyes.
Oddly enough, I can see pride in her eyes instead of annoyance and Juliet turns bright red as she practically buries her face in the charms book.
"I see, you have my thanks... now give me the damn book Gray, I know you have your own copy, and you could have read the entire thing twice in the time you've been pretending to read it." Hermione growls as I smile up at her.
"Say please."
She's wrong, I do in fact own my own copy, but I could have read it three times actually. Speed reading is an essential skill for nerds.
"I... you are insufferable, please give me the book Grayson." Hermione asks making me smile graciously as I hold it out for her.
Moste Potente Potions, Fifth Edition, Unabridged. It's the only book we have easy access to the potions recipe Snape demanded we write an essay on, and that is for a very simple reason.
He has copies available in the Slytherin Common Room and expects everyone from the other houses to fail his surprise essay, so he can insult them and take points away for being disappointments probably.
Some of the smarter Ravenclaws might avoid the dunderhead treatment, but a lot of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs are going to be ruthlessly insulted for failing a task they were set up to fail.
"Of course, why didn't you ask sooner?" I ask as I hold it out to her, our fingers brushing together as she takes it and gives me a scowl.
"You are far more immature than people think, perhaps you and Damian have more in common than you are willing to admit." Hermione says simply making me pause with a slight scowl as she steps back.
Turning around, she takes a single step forwards before she trips over the her own robe and goes flying, flailing wildly as her shout attracts the attention of the rest of the library.
Landing face first on the ground, her robe manages to find its way over her head pulling her skirt up along with it, her ass sticking up in the air covered in only a surprisingly revealing pair of red and gold panties as she moans in slight pain, her ass cheeks on full display as her thong fails to cover anything.
Standing quickly, she fixes her clothes with a burning red face as she glares around at the giggling crowd, almost drawing her wand as an older Gryffindor wolf-whistles, right before a stinging spell hits him from the less than amused Librarian, it was foolish to make so much noise in Irma Pince's domain.
Everyone who spends any decent amount of time here knows that the admittedly sexy she-demon that rules this place is quick to crush any and all noise. I've considered using my pet nurse to get her under my control as well, if only so I can have some measure of control over what certain people learn.
But that is for when I am sure my control of Madam Pompfrey has gone unnoticed, it is why I've been hesitant to really use her. Dumbledore noticing the wrong thing could turn things against me incredibly quickly.
For now, I just enjoy the look of embarrassment on Hermione's face as she glares at me, daring me to comment.
Giving her an amused smile, I raise an eyebrow and enjoy my moment of victory as she flees back to her table.
I only put a little magic into this spell, called Sexual Hex... apparently it is focused around causing the victim into unfortunate scenarios, ranging from wardrobe malfunctions and accidental groping to putting them in situations where molestation and even rape would be likely depending on the power put into it.
Apparently Dantalion used it to put women into situations where they would be almost raped before rescuing them himself, gaining their trust and admiration.
Or he used it on men who really annoyed him, as it cares little for the gender.
I wanted to make sure it actually worked, and it seems to have done exactly what was advertised, a single weak casting and Hermione bared her cheeks for a busy library to see, seemingly purely by her own clumsiness and bad luck.
My spell has already faded, but what if I put more into it? Well, it's an option in my repertoire.
"Anyway, let's get back to your tutoring." I say to Juliet as she looks away, her face still burning. "What is the incantation for the dancing feet spell?"
- That Night -
I need agents, beyond my inner circle, who can act out my orders without drawing too much attention.
Poppy Pompfrey is a useful tool, but she is also a busy one and having her act unusually would be noticed by Shani or worse, Dumbledore. I need to neutralise Shani as a threat before I can really use Poppy, but I also admittedly care for Shani and I find myself unwilling to just enslave her, as easy as it might be. A potion or spell from Poppy would leave her vulnerable to my control, but I will find another way.
Yen is also busy keeping the Lodge at bay and while Morrigan and Keira are great in their own ways, Keira is far from a field agent and Morrigan is unpredictable.
So I need someone I can use, someone expendable who I can cut loose if things go wrong... and thankfully, fate offered me such a person.
