
A Sis-Con's Lustful Path In The Omniverse: Fate Grand Order(For Now)

Welcome~ I'm PrimordialFate, your Host for this shit show of a fanfic I put together~! This Fanfic shows the journey of Shiki Tokisaki Asmodeus, who was an everyday normal human being who loved to write fanfics for fun while also being an Otaku. However, due to some unfortunate(fortunate) circumstances, he ended up dying going to the store for a late-night snack by Truck-kun! And after he-... Well~ You have to find it out yourself and go read my Fanfic. Have Fun~! Hehehehe~! ~~~~~~ Extra Tags: Evil MC | Sis-con MC | OP MC | Incest | ~~~~~~ Update Schedule: 2-to-3 chapters a week. ~~~~~~ . . . . ~~ I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. Ps: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. And Original ideas. This is just a fanfiction:)

PrimordialFate · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Explosion And The Send Off



The nature of Isekai is a wet dream for the downtrodden, the dispossessed and the abused. It is a dream where they lose the shackles of society upon them and break free into a wonderful world where the rules don't apply, or are different from them. It is a world filled often with wonders, and magic, and things that make people gaze in awe as they apply all of their knowledge into fields they never truly bothered learning about.

Everyone knows that concrete exists, or that batteries are a thing. How many know the precise dosage of chemical compounds to make these products a reality?

Of course, the Isekai protagonist also has incredible skills that help him/her along the way. They are leaders, glorious hacks that get the very best in manners both of Waifu and Laifu, and everyone cherishes them and where they step.

The average man, or woman, settled in the Nasuverse would die a rather gruesome death not two days later.

There just aren't those social safety nets meant to safeguard humanity's most precious thing: life.

Life has worth, of course, but it's relative to the people who care about you and the skills you bring to the table.

And let's not forget about the wanking of the eras of the past; Samurais are honorable warriors, Empires are founded on the false-line of Rome and all those nasty topics like slavery being bad, or the willful subjugation of someone's will to another are aptly forgotten. Modern sensitivities fail to even as much as belong to the place, as they are swiftly forgotten when the umpteenth bodacious beauty is added to the ever-increasing harem.

And while this goes on, the readers can engross themselves in thinking that, in the protagonist's place, they would do things a hell of a lot better, get it going on with everyone and just fantasize about a life that doesn't have them be enslaved in all but name to a grinding wheel known as society, work and the continuation of one's family line for some never-explained reason.

The only good thing of an Isekai might, indeed, be the actual acknowledgment that some kind of superior entity exists; for without such an entity it wouldn't be possible. But just because the entity is superior, it doesn't mean they are infallible, otherwise mistakes wouldn't happen.

We could argue that one mistake out of a trillion trillion trillion is insignificant, but it still does invalidate the concept of 'Omniscient' and 'Omnipowerful'.

It just take a hell of a lot of time to get one.

So, with all of this out of the way, and the obligatory introduction handled, I would love me some coffee. I really, really need me some coffee In me, or else I might do something not-so-nice.

" Where's the sweet, sweet coffee, to face the rising odds? Isn't there a God-blessed drink, within a fiery pot?" I hummed as I used my fingers to grip a piece of my new white hair.

" Damn it's soft." This new hair of mine reminds me of that Chinchilla that a 'friend' of mine had. Its fur was both beautiful and soft, but most of all, really-really fluffy~!


Breaking my thoughts about my hair I heard a very massive explosion. Following it was the lights turning off then turned back on a moment later was red lights flashed on and off with a mechanical emotionless female voice ringing throughout, well everywhere.

""" Emergency. Emergency. A fire has broken out in the Central Power Station and the Central Command Room. Central Area's containment wall will activate in 90 seconds. All Staff must evacuate from Gate 2 at once. Containment will close 40 seconds. Those remain in Center area, evacuate immediately—"""

" Well, that's my cue to leave~!" Saying in a singalong voice, I started running down the halls. While running I put my black blindfold on covering my eyes that started to hurt and because I felt like I had to or else something strange might happened. Second to me putting my blindfold being on, my pure white hair ascended up defining gravity itself that is now magical spiked up.

I know I look like a fucking Edge Lord. But not just some random Edge Lord, I tell you. No. I'm a handsome Edge Lord. Theirs obviously a difference. It's like comparing Kirito to Sung Jin-Woo. One is more superior to the other. And I don't have to tell you which one is better now do I~?


