


Haula's POV.

My eyes feel weak as my whole body numb when I try to open or move them. My

eyes keep closing off as I force them open them.

My environment different but also familiar at the same time. It is the hospital,

the same one I got familiar with.

I open my eye properly to see the empty room that I am left in, I raise my hand

but wince in pain due to the needles and drips connected to it.


I need water, I'm so thirsty. I stand up going to the fridge to get some when I

hear someone come in.

/"Haula,/" I see Maggie coming in as she quickly helps me from bending to pick the


/"Maggie,/" I call her as I stand well and hug her so tight. /"What happened to

me?/" I begin to sob lightly.

/"Hush now. I'm here,/" Maggie pats me. /"I came in after coming back from my date

with Austin and I met you on the floor, you were bleeding on your head,/" She