"Y-you wanted to see me?" Millicent asked, entering the office room of my suite.
I had Lyra send her my way, mostly to make sure Lyra remembered that I owned her pretty little ass.
Millicent Bulstrode
Faction – Hogwarts (Slytherin)
Thoughts about you – Fear
Fetishes – None due to trauma
Lesser Secrets – She is terrified of her father, she has been ordered by her father to serve Lyra to get in with the Malfoy's
Major Secrets – She wants to kill her father or failing that herself
Biggest Secret – ???
"I did, and I am short on time so I will be blunt." I say as I stare her down from my comfy seat while she stands before me. "If I could stop your father from ever hurting you again, would you agree to serve me?" I ask making her eyes widen. "And before you try lying, I am well aware of how your father treats you."
"I... how do you-"
"Irrelevant, and this is a one time offer. Agree to serve me and I will neutralise your father tonight, he might be your worst nightmare but honestly? He was a low-level grunt death eater who has wasted away for years. I assure you, he is no threat to me... or you can turn around and leave, we will never speak of this again and you'll go back to him for the winter break, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you, he'll be rather pent up after all." I say crudely watching her flinch back violently.
Millicent has long since been beaten down, and her fear is palpable as she fidgets in place awkwardly, I need to be blunt to push her to action since anything less would leave her too afraid to try and act against Lord Bulstrode.
"H-how would you even- what would you do, if I accepted?" Millicent asked, a mixture of hope and fear in her tone. What if it goes wrong, what if I'm worse than her father, what if this is a trap?
"This is rather simple, your family can't afford complicated wards after all. If you accept, we will use a secret passageway to get to Hogsmeade and use a floo I have prepared to get to your home, if we travel together the wards won't stop me and they aren't advanced enough to keep track of who is coming and going, your father is an alcoholic and as we will be leaving past midnight, he will be black-out drunk allowing me to deal with him without giving him a chance to fight back." I explain, using the information I picked out of her head to form my plan.
"I-I could do that myself, why should I enslave myself-" Millicent starts making me laugh.
"Millicent, you've wanted him dead for years. How many times has he been defenceless around you? Drunk and asleep, with no way to defend himself... usually after rolling off you, and yet he is still alive. If you were able to kill him, you'd have done it by now. You fear him far too much to do what needs to be done, and you're far more likely to end your own life than you are his." I point out, still being incredibly blunt as she flinches back as if struck.
"You're sure you can do this?" Millicent asks, making me smile coldly.
"I am." I assure her, my casual confidence making her straight up slightly.
Despite her fears, this is what she has wanted for years, someone to deal with her abusive psychopath of a father, and at my calm reassurance I can see her hope grow, before it wilts again.
"W-what would you make me do?" Millicent asks, making me smile wryly.
"Whatever I want, or whatever I need but mostly I want someone to hold Lyra's leash so she doesn't forget who owns her." I say making Millicent's eyes widen.
Lyra is a bitch, even to her 'friends' and Lyra enjoys bullying Millicent to make her feel better about herself, which means the idea of being above Lyra on the totem pole of power that is Slytherin is both appealing and something she has never thought possible before.
Plus, she wouldn't believe me that I wouldn't abuse my power over her, I just need to be more appealing than her father.
"I am a busy man, Millicent, and I have other people I can use in your place if you'd rather leave things as they are..." I say, pulling out a preprepared contract already full of demonic power. "Please decide quickly." I say handing it and a quill over.
If she refuses then I obliviate her and give her memories of a altogether different meeting, but as she takes the demonic contract, the quill shaking in her hand, I know it won't be necessary.
"He'll never hurt me again?" Millicent asks weakly, making me nod. "Will you hurt me?" she asks, her voice vulnerable as she looks at me.
"I do not take pleasure in causing pain." I say simply, watching as she takes a deep breath and puts the quill to the parchment.
Smiling calmly, I rise from my seat and grab a bottle of Firewhisky I really shouldn't have, pouring us both a small glass, taking the contract and giving her one of them.
"Wonderful, to a long and fruitful relationship!" I toast, lifting my glass slightly as she mimics me awkwardly.
