
A Soldier's Tale

"Ebuka!" "Ebuka!" "Ebuka!" "How many times have I called you?", his mother asked as she wagged her finger in his face. "3 times mama", he replied, his face still rigid. She almost had tears in her eyes as her voice turned shaky..."Are you really sure you want to do this?", she asked with red eyes. Ebuka's face softened then, as he gently took her hands in his while recalling that fateful day. "I'm sure mama... I want to become a soldier!"

Marvi10 · Militar
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3 Chs


"Why me?" This was a question that came from the very depths of his mind as he looked at the mangled corpses of his fallen comrades. His brothers!

David's eyes were still open, wide-eyed in disbelief, almost as if he himself could not accept his death. Another grenade exploded somewhere near by. He didn't flinch.

As he stared at David's lifeless eyes with his own. His eyes seemed to hold accusations, they seemed to say, "Why are you alive?", "Why you when the rest of us are dead?". He looked back up at the hill of bodies that had become a small wall in front of him.

He knew most of them...if not all. It had become a chant now, a chant of accusations, "Why are you alive" and "Traitor" hitting his eardrums in tandem. He fell on his knees and covered his ears with his hands as he thought again..."Why me?"