A son of Hecate is transported into an AU of ASIOAF after receiving horrible injuries against Clytius the giant. His arrival sends a ripple through the world.
Jon Snow Pov
His father lied to him.
Is this what he really feels about him? That he deserves to be brothers with thieves and rapists. Uncle Benjen was an exception to the rule in the Nights watch not the standard.
Luckily he can still back out of it as he had not yet taken his vows. Sure he saw dead men walking. He killed one. But it matters not to him. He deserves freedom, to live his life.
Uncle Benjen was right. He should travel around maybe get married. If possible become a knight. He has the skills for it. Best swordsman in Winterfell didn't come by luck anyway.
And now he has a valyrian steel blade thanks to the Lord Commander. Though he agreed to give it back to House Mormont when he's about to die or they wash away the stain that Ser Jorah brought on them.
Tyrion has already left. His horse is still around I can just leave and no one can stop him.
I took a deep breath and made up my mind. Fuck this I'm leaving. There is no way this is the only place for bastards. Maybe I'll travel to the south. Do some great deed and become a knight. There are bastard knights afterall.
Now that I think of it… why was I so fixated on joing the nights watch? Clearing Ned Stark's honor? As if he's the first lord to get a bastard.
I stood up and went to the maester's quaters to see Maester Aemon. Since I've come here I've had a good commaraderie with him for some reason.
I knock on his door and enter seeing Sam transcribe soms books while Maester Aemon says some things to him. I clear my throat to get their attention.
'I decided not to join the Nights watch my lord. After some thinking Its not the place for me. I don't believe I should be punished because my father strayed from his bed.'
Lord Aemon smiled brightly while Sam seemed to become a bit nervous as he started stuttering,
'But Jon we nn-eed you here at the watch. You saw the dead.'
'Even more reason to go away. The truth is I want to find my other family. I've heard all my life that it might be Lady Ashara Dayne. I heard how she threw herself off a tower after my father returned from the South. I know the Starksand it's clear they don't want me maybe the Daynes have need of me.'
With that Maester Aemon congratulated me and gave me some advice.
To kill the boy and let the man be born.
Days later I on the road near Winterfell there was a man being set upon by bandits. There were about five slain on the ground and three still pressing the man with attacks.
I got off my horse and jumped in to help him. He glanced at me and nodded slightly before cutting off the head of one of them before engaging the last one. I made short work the bandit before turning to see the man plunge his blade through the eye of the last one.
He picked up his sword from the corpse and turned to me. I shifted a bit under his gaze but held my ground. He scoffed and finally his body relaxed.
'Thanks for the help kid. Didn't need it but it was welcome.'
'Aye. My name is Jon Snow whats yours?'
'Nico Van Carter but you can call me Nico. I was on my way to Winterfell before these fuckers ambushed me. Where are you going?'
'Same way. I'm visiting my family.'
'That's good. Let me tag along. All this fighting is getting old quick.'
We started marching Winterfell together. He's a very chatty fellow. He told me of his home town called New York in Ulthos how they do not have kings but elect leaders to rule them for a period of time. I told him that I am a Stark bastard but he did not care. Said where he's from no one is a bastard. Every child of the parent share inheritance equally.
When I heard that I smirked. The seven hells will freeze before these nobles agree to that. Even Robb. The title of heir of Winterfell is very dear and central to his persona. He will not share it with anyone. Not him, not Bran and definitely not Rickon. Robb is a good man but he was surrounded by too many southron people. Lady Catelyn, Theon even our father was raised in the Vale. Raised to marry and live south if not for the war.
Nico then asked me who my mother is since I live with my father. That brought back bad memories for me. Father sent me to the wall then promised to tell me who my mother is when he comes back. If that is not suspicious I don't know what is. Is he hiding something?
'If you want I can figure it out for you tho.'
My head turned so sharply it almost snapped. I rested my hand on my neck to sooth it briefly.
' How?'
'Magic of course.'
Magic. Weeks ago I would have said it was not real but now… after seeing those wights. I won't be so sure.
'Why would you help me? We are just traveling companions. Now you want to give me a secret I have been chasing all my life.'
'Calm down bro. Its not that deep.I am a sorcerer . A powerful one at that. Its in my blood. I followed the pull of fate and it led me here. To you. Which means you have a part to play.'
'Thank you. What do you need? I heard magic is about sacrifices. A sword without a hilt.'
'A sword without a hilt? That's a good description for those not blessed by its touch. For the favored ones enjoy the patronage of magic for it flows freely from them. I'll need a bit of your blood to start the ancestry ritual. It would show all those from the two sides of your family for the past three generations.'
We found a clearing where we decided to perform the ritual. He took some of my blood with a dagger of his and by the gods it started floating. He made some signs with his hands and a glowing silver circle appeared around it and kept getting brighter and brighter until the light became blinding.
As my eyes focused I there was a light show… portraits of people with lines drawn between them and their names.
'Hmmmm… that's strange. Who did you say your father is?'
'Eddard Stark.'
'Then why is my magic telling me he is your uncle from your mother's side.'
With that my mind came to a halt.
That's not possible.
He is a charlatan after all. Everyone knows Eddard Stark is my father. There is no way he's my uncle.
'Then who is my mother?'
'Some girl named Lyanna Stark. Married to a Rhaegar Targareyan.'
It can't be.
I am a bastard. I am Lord Stark's bastard. It's all I've ever been. All I could be.
'Congratulations. You're a hidden prince. I can't believe I met a literal walking clichè.' he said while smiling.
Eddard Stark is my uncle?
But it makes sense doesn't it. He saved you yet condemned you all the same.