- Later -
Stepping through into the slightly run-down manor, I look around in disapproval at the tacky furniture and dusty rooms. Honestly, have some pride in your heritage instead of letting your ancestral house gather dust.
"I-I'll show you to his room, he should be asleep by now..." Millicent offers as I shake my head.
"I appreciate the offer, but I know the way." I say calmly, setting off through the house with a confident stride, Millicent trailing behind me in confusion.
With Millicent bound to me for life, her mind is an open book to me and even if she knew the mind arts she wouldn't be able to stop me from plucking the layout of her home from her head.
Reaching the master bedroom, though it doesn't deserve the name as we have posher servant bedrooms, I enter the room quietly, looking over the slumbering fool.
Family is important to me, even Damian as annoying as he may be is someone I care for, and the idea of abusing your own kin angers something deep inside me.
"Stupefy." I say easily, flicking my wand as it sends a glaring red spell flying forwards, smashing into the sleeping form of Lord Edward Bulstrode and putting a quick stop to his rumbling snores.
"W-what now?" Millicent asks, looking over her fathers still figure as I pull the covers off him, scowling at his fat naked body.
"Now I make sure he can never hurt you ever again." I say as I start my spell, same process as Poppy.
I would never waste resources by just killing him, not when there is a chance that Voldemort could return. If he does, people like Lord Bulstrode will be expected to go back to serving him, many will do so happily, and I want an in with the Death Eaters.
A low-level thug like him is the perfect choice, doubly so since it gives me another seat on the Wizengamot I can make use of, the Bulstrode's might be unimportant but they still have a single seat.
He'll give me a way to spread my influence among both the Death Eaters and the Wizengamot, and he is so irrelevant that no-one bothers to pay attention to him beside Malfoy occasionally throwing money at him like a beggar on the street to keep him voting as Malfoy wants.
"What... what are you doing?" Millicent asks as my magic lights up the room, making me smile calmly as I enslave him.
"Wait just a moment." I say as my spell comes to a quick end, this man's mind is more malleable than clay and enslaving him wasn't even a challenge.
As he starts to awaken, Millicent starts to panic seeing her father sit up, looking around the room with a frown before he lays eyes on me.
"Master?" he asks as he rises from the bed, clumsily climbing off it and kneeling before me.
"What... how did you?" Millicent asks as I smile at them both.
"I said I would ensure he could never hurt you again, and this way neither of us have to deal with the consequences of a Wizengamot lord being murdered. Edward, you are to treat any order that comes form Millicent as if it came from my mother as long as it does not endanger me or those who serve me." I order making him frown slightly.
"I... understand, My Master." Edward says reluctantly, lingering disapproval in his tone as he looks over at his daughter. "I am sure you know better than I do."
"You... enslaved him, just like that." Millicent says, her tone a mixture of shock and awe.
"I did, and now you hold the power in this household. You serve me, and he serves us both. Try it, order him to do something." I encourage as she looks at her abuser, hesitating for just a moment.
"A-anything that doesn't hurt you, right?" Millicent asks as she stares at her father, making him shift uncomfortably in place. Edward might be my slave now, but that doesn't mean he's forgotten the way he treated her. "Could I have him... cut off his- his cock."
"Ahh." I say as I pause, looking over the shaking man. "Hmm, yes, yes you can." I decide, watching Edward pale to a sickly white as he looks between us. "You heard her, your manhood has offended her, and by extension me, remove it." I order as he rises.
He had nothing to do with it, but his last master murdered my father and I find myself with a lack of pity for a child abusing death eater.
He is sweating and tears are in his eyes as he reaches for his wand, but the very concept of disobeying me isn't something that can cross his mind.
"D-Diffindo." Edward stutters as he aims his wand down, as I take the chance to look away.
I have no pity for the man, but that doesn't mean I want to see this.
The pained scream that leaves the man makes me wince and cross my legs slightly as I hear something hit the ground, Millicent letting out a slightly crazed giggle as she watches her father geld himself, stopping the bleeding with a fire spell to singe the wound shut, a trick he learnt during his time as a death eater, though he usually used it to stop their tortured victims from bleeding out.
