
New Prologue

Well... that sucked. Dying between two 18-wheelers wasn't exactly the way I expected to go. Sigh... just when I thought I finally did something with my life.

(Beep... next life chosen.)

Wait, what? I get to live again?

(Body of Kyoya Hibari chosen)

Okay, this is getting weirder by the second.

(Powers randomly generated.)

Powers? What's happening?

(Congratulations you have gained - Hibari Kyoya power template (upgraded))

(Congratulations you have gained - box weapon (upgraded))

(Congratulations you have gained - Vongola Cloud ring (upgraded))

(Congratulations you have gained - Magia Erebea (upgraded))

I'm... I'm not sure what all this means, but it seems like I'm getting some crazy abilities.

And then, the memories came rushing in. I was Alaudi Himejima, an exile from both the Himejima clan and Pendragon family. Weak and a disgrace, that's all he was to them. They called his weakness a sin and exiled me from both clans. The last memory was being thrown through a portal.

But now, I'm waking up in this weird, rainbow-colored world. Highschool DxD? Seriously? This is all so confusing. I've only seen fanfics and wiki, and now I'm actually here. Who knows what my presence will do to this world?

I remember the kid's past, how he was unwanted and thrown away because of his mixed bloodlines. His cousin, Suzaku, was the only one who cared, but she left to pursue someone else. It's heartbreaking really.

But with Magia Erebea saving me from the rampant energy of this place, I guess I have to figure out what to do now. And it seems I have some items in this temporary inventory. Should I take them out? Yes, I think I should.

(Items will be taken out now. Will now fuse with host)

Fuse? Okay, let's do it.

Suddenly, I feel this warm sensation running through me. The box weapon and Vongola ring are combining with me.

(Congratulations you have gained Bracelet of the Cloud Version X)

(Congratulations you have awakened Cloud Flame predominant)

(Congratulations you have awakened Sky Flame secondary)

(Congratulations you have awakened Mist flame secondary)

I have these powers now and all have been upgraded. It's both exhilarating and terrifying. But I won't let them go to waste.

I'm determined to protect those who can't protect themselves. Just like Suzaku did for me. With my past and Alaudi's memories I know I can navigate through this world of devils, angels, and fallen angels.

Everything's up in the air now. Now I have a chance to change the course of events here. I'll forge my own path and make friends! I'll make a difference in this crazy world of dxd.

This time...I won't be weak or a disgrace. I'll embrace these new powers and my past. I'll become a force to be reckoned with. My presence here will shake the fate of Highschool DxD and everyone in it and... maybe just maybe I'll find some closure for Alaudi's past.

I'll face the challenges. This time I'll fight! I'll fight I'll create a better future in this unpredictable world! Damn, I never thought I'd end up in a world like this, but here I am! I'll make it count... this time with my dying will!