
A Sis-Con's Lustful Path In The Omniverse: Fate Grand Order(For Now)

Welcome~ I'm PrimordialFate, your Host for this shit show of a fanfic I put together~! This Fanfic shows the journey of Shiki Tokisaki Asmodeus, who was an everyday normal human being who loved to write fanfics for fun while also being an Otaku. However, due to some unfortunate(fortunate) circumstances, he ended up dying going to the store for a late-night snack by Truck-kun! And after he-... Well~ You have to find it out yourself and go read my Fanfic. Have Fun~! Hehehehe~! ~~~~~~ Extra Tags: Evil MC | Sis-con MC | OP MC | Incest | ~~~~~~ Update Schedule: 2-to-3 chapters a week. ~~~~~~ . . . . ~~ I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. Ps: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. And Original ideas. This is just a fanfiction:)

PrimordialFate · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 6(Fuyuki Singularity Part 2): First Servant!



While running Mash said to me looking ahead," Good news, Sensei , I found the Director and Senpai!" she informs me, cheerful as can be. " It's possible that the other Masters survived!"

Nodding, We soon made it to a somewhat of a clearing seeing both [Olga Marie Animusphere] and [Gudako] hiding behind a broken building that has half of it blown off in the distance.

However, before I can say anything a wild [Olga Marie] ran into my embrace yelling," Satoru!" Oh, wow she's shaking. Well, I think anyone would be sent back in the past without a choice and say In the matter would be scared. Especially remembering her situation having zero aptitude for being a Master.


With these thoughts aside, for now, Shiki hugged her because he felt it was right. Moreover, this scenario seems familiar. No, it feels normal and natural.

He knows the old 'him' probably did this more than once a day.

Feeling Shiki hug her, Olga Marie stopped shaking and stayed in his comfortable and safe embrace.


Breathing in his manly scent, Olga Marie thought hugging him,' Satoru is here. My Satoru is here. Everything is going to be okay now.'

" Where were you?" Shiki heard Olga Marie mumbled tightening her hold on him.

Smiling, Shiki rubbed his hand down her back in a smooth motion as he whispered in her ear," I was In the restroom."

" Restroom?"

" Yeah, you the place where you-"

" Satoru I know what the restroom is."

" Of course you do."

" What's that supposed to mean?"

" Nothing. Nothing Marie. Nothing at all."


Breaking their little reunion, they heard Gudako's frustrated voice," Sorry do break you little 'loving' reunion but where the fuck are we?! And what are we supposed to do here?"

Jumping out of his embrace, Olga Marie coughed twiced as she went back to Director-mode going emotionless now standing by him.

" Who are you?"

Listening to Olga Marie's blank tone, Gudako's eyes flashed as she straightens her back as if she is in the army saluting to her superiors," Candidate No. 48 - Fujimaru Gudako. A Master candidate, we haven't actually met before."

" How? All the candidates were..." Olga Marie questioned then frowns. " You're that imbecile who didn't even bother showing up for orientation, aren't you!"

Hearing Olga Marie, Gudako smiled sheepishly and looked at Shiki for help who did help in his own way," She was slacking off with the Doctor."


Listening to Shiki's 'help' Gudako started having a coughing fit with a red face hearing the hard truth of the matter.

" Umm... Director, it's my fault Senpai was late. I was too happy to show her around, I lost track of time." Mash said coming in clutch for her Senpai looking at the floor and the walls in embarrassment, directly avoiding Olga's eyes in the hopes of lessening it.

Shaking her head, Olga Marie looked at Mash in question analyzing her clothes and armor.

Seeing this, Mash said," About my situation… I know it's hard to believe but the truth is—"

" A Demi-Servant, right?" Olga Marie said with a deep sigh." It's pretty obvious that you fused with a Servant. However what I what know is why it's successful now all of a sudden?!"

" I thought she was an intern…" Gudako said clueless as ever.

"She's  not!" Olga Marie said curtly, jerking her head toward Gudako " Do you know  anything  about Servants and Masters?"

" Uhh… No?... Is it some kind of kink play y'all do around here?" Gudako questioned looking between Shiki and Olga Marie with a raised eyebrow. By her Mash looked on with a very confused expression as she trying to find out the meaning of life with different complex math equations floating around her.

"" Kind of/ NO, not at all!"" Both Shiki and Olga Marie said while the latter yelled out with a red face.

Snickering, Shiki watched on with an amusing expression as Olga Marie went back to Director-mode after shooting him a look that he knows too well.

" Candidate No. 48, how did someone like  you  become a Master?" Olga Marie asked looking into Gudako's squirming eyes that looked absolutely lost now the attention is back on her.

" Uhh... Luck? Maybe? No? Then, great sweet black baby Jesus?" Gudako let out with a confused expression looking all over except at Olga Marie's so-done blank look.

" Only first-class Mages can enter contracts with servants!" Olga Marie waved her finger around. " There's no way you could ever become a Master!"

" Cool?" Gudako said still confused as ever.

" *sigh* oh, Root so help me..." Olga Marie mumbled out.

Patting her head, Shiki smiled," You forgot me! Agh! I'm hurt!"

Looking up, Olga Marie smiled in thanks as she said now holding his hand with hers," Let's head to the leyline and try to establish a beachhead from which we can contact Chaldea," Now walking with both Gudako and Mash following behind she continued," This was originally supposed to be carried out by the A-team, but I suppose you'll have to do. At least we have better chances with Satoru here."