"W-who's the weak one now, father?!" Millicent taunts as her father sobs slightly, clutching his ruined manhood. "How's it feel to be the helpless one!" she shouts as she pulls out her wand, aiming it at him.
She pauses for a moment, glancing at me before she takes a deep breath.
As Edward collapses, twitching and screaming, I have to say it was a poor casting of the torture curse, I've seen Edwards memories of him using it on muggles, muggleborns and Millicent herself and they had far greater reactions.
"Millicent, that's enough." I say after a few seconds, watching her stop her spell, panting wildly. "The Prior Incantato spell can show the last few dozen spells, so cast as many boring spells as you can, I doubt it'll be checked but it is better safe than sorry. Edward, go get your... problem checked by one of the healers the Death Eaters paid off to not ask questions, don't have it returned but I don't want you dying until I have no further use of you. If they do ask, it was an attempted rape gone wrong." I order making him nod as he rises on shaky legs.
He has been tortured by Voldemort himself, compared to that Millicent might have well tickled him.
"I'm... I'm sorry, I just-" Millicent starts as I shake my head.
"Millie, I really don't care if you want to torture the man who has spent years abusing you, but we need to get back before anyone notices we are missing." I say quickly, making her smile widely at me. "Come along."
Heading back to the floo, we return to the Stewart family household in Hogsmeade, the family I used to capture Poppy. They have proven themselves useful if for no other reason than being a unmonitored floo network access.
"Come along, Millie, we need to get you back to the Slytherin common room."
"What if anyone catches me?" Millicent asks making me shrug.
"Then tell them I called you to pleasure me, it isn't a secret that you, Lyra and Pansy managed to cross my family after all. If anyone asks, you've spent the night on your knees under my desk."
"I... yes, Master." Millie says, strangely happy as we return to Hogwarts through the secret passageway. "I... if you ever do want me to- I'd do it." Millie says, almost silently.
"Would you know?" I ask, stopping as we move through the cold passageway and looking her over. She isn't a beauty, not remotely, she's far larger than any of the other girls in our years, with a fair amount of muscles as well, but she isn't ugly either.
Honestly, her breasts are probably the biggest in our year, even bigger than Susan Bones or Lavender Browns. I think there were some appearance related spells in the Eromancy tome as well...
"Well, I'll certainly keep that in mind." I say with a slight smirk as I stare at her breasts, making her blush.
"Anything for you, My Master."
- Yennefer -
"I wish I could say I was surprised, but I am no stranger to dealing with the consequences of Geralt's actions, he made many enemies in his travels, we all know that." Yennefer said simply as she sipped at her wine, watching the nervous couple sitting opposite her fidget.
"Yenn- erm... Lady Raum?" Dandelion started as she rolled her eyes at his nervous tone.
"It may have been years, but you may still call me Yennefer, Dandelion." Yen said calmly, watching him relax slightly.
"Yen, I wouldn't have told her anything if it was just me she was threatening, you know that... but I couldn't let her-"
"Yes, yes... you've found love and stopped your man-whoring, it is very adorable and I do believe you, you've always been a strange mix of brave and cowardly." Yen said calmly, her brow furrowed.
"I just can't believe this vampire just... let you go, Elder Vampires aren't known for their kindness." Triss said making Yen nod.
"It wasn't kindness, Dandelion has a blood magic tracking spell on him, she set him loose to see where he would run." Yen explained easily, watching their eyes widen. "I've already removed it, and the curse she placed on you to go alongside it, but she knows where I live now... even if she can't get through the wards, she's already tested them several times."
The first thing she did was raise the wards back to the levels she used to hide from Voldemort during the war, and whoever this vampire was she lacked the power to break through them.
"I am so sorry Lady Raum, I was the one to convince Dandelion to come to you for help." Dandelion's newest lover Priscilla said quietly.
"And it was the right thing to do, she'd have killed you both if you hadn't fled, her curse would have done it even if she didn't. It was a rather advanced blood boiling curse made to spread to people you spent a set amount of time with." Yen said casually, watching their eyes widen. "You are welcome." she deadpanned.
