

In a world where contracting a spirit soul reigned supreme, masters could flip the very heavens and the one with the biggest fist decides the truth exist a kid with a shattered soul.

A life destined to never amount to anything, doomed to mediocrity he dreams of a better future. His family is one

of the 3 merchant families in sunset valley, True power lies not in there martial ability but in money and as the saying goes money answereth all things hence the young masters of his family can afford to hire the best guards, court the most beautiful women and purchase the best martial arts. Through hundreds of years of careful planning by the patriarch the family has been able to secure a stable footing in the county and also amass a better than average martial library which is open to members of the clan excluding the slaves.

The power structure is split like a three legged stool between the Ye, lin, lu family and the second ranks between the 3 merchant families i.e the Miu, min and li family.

He is the youngest son of the 3rd brother of the patriarch of the li family, his father is of average talents who spends his time in the brothel. Life could not be any worse as during the talent testing for the younger ones he was adjudged to have a shattered soul which means he would never be able to contract a spirit soul and since then he experienced firsthand how swiftly the hearts of man change.