
A Slut's Guide To Staying Married

It’s all pranks and constant bickering until one of them decides to step up and save their marriage. Lakeisha Corrigan is just your regular fed up wife who’s had enough and wants to fix things. Being a wife can be overwhelming, but then she stumbles upon this YouTube channel called ‘staying married’ and sees a glimmer of hope that things can actually work out between her and Baby. Join Lakeisha and Baby Corrigan on this wild adventure to save their marriage. With enough twists and turns to make even the most thrill-seeking daredevil dizzy, it’s a journey you won’t want to miss.

Church_Heathen · Ciudad
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67 Chs

Chapter 40: I Love You


I Love You

In a world of shadows, you are my light,

A beacon of warmth, pure and bright.

With every beat of my heart, I feel it true,

These words I whisper, "I love you."

Through stormy seas and darkest night,

Your love's embrace, my guiding sight.

In your arms, I find solace and peace,

A love so pure, it will never cease.

Your smile, a gentle sunrise at dawn,

Melting my worries, like colors drawn.

With every touch, my heart takes flight,

Lost in a love that feels so right.

In whispered secrets and tender grace,

Our souls entwined in an endless embrace.

Through laughter, tears, and every endeavor,

Together, we'll conquer, and love forever.

In the depths of my being, you reside,

A love so fierce, it cannot hide.

For in your eyes, I see my reflection,

A love so deep, without exception.

With every breath, our souls entwine,

Two hearts beating in perfect rhyme.

No words can express the love we share,

A bond unbreakable, beyond compare.

So let these words etch upon your heart,

In every moment, we'll never part.

For in this world, so vast and wide,

You are my love, my eternal guide.

I love you, my darling, with all that I am,

Together, forever, like an eternal flame.

In this life and the next, our love will bloom,

Forever and always, I love you.


"You are my eternal companion, my constant presence in life. Since you entered my world, everything has transformed, and I find myself embracing the change, rather than resenting it."

"You seem to be in a different state of mind," I remarked.

"Yes," he confessed, his voice imbued with a timbre that trembled with genuine emotion. "That state is love." His words hung in the air, each syllable carrying the weight of revelation. It was as if he had unearthed a precious secret, a rare gem hidden in the depths of his soul.

His admission tugged at the very core of my being, stirring a symphony of emotions within me. There was an unmistakable vulnerability in his voice, a tender honesty that left me breathless. How could I comprehend the profound impact I had on his existence? The magnitude of his words reverberated through my being, resonating with a power that defied explanation.

As he continued, the strength of his conviction was palpable. "I can't fathom how I managed to exist without it for so long," he confessed, his voice tinged with a mixture of wonder and disbelief. It was a confession that spoke of a past shrouded in shadow, where love had been absent, and the soul had yearned for something intangible, yet vital.

The significance of his revelation washed over me like a tidal wave, sweeping away any lingering doubts. His words illuminated the path we had traveled together, casting a radiant glow on the landscape of our shared experiences. In that moment, the pieces of our lives fell into place, forming a mosaic of profound meaning and purpose.

"Now that it's here, my life has gained meaning," he declared, and his voice resonated with a newfound clarity. His words were not simply an expression of gratitude, but a testament to the transformative power of love. It was as if the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle had been found, completing the picture that had eluded him for so long.

A sense of awe filled the space between us, as if the universe itself had conspired to bring us together. In his words, I glimpsed the reflection of my own journey, the moments of longing and searching that had led us to this precipice of understanding. The love we shared had become a beacon, guiding us out of the labyrinth of solitude and into a realm of profound connection.

"I feel complete," he murmured, and his voice trembled with a tenderness that reached the depths of my soul. It was a sentiment that echoed within me, intertwining our hearts in an unbreakable bond. In that instant, I understood the magnitude of our union, the sacred dance of two souls intertwining to create a harmony that resonated with the very essence of existence.

His words lingered in the air, like a sweet melody that caressed my senses. They whispered of a love that defied logic and surpassed understanding.

I couldn't help but question the sincerity behind his words, as if they were delicate tendrils of smoke attempting to veil a hidden truth. My husband's voice carried an undertone of vulnerability, tinged with a subtle strain of desperation. It was a confession laced with both gratitude and longing, yet its weight pressed upon me like an enigmatic puzzle I yearned to decipher.

As his words hung in the air, a disquieting uncertainty settled upon my heart. The notion that I had filled a void within him perplexed me, stirring a tempest of emotions that tugged at the fabric of our shared existence. How had I stumbled upon such a profound role in his life? What was the origin of this void he spoke of, and what were the implications of its existence?

The significance of his acknowledgment eluded my grasp, slipping through my fingers like ethereal mist. In the depths of my soul, I wrestled with an insatiable hunger for understanding, a gnawing curiosity that demanded satisfaction. It was as if I stood at the precipice of a great chasm, yearning to peer into its depths but hesitant to cast myself into the unknown.

Images of our journey together flickered through my mind, like a montage of fragmented memories. I recalled the stolen glances exchanged across crowded rooms, the whispered secrets shared beneath moonlit skies, and the tender moments of solace we sought in each other's arms. Each chapter of our shared history danced before me, but now, a newfound uncertainty tainted the canvas upon which our love had been painted.

Yet, amidst the storm of doubts and inquiries, a small ember of hope flickered within me. Perhaps, in embracing the significance of this revelation, I could unravel the mysteries that had woven themselves into the tapestry of our lives. I longed to comprehend the depths of his heart, to navigate the intricacies of his desires, and to bridge the divide that separated us from complete understanding.

With a sigh that resonated with equal parts trepidation and determination, I resolved to embark upon this uncharted path, where sincerity intertwined with uncertainty. I would seek the truth that lay veiled beneath his words, endeavoring to decipher the enigma of his heart. In the crucible of our love, I would confront the significance of the void I had unwittingly filled, holding steadfast to the belief that within its depths, we would discover a profound connection that defied comprehension.