

A month passed and Reagan became one year old, he has been either with his mother or his father everytime. Fenrir had reached the height if a chair and sometimes, Reagan would ride on him to get one place to other inside the castle. Since the wolf was docile even without Reagan around, the inhabitants of the castle had took it up on themselves to feed the wolf of their Prince.

Inside the solar of the King, Brandon was looking through the prachments thst he had created on the war that had happened. Sarra was sitting opposite to him and Reagan was riding Fenrir on the Wolf's back. Placing all the prachments on the table, Brandon looked at Sarra and said "Sarra, have you been feeling different in this past year?"

Slowly nodding her head, she said "I've been able to do things two to three times more efficient than before. I don't know the reason, but I think that I can go and fight any man without getting any injury."

"That's what happened to me in the War. I was so efficient in the war that I was cutting down three to four men in a single stroke and I could sense everything that was happening around me on the battle field." Brandon said as he ran his hand through his hair.

As they were talking to each other about finding out that they have been augmented, Reagan guided his wolf towards the ancestral great sword of his house, the Ice.

Slowly climbing down from Fenrir, he touched the sword as his father and mother were preoccupied with their conversation. He slowly touched the sword while thinking 'What are the secrets of forging this sword. Show it to me.'

Just as he touched the blade, he activated his psychometry and started to see the past of the great sword Ice. He first saw the previous wielders of the sword, from his great-great-granfather Edrick Stark the Snowbeard to his ancestor Theon Stark the Hungry wolf. He saw all those histories and he had the chance to absorb the fighting style of his ancestors but he didn't as he was not looking for that with the Ice. Slowly he started to see the inside of a smithy and black smith forging the sword step by step, without any delay he started to absorb the knowledge on how to forge a Valriyan steel sword. After he had the knowledge, he took his hands away from the ice and contemplated 'That is almost similar to the forging of the ancient Damascus Steel, which was lost on Earth. The extra steps in this is that they are using sacrificial offerings to their Gods and enchanting the steel with some magic spells that they had developed over the centuries.'

Suddenly he was floating in the air, and he knew that he was held by his father from the hardness of his hand "That's Ice, our ancestral great sword. It's a Valriyan steel, so its sharp and you may cut yourself accidentally."

"Booboo?" Reagan asked as he tilted his head while a thought passed through his head 'I can't just act mature as long as I am the only child, I should give them some memories that they will cherish through their lives.'

"Yes, booboo. You don't want any booboo's right?" Brandon asked and Reagan shook his head in agreement.

Smiling at him, Brandon gave kiss on his cheeks and saaid "You don't have to worry okay? That sword is yours when you become the King. If you need a weapon before that, then I will give you a wooden sword."

"Ah." Reagan looked down in disappointment which was noted by Brandon, he just smiled and ruffled Reagan's hair while saying "You will get your iron sword when you grow up. Si wait fir it, okay?"

"Umm." Reagan nodded in agreement and thought to himself 'I should try to use the Valriyan steel method, and instead of using the blood and sacrificial magic, I should experiment with the First Men Runes.'

Sarra who was sitting on the chair, stood up from her seat and said with a smile "You know, I have something to tell you about that I had been postponing."

Reagan and Brandon looked at Sarra and asked at the same time "What?" "Wut?"

Chuckling she said "I think that I'm pregnant. I hace been having morning sickness for few days continuously."

Both the King and the Prince widened their eyes at her statement. Then suddenly, Brandon wrapped his hands around her and asked her "I'm going to be a father again?"

Nodding her head as she played with the hair of Reagan, and said as she wrapped her habds around her favorite two men in this world "Yes. Reagan is going to be a big brother soon. Aren't you excited?"

"Um!" Reagan said as he raised his hands above his head and thought 'I was waiting for her to figure it out herself. I have improved tge natural healing of my sibling and I have modified their dna, in a way that would give her immunity to any kind of diseases. I have done the same with mother and father in this past month.'

Brandon then gave Sarra a kiss while Reagan was thinking. Separating from their kiss, Brandon said "This calls for a celebration."

Lightly tapping on his chest, Sarra said "No. You're not throwing any celebration for this. We have to celebrate Reagan's first name day next week, let's just announce at the party."

"As you wish my Queen. But, we will celebrate today as a family, and that's a no brainer." Brandon said as he looked at her eyes.

"As you wish my King. We will celebrate today for finding out that you made me pregnant after coming from the war." She gave a movk bow to him and a mock glare which ended up in full blown laughter by Brandon and Sarra.

That day, the King, the Queen and the Prince celebrated the news of the arrival of a new member in the Stark family. The inhabitants of the Winterfell were happy ti hear the news of the arrival of a new Prince or a new Princess. After their celebration, they fell asleep in their room with Fenrir curled up at the end of the bed were the Royal Family was sleeping.

Suddenly, a green colored smoke entered the room without disturbing anyone inside the room. A few minutes later, a man entered the room and walked up to the bed where Brandon, Sarra and Reagan was sleeping. Looking down on Brandon, the man said "A red man has asked a Man to kill the Ice Eyes. The man is fulfill the contract."

Taking out a knife, he tried to plunge into into the neck of Brandon but stopped midway when he felt a pair of eyes looking at him. The man tried to turn around but fell on to the floor due to the weight of Fenrir who had woken up after the man passed by him thinking Fenrir was asleep like everyone else. Fenrir bit the mans neck from behind and with tremendous force he ripped the mans head from the body. As the deed was done, Reagan opened his eyes and thought 'That was a faceless man. He was aiming for my father's life. The one who ordered the hit is Bolton from the words of the faceless man. Thanks to biokinesis I was able to escape from the sleeping gas and thanks to me upgrading Fenrir to be immune to these kind of things helped now.' Pausing there, he looked at his father then at his mother who is pregnant with his sibling and swore in his mind 'The Red Men are going to die out in the next generation. I will make sure of it. You tried to kill one of my pack, you will get your retribution, Boltons.'