"That... isn't simple magic." Triss said, making her nod at the warning tone in her voice.
"No, it is not. I am not afraid of dealing with some blood sucker, but I fear if she cannot get to me she will find a new victim... and while they are safe in Hogwarts for now, my children have never dealt with being confined well. They all take after Geralt in that regard."
"Yen, I am so-"
"Dandelion, do stop apologising and let us focus on the problem at hand. Endless platitudes won't deal with the furious vampire on our doorstep. Until this is over, you and Priscilla will stay here, within the wards." Yen said with a roll of her eyes.
Dandelion was far too fond of talking, and now was a time for action.
"Do you have a plan? Or any idea just who it is that Geralt angered?" Triss asked making her frown.
"I could write a book on people and monsters that Geralt crossed, but I can think of a dozen different vampires that Geralt slew, and I have no idea who this woman is... but I do know who might just know." Yen said with a sigh.
She had fallen out of contact with many of Geralt's old allies, and some she had never gotten along with to begin with...
"Triss, I don't suppose you know how to contact Vesemir do you?" she asked with a slight sigh.
Calling the old monster hunter to the house when she had a demon for a son was going to be complicated to say the least, but Grayson was not ready to fight a master vampire despite his new powers and she was not the kind of mother to let caution freeze her when some beast wanted to harm her children.
"Of course, though tracking him down could be a problem since he tends to travel a lot." Triss said quickly, even as they shared a look.
She and Triss had their differences, but she knew she could count on her for the coming troubles. Her children were the legacy of Geralt, and if nothing else, Triss loved Geralt too much to let anything happen to them.
- Bonus Scene – George Weasley -
"Wait, you're pulling out?! Just like that?" George asked in disbelief as he looked at the slightly embarrassed man sat opposite them.
"It's not like that, I said I'd handle the financial side and I meant it... the money it'd cost to start our business up is basically nothing compared to the wealth my family has, but I made a slight misjudgement." Damian admitted making him and Fred pause. "Basically, the vault I had was the Heir vault and gave me a small fortune to play around with that was refilled every year, but I stepped down from being Heir and I didn't realise that meant more than just handing over a fancy ring until I went to make a withdrawal. I have a much smaller account since Gray has the Heir account now and my new account can't handle starting up the business... and I never bothered drawing the money for it out since it was safer in there, so I only took out what we needed for materials as we needed it, probably should have made a company account but then I'd have to deal with the goblins and I don't know how to deal with the greedy little bastards, so we'd definitely get ripped off unless I got mum to help out, which would have been weird?" Damian said with a shrug.
" you're broke?" Fred asked making Damian laugh.
"Oh, nah. I'm still comfortably rich, but I'm rich enough to support myself and my hobbies, not rich enough to support all the experimentations you guys do, you eat through materials like it's nothing and the costs rise up quickly, we can only borrow so much from Snape before he catches on that it's us and comes down on us like the swooping bat he is." Damian said with a smirk.
"Shit." George said simply, seeing the funding for the Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes vanish before their eyes.
"Look, it's not that bad, we just have to convince Gray to get on board with this, hell he could probably talk his way around the goblins as well since he likes boring stuff like numbers." Damian said easily, leaning back in his seat.
"...didn't you test half our creations on him?" Fred asked making Damian pause.
"Well, yeah? Same as you did with Ron, but it's fine~ Gray's not the kind of person to hold a grudge. He didn't even call you two out for cheating at poker, and I know he noticed, even if he turned it against you and took all our money." Damian said, wiping an imaginary tear away. "My little brother, the hustler... I'm so proud."
"You really think he won't hold a grudge?" George asked making Damian pause for a moment, closing his eyes in thought.
"...okay, he's definitely holding a grudge but I'm sure we can make him see reason. It's not like he hates pranks- actually he might hate fun in general but trust me, I can make this work."
Glancing at his twin, George took a moment to remember every time they laughed at Damian pranking his far more serious little brother.
Somehow, they doubted it would be that easy.
Authors Note: I've noticed when writing him that Grayson really likes talking, far more than Kuro or Shiro.