
Chapter 34

The next morning has me waking up before Adrian, and thinking of how I'm to survive in this place. How do you survive in a huge house filled with probably the most influential people in the world, influential and power hungry.

Like it's not enough that these people are all in one place, they're all playing a game that nobody knows the rules to, that I if there's any rules at all. One of their kids also tried to kill me on me on my first night here.

My mind flashes beck to the sea of pleasant faces I had seen in the halls that night, pleasant faces that all held a deeper motive to thier smiles. I don't really seem to wonder much about who tried to kill me, as a name easily comes to mind. The name of a beautiful girl who jilted my "husband", and Is now aiming to kill me.

The sheer frustration of it all makes me groan, and I hear Adrian shift with a few warbled words coming out of his mouth. The floor must be both cold and hard, as I can see his handsome face scrunched up in discomfort.

I debate making the sacrifice of telling him that the bed is free, as I sure can't sleep on his bed while he sleeps on the cold floor.

The way he scrunches his face makes me know that he'd never experienced something like that before. I had stopped knowing the comfort of a bed since the moment my parent's died, I'm used to sleeping on the floor now, but I doubt Adriam had ever experienced something like what he's forcing himself to go through because of me.

"You can come sleep on the bed if you want" I say trying to remove the suggestion my head tells me is embedded into my statement. It's not everyday you see a guy flop so dramatically onto a bed, only to have the girl on it roll off.

Adrian dosen't even spare me a glance as he just continues sleeping, and I almost feel like banging a pillow on his head. He grabs said Pillow and begins to cuddle it, and I can't help but chuckle as I see he misses his bed really much. 

"Any how we can fit a second bed in here?" I ask and I almost think he isn't listening to me "How would it look if a married couple sleeps on separate beds?" He asks and i let out a groan.

Are we really going to keep reminding ourselves of the exact nature of our situation. I'm bored. Adrian is still sleeping on the bed and out of habit I find I'd woken up in the early hours of the morning. Too early if you ask me. I stand up releasing a particularly loud graon so Adrian can know exactly how bored I am, he releases a similar groan and for some reason it makes me laugh.

A loud ringing sound assails my ears and for a moment, I almost think this place has an alarm and dread what the day will bring. The way Adrian bolts out of his bed wide eyed spooks me. It's not an alarm.

Author's note.

Hey guys thanks for reading my book. I really love the fact that people seem to like it. You can check out my other book, An Unexpected Christmas and please don't forget to rate and review. I'd really love to hear from you my lovely readers. Much love and compliments of the season.