" Gojo-kun, What are you doing here? You're supposed to be with the Director!" Romani Archaman the fluffy-haired Doctor with light eyes yelled looking at me now running with him to the Central Command Room. Behind us is Gudako who is also running as her life depended on. And if I dare say, it kind of does.

Still I must say something," Oh, you know, explosions and stuff," I could have done better, but who cares.

Hearing me, Romani didn't seem surprised and just shook his head with eyes that said, " Follow me and stay safe."

I nodded and followed with a small grin that looked like a worried grin for Romani and Gudako. I need to play my part for now...


The Central Command Room was an absolute mess by the time that we three got there. We were greeted immediately with a heated blast of air upon arrival. Piles of rubble covered the floor, growing only bigger and bigger with each passing moment as bits and pieces of the ceiling came down from above. Smoke filled the air, making it increasingly difficult to even breathe for the typical human.

But to me, it just felt like a nice and gentle jacuzzi love and care after a long day at work. However, to the one normal human and the Former King Of Magecraft, they were feeling it at full force, going by the dripping sweat falling on the floor and their difficult breathing patterns.

" Fou!" Amidst the fire and piles of rubble covering the floor, Fou called out.

Hearing his cry, I bolted in looking for my fluffy comrade. What? Don't you dare doubt me, I like fluffy stuff. Hmph, and people wonder why I had two cats and two Siberian Huskies has pets. Oh, and also to help out Mash. Yup, totally did not forget about her. Nope, not at all.

In the distance behind me, I heard Romani yell," I'd love to help out, but I can't let the light in Chaldeas go out!" Then after some time, he explained as I believed him to be running somewhere up," There's still enough time for you to escape—"

""" Containment wall will close in forty seconds. Those remaining in Central Area, evacuate immediately—"""

Now ignoring him for now, I found a clearing finding Fou running around some pile of rubble.

" Fou! Fou! Mkyuu!" Seeing me Fou yelled out what seems to be orders(?) to pick up the rubble.

" You and me little man, we got this!" Nodding, I shouted out with a slight smile as I began moving and throwing rubble out of the way to the right.

While tossing rocks out of the way, I heard the system again.

""" System switching to the final phase of Rayshift. Coordinates, AD 2004, January - 30th, Fuyuki, Japan."""----""" Laplace's shifting protecting established. Singularity's additional factor slot secured."""

""" Unsummon Program set. Please start final adjustments."""

Jolly, mechanical voice, jolly Indeed. Thanks for the heads up. Going back to hurling stones, I grinned for some unknown amusing reason.

Only after a bunch of rubble later did I find Mash under it. And then on cue(plot) Gudako showed up by me.

" Mash!" Yelling Gudako ran to Mash only to be stopped by me.

" Let me get this stone off of her, kay?"

With a determined expression, Gudako's cowlick twitched as she said helping me move the stone," Let me help!"

All I did was nod in response. Really, I don't like people like this. They rub me the wrong way with all their Righteousness and Just.


With a loud thump on the floor, the big stone fell over. And with it, was Mash under barely breathing with blood on her face and one opened eye. She was very unhealthy pale from what I can see.

" You look like shit," I said bluntly getting her up into my embrace.

All Mash did was in response was smile weakly as she began coughing letting blood fly onto my face. Gudako smacked my back for my bluntness, but instead of her desire result, her hand started hurting making her look me In wonder.

" Ok, I deserved that," Saying this Mash's face twitched in a sorry expression looking at me. While Gudako shook her head and said running to me as she took Mash's hand into hers." Is she ok?!"

Wow, Gudako so lewd~!


Ignoring me with her 'woman intuition' she said to our purple-haired companion," It's ok Mash we're going to help you out of this!"

Hearing her 'Senpai' Mash smiled weakly again, "It's all…right…" She choked out. "You can't…save…me. Don't mind me, please… Run."

" I'm not leaving you behind to die, Mash!" Gudako said purposely ignoring the pool of blood that was underneath Mash's body, even as it stained her clothes red. " Don't do this to me, okay?! It's gonna be okay!"

Then as taking Gudako niceness as an insult, the system boomed out.