With their destination set, they moved out, with feet crunching on the ever-present layer of ash that coats the most charred and pitted ground. Few words are exchanged, and Mash's shield is rarely still as she crushes those skeletons that stand in the way with the occasional help from Shiki.

Finally, they reached the leyline, and the Director draws the spell formula on the ground with Mash's shield to contact Chaldea, while Shiki keeps watching for threats as Gudako watches on with amazement seeing 'magic' in real life.

' Oh? So this is magecraft. Interesting...' Shiki thought as his eyes sparkled ever-so sinisterly glancing at Olga Marie work her 'magic'.

It's eerily still without the skeletons, like a forest in the wake of a stalking tiger. Not a single beast moves or dares make a sound, 'lest they draw the silent cat's eye. The question, though, remained: Were we the tiger? Or the prey?

Still, after a bit, the magical formula did its thing, and Roman appeared above the shield, albeit glowing, transparent, and blue.

" Gojo-kun, Director Animusphere, Gudako, Mash! I'm glad to see you all safe and well. Although, Mash? What are you wearing young lady? I did not raise you to go out-"

" Wardrobe was involuntary, she's a... Demi-Servant now." Olga Marie exampled as Mash twitched ever-so-slightly.

" Demi-Servant, huh? Well, good on her." Roman said not suspicious accepting it like it's an everyday thing. And considering where he's at, then yeah it is an everyday thing sometimes.

" In any case, what's the status of Chaldea?" Olga Marie asked changing topics smoothly. " How many of the other Masters can be fielded? How many casualties? Are we still operational?"

" In order, none, enough that we can't spare anyone to count, and barely," Roman answers, his face a grim expression. Besides Shiki, he can see Olga Marie's face fall. " All the Master candidates are critically injured in their Rayshift coffins, and we don't have enough staff to properly treat them."

" Activate the suspended animation feature. Put them on ice until we can properly treat them," Olga Marie interrupts, her tone brooking no objections. " We may not be able to easily unfreeze them, but the prospect of saving a few of them isn't worth letting most of them die."

" Understood, Director. I expected no less from you," Roman answers with a smile. " In answer to your other questions, there's barely more than twenty of us left. We're working on repairs, but at the moment, we can't Rayshift you out of there. We can, however, use up the power stored in the summoning system to allow you to attempt a few summonings inside the Singularity."

Olga Marie pauses hearing this, then said, "Do it. Numbers can only work in our favor." She turns to Shiki and Gudako. " This is entirely your area of concern."

With that said, Roman walks them through the process of Summoning and warns them that most of what they summon would be useless junk or Noble Phantasms without their owners.

" I guess I'll go first," Shiki said stepping up by Mash's shield putting out his hand.

" Ah, what a noble sacrifice..." Gudako whispered out sarcastically while Inward thankful.

" Thanks~!" Shiki chuckled out in a sing-song voice.

Channeling his mana, Shiki's eyes flickered ominously as light glows gold. A figure emerges from the glow.  Recognizing this he thought with a smile,' Is it Artoria/Arthur? Gilgamesh? Hercules? Theseus? Achilles? Jason? Oh, maybe it's from Norse myth, like Sugrd, or Sigmund, or Sinfjotli, Or maybe-'

The light fades, and- ' Oh wow, I didn't think she can be summoned.' Shiki thought watching who walked out of the golden light show.

" So you have summoned me… Berserker, Morgan. I'm the queen of the Fae Nation Britain, and the one who continues cursing Pan-Human History. If you don't have a problem with that, I'll lend you my power as a Servant. It's an unchangeable fact that I'm a queen. I expect you to work as my retainer. Or perhaps do you want me to treat you as my husband?" Walking ever-so graceful and speaking so is a beautiful young girl beyond human common sense.

She has long pale blonde hair tied in a ponytail by a black ribbon. Likewise, she has ocean blue eyes that are visibly not those of a human and give off a mysterious radiance that makes people wither away in fear and amazement. She has a Goddess body that is a emanating majesty that makes flames surrounding her afraid to come close, and her very soul glows royal blue. Moreover, she wears a mage-like revealing robe & dress that only further intoxicated her appearance with the just-right curves and fat making her a kind of work something even the Gods couldn't help to accomplish. Lastly, she holds a black and royal blue staff glowing ever-so-slightly.

" Is both an option?" Shiki inquired with his soft and charming smile he always wears.

" Both? Are you sure? They both are hard tasks being my retainer and My husband." The Identified - Morgan asked with a small smile in amusement.

" I'm sure," Shiki said nodding as his eyes gleam in Interest.

" Hmm, I see. What a selfish Master of Mine you are, wanting me all to yourself." Morgan said as she strolled to Shiki.

" What can I say, I'm a selfish bastard," Shiki confessed 'righteously' smirking looking at his new Servant.

" Hm, that you are, Master." Morgan let out as she looked into his eyes," But that's acceptable, My Husband and retainer of Mine."


What that said, their mana and Od linked together forming a pink heart that beated six times before disappearing.

Watching all of this, everyone thought,' Husband!?!'


And like this Shiki Tokisaki Asmodeus contacted his first Servant. A Servant truly out of this world...