


Haula's POV.

/"You didn't have to come with me, you know. I can take care of myself./" I tell

my Mom.

Ever since I got sick last mom has decided to follow me everywhere I go, which

is kind of possible because I don't go anywhere except to Margaret's, singing

at ceddi and since my makeup class has ended and I've graduated make up school,

so I'm just at home.

/"I wanted to, I want to spend some time with you, watch you sing,/" I know what

my mom is trying to do she's trying to make me not think about Theo which is


He's always on my mind, I just wonder how he is doing, I really want to see him

but I don't know where he stays anymore, I don't even know what he came to do

here and I could have known if I had just let him explain, but dumb me didn't,,

she was too busy getting angry at some she loves so much.