""" Warning all observation staff. Chaldeas's state has changed. Now rewriting Sheba's near-future prediction data. Unable to detect the existence of mankind. One-hundred years in the near-future on Earth. Unable to confirm human survivors. Unable to guarantee mankind's future."""

" Chaldeas…has turned bright red…" Mash whispered shakily as she grabbed my clothes.

" Don't stop talking, Mash!" Gudako yelled out looking around us for a way to escape. But to only find us surrounded by big rocks and tones, " We get you out, somehow…"

Hey, at least she's staying strong and still very much determined to get us out of here. Unlike me who gives absolutely zero fucks about the situation and them in general.

""" Central Area, sealed. 180 seconds till internal containment procedure."""

""" Candidate No. 48, Gudako—reset as Master."

""" F̷̢̤̩͋̀͋̈́̄̓̎͜͝͝o̵̜̦̠̣͇͚͚͚̩̓ͅr̶̟̯͈̱̿͂͂e̴̝̱̠̗̰͈̾̓̔̔̇͐i̷̳͕̤̭̙̥̖͍͒͊̆̅̒͒͂̾͌̑ͅġ̷͖̠̂̉͛̓n̷̥͙̏ë̴̢͖̳̣̘̠̮́̀̐̃͒͝r̷̙̝̖͑ͅ:̶̘͕̥͍̮̔̒̏̑̔́͘ ̴̠̪̤̈͒̈́C̷̢̥̜͚̼͉̤̀̒͜ļ̴̞̼̻̫̰͉͖̊̊͋̄̇̚a̴̡̟͓̞̓̽̈́̎̌͘͝s̵̨̠̜̞̟̎s̸̯̳̍͐̿́́̃ ̷̢̭͊̿͑͋̍̎̚͜͝-̵̨͉͉̀̀͗̈́͑̒͑̎͝ ̸̜̮̪̊̓̆͝͝Á̷̞̰̗̟̜̻̜̪̽͌̇́͆ͅv̸̗͐̆e̵̥̠̱̟͐̅̀͜ń̵̹̟͈̠̔͆͐̋̂ͅĝ̷͕͇̘͈̭̱͂̍̅̅̈́̆͜è̵͚̘̻̻̭̒̔̐̈́̽͜r̵̛̠̞͚̼̿̍̓̀̿͘͠͝ ̴̡̘̘͔͖͐̓͐̎̓̑͆̅ͅ Candidate No. 49, Satoru Gojo—reset as Master."""

Oi! Oi!





Good job for calling me a Foreigner, and I'm an Avenger? Nice.

""" Unsummon Program, start."""---""" Spiritron Conversion, start."""

" Um…Sen…pai?" Mash choked out looking at both of us. " Would you mind…" Mash coughed, sending out a small splatter of blood. " Would you mind…holding my hand?"

Hearing Mash, Gudako rubbed her eyes and sniffed, her gaze currently focused on the hand that Mash held out, while I already took her other hand. What I good 'friend' I'm.

Reacting to my action, Gudako took her free hand with some mysterious expression as her lips twitched and her eyes started tearing up.

What? Crying over someone you just meet? And you see why I don't like people like her. They're just..so weak and weakness disgusts me.

Whatever, anywho~

Fou seemed to notice from the way he wrapped his body around our hands. He rubbed his cheek vigorously against Mash's hand, crying out softly when her grip started to grow slack.

" It's…okay…" Mash tried to reassure Fou. "I'm just…tired."

Gudako tightened her grip around Mash's hand. "You don't have to stay awake if you don't want to…" Really now... Isn't that like the whole fucking point for her to stay awake?

"I'll be…okay…" Gudako forced herself to smile at Mash and said," It's…okay…" she choked back a sob. " We're here…" Point one to Gudako for not forgetting about me~

Hearing her Senpai, Mash laughed weakly. "I'm glad…that I—that I met you…Fujimaru Gudako. And I'm really glad to be your student Gojo-Sensei..."

Eh? I'm a Teacher here. Well, that's something amusing for me at least.

""" Rayshift starting in 3…"""

Haaaa, finally... This sad sob story Is going to end. Now system hurry up so I can test something out.

""" 2..."""











""" 1!!!"""---""" All procedures clear. First Order, commencing operation. Good Luck Masters~!"""

' What was that at the end? It sounded so Yanderish, and it was directed at me.'

That's the last thought I had before a spiraling blue vortex flooded my vision. And then there was nothing but darkness…