
Chapter 8: Baptism

Good," Savage continued. "We're heading out on a patrol soon, so make sure your gear is squared away and you're ready to move. This isn't a training exercise anymore, boys. This is the real deal."

After a quick but thorough check of our gear, we headed out into the dense jungle. It is scorching hot out there, good thing the trees put some shade over us. The smell of damp earth and vegetation filled my nostrils as we moved in a single file, our eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement.

Carter, leading the way as the point man, set up a steady pace. Bungum and I fell into our positions as riflemen, with Mack hefting the M60, Tom keeping a few grenades within easy reach and an M79 Grenade Launcher slung at his shoulder, Chuck carrying the radio, and Bob and Godbolt covering the rear as medics.

As we trudged through the dense forest, I keep my eyes peeled for any sign of sudden unordinary movements.

"So, where're you boys from?" Bungum asked over his shoulder, finally breaking the silence.

"Me and Mack are from North Carolina," I replied. "I grew up on a farm."

"New York City," Tom chimed in, grinning. "Quite the change from the concrete jungle to this green landscape."

Chuck, always the quiet one, simply added, "Ohio."

"Minnesota for me. Nice to have some fresh faces around." Bungum said as he glanced back at us. 

"What about you, Sarge?" I asked.

"Born and raised in Alabama," Sergeant Savage replied. "Been in the army for years now. Seen my fair share of action."

The conversation helped ease some of the nerves, but we all knew we had to stay alert. The Viet Cong were masters of guerilla warfare, and this jungle was their territory.

Suddenly, Carter raised his hand, signaling us to stop. We froze, listening intently. The jungle seems more alive than ever. As I surveyed the surroundings, I see a helmet covered in disguise, slowly peeking from the bush. I froze, 

'Should I shoot? Jimmy, don't you fucking hesitate! Your putting your comrades life on the line! F-fuck, this will be my first time to kill someone.' I thought nervously.

'I wonder how that'll feel, to kill someone I mean.' A sudden thought emerged in my mind as I aimed my rifle and squeezed the trigger, spraying bullets in the bushes direction.


A body face fell flat as he bleed.

Unbeknownst to me, a sudden deranged smile appeared on my face as I yell.


We hit the ground, scrambling for cover as bullets started zipping past us. As I take cover behind a tree, I can here Vietnamese voices shouting from a nearby bushes. They're seem to be coming from our right flank in my direction, seeing this I turned to Sarge and yelled, "Sargent!"

Seeing this, Sarge commanded Mack, "Mack, get that gun pointed at the right flank! I want you to tear anyones gonna show up from those bushes!

Mack nodded as he set up his M60, unleashing a torrent of bullets in the direction of the enemy. The heavy machine gun's distinctive rattle echoed through the jungle.


As the bullets rips the VCs to shred, more of them wildy run from the front as they wildy shoot at us. As bullets zip through I immediately duck but Bungum wasn't so lucky as his hit at his left arm, he grunted in pain but kept firing.

Widening my eyes, I quickly yelled, "Medic! We need a medic here, Bugums hit!"

Godbolt moved quickly, crawling over to Bungum and beginning to assess his wound.

"Its nothing to serious man, no vital nerves hit but we need to patch you up lest you lose a lot of blood." He said to Bungum as he quickly patch up the wound.

As the gunfight gets longer and longer, the wave of VC's tried to overwhelm us. Sergeant Savage seeing this, issued another command. "Chuck, get on the radio! Call for backup!"

Chuck doing what his ordered, request for reinforcement. "Bravo Six, Bravo Six, this is Bravo Two, we are under heavy fire! Requesting immediate air support! Over."

Their was a brief silence in the radio as Chuck waited for response. Finally, a voice crackled back through the radio. "Bravo Two, this is Bravo Six. Raptor Three is on the way ETA fifteen minutes. Can you hold? Over."

"Bravo Six, we'll hold. Just get here fast. Over."

"Roger that, Bravo Two. Hang tight. Over and out."

Chuck yelled. "Sarge, reinforcements on the way, ETA fifteen minutes!"

"Good," The Sarge nodded. "Tom! Make us some space. Don't let them get anymore closer than this!"

"Got it Sarge!"

Tom threw several grenades and fired his grenade launcher as he tried to make some distance with the guerillas. Mack's M60 rattled on, laying down suppressive and cover fire that kept the enemies at bay for a while.

"Tom, another grenade!" I shouted over the din.

Tom pulled another grenade, lobbing it toward a clump of trees where we suspected the enemy was hiding. The explosion rocked the ground, and for a moment, the gunfire lessened.

Carter moved up a few feet, using the temporary peace to get a better position. "They're falling back!"

Hearing this Tom and I sprayed bullets at the enemies as they retreat. "Hahaha, take that you fuckin gooks." 

"Keep pushing!" Savage ordered. "Don't let them regroup!"

We advanced cautiously, maintaining our line. The Viet Cong continued to fire sporadically, but their shots were less frequent, less organized. I could see them retreating, using the dense jungle for cover.

Suddenly, a sharp pain in my leg made me stumble. I looked down and saw blood seeping through my pants. "I'm hit!" I called out. It was much more painful than I anticipated.

Bob was at my side in an instant, his hands working quickly to apply a bandage. "You'll be okay, Jim. It ain't too serious."

The pain was intense, but I gritted my teeth and kept my focus. "Thanks, Bob."

Just then, the sound of incoming helicopters filled the air. Our backup had arrived. The sight of the Hueys swooping in with their mounted machine gun ripping through the VC's rank makes me thank I'm on the other side.

Reinforcements are here!" Savage shouted. "Hold your positions!"

With the support of the helicopters, the tide of the battle began to turn. The Viet Cong started to retreat, their figures disappearing into the dense jungle. The combined firepower of our squad and the helicopters proved too much for them.

As the gunfire died down, we took a moment to catch our breath. Bungum was pale but conscious, his arm bandaged tightly. I could feel the adrenaline still coursing through my veins, the throbbing pain in my leg is a reminder I'm still alive.

"Good work, everyone," Sergeant Savage said. "We held our ground."

"Let's get Bungum and Jim back to base," Savage ordered. "And stay sharp. This is just the beginning."

We boarded the Hueys while Bob tending on my wound.

The journey back to the base was silent, each of us lost in our thoughts. The reality of war had hit us hard, but it had also forged a bond that would carry us through the battles to come. But the scar it has left was undeniable, specially for us.

Mack a little pale but managing, Toms a little shaken up as well, Bob and Chuck is clearly shaking, while me,

'War, huh. What an exhilarating and enjoyable feeling.'