Argenti Ovans is a simple man trying to live his second life peacefully without attracting any trouble in his way. Unfortunately, his plan was quickly shattered as Remnant wasn't an easy world for the weak. Yet, he unlocked an interesting Semblance, which helped him get stronger by…. Fishing? Huh, what is that weird and familiar fruit with swirling patterns? It can't hurt to eat it... Yuck!
A Simple Fisherman in RWBY
Chapter 9
- Argen Ovans –
I closed my scroll and sat down on my couch with a sigh. I received three locations from the group, but each had cons and pros, and I'm not sure which one I should choose.
First was Shion, which was on the continent of Anima, far from Patch. I don't know if I can go abroad alone and defend myself. Moreover, I heard that Anima has been getting restless lately, and there is something about some bandits attacking village after village. It was something to fight against Grimm, but fighting another human... I'm not sure if I can handle it yet. And this place just had to be the least dangerous of the three if I ignored the potential bandit's raid or the usual Grimm.
The second place given to me by Silverfish was interesting but iffy. The oasis was never confirmed to be accurate, and I don't know if I want to waste my time searching for it and be disappointed in the end. I also heard that the desert of Vacuo had many nasty Grimm roaming and, of course, more bandits. However, Vacuo was closer than Anima.
Lastly, Forever Fall Forest is the last recommendation from the group and maybe my destination of choice. While sure, the Ursa and the Rapier wasps were a concerning challenge. I felt like I could handle those types of Grimm, and if you add Mudkip to the team, my chance of success would be doubled. I also had experience hunting Ursa at Signal Academy with my classmates and teacher. While I'm not the greatest fighter, I felt like I could handle some Ursa and wasps on my own. They weren't the most dangerous type of Grimm in this world.
I almost forgot about EYE... he did say something about going into my DMs. But do I want to deal with him? He felt so shady to me, and I don't know how to explain this feeling. Maybe I'm being unfair to him, but... sigh. It wouldn't hurt to see his message.
I opened my scroll again, looked at my DMs, and saw the unread message notification icon popping up.
EYE: I can't give it to you for free
FisherOfBeauty: what do you want?
EYE: Gravity dust, and luckily, the place I know has many of them.
EYE: Lake Matsu
FisherOfBeauty: Bye.
EYE: Wait! Hear me out!
I scoffed and hesitated whenever I should block this clown, but In the end, I still kept him as I might need his help in the future.
Hear me out, he says… How shameless could someone be? I immediately closed my DM and decided to ignore EYE for now. Like, did he seriously ask me to go to Lake Matsu? Yeah, I'm not seeking death anytime soon now.
I remember hearing about this place while I was still at Signal Academy. Lake Matsu wasn't a place for the easy heart. This place was a complete mess with the numerous Grimm that invaded this place. This place wasn't a joke, and I didn't want to explore such a filthy place until I deemed myself strong.
Grimm Lancers mainly occupied the place, and they were not something that I could handle for now. The real danger, however, was the Queen Lancer. They could reproduce Grimm Lancers in large quantities and control them. Those Lancers were the main reason Atlas hadn't yet exploited the natural reserve of gravity dust. These Lancers were ruthless hunters who wouldn't hesitate to chase their prey until death. Moreover, Lake Matsu wasn't easily accessible due to the many floating islands.
I was so lost in thought that I almost forgot my haul of the day because of the massive vessel that fucked me up so badly. I was still pissed that my source of rewards from the Pokemon World was suddenly cut from me after two days. Well, I can only swallow a bitter pill about it and wait for the green light and with a bit of luck, I might be able to return in a few weeks.
I pulled the storage app off my scroll and looked through the list of items. After a few seconds of looking around, I stopped at the Surf HM I caught today. Then I looked at my Mudkip, watching the TV beside me. I took the HM out of my storage as Mudkip quickly noticed it.
An aqua-coloured disk appeared in my hand with the name Surf engraved on it. I gazed at the disk and then at my Mudkip. I suddenly felt an additional weight on my right arm as I saw my Mudkip looking at the HM with longing. I shrugged and tossed the HM to Mudkip, who quickly caught it with his mouth. I honestly don't know how to use them on my boy. I don't think the game mechanics would be translated into real life.
But then again, I guess it wasn't needed since Mudkip ran straight away from the couch and disappeared from my vision, god knows where. I guess Mudkip didn't need me, so I might as well continue looking at my fishing haul.
I stopped my eyes at the ship icon displayed on my scroll, and with some hesitation, I pressed on it. I don't remember seeing anything like that from the Pokémon World or the game, so I was curious about its origin.
Plasma Frigate: A flying ship that serves as Team Plasma's main means of transportation in Pokemon Black and White 2. The vessel is powered by Kyurem and solar panels, as conventional power sources won't be usable when Unova is covered in ice.
Ah... I guess that explains it easily. I never really played Pokemon BW2. While I loved playing the first one as a kid, somehow, the sequel never caught my attention. I regret it since I heard nothing but good things about the game. I also never played the sequel for Sun and Moon, which was a shame.
Oh, well, I can't do anything about it since there was no Pokemon game in this world. I returned to reading the entry on the Plasma Frigate since I was eager to learn more about it… I was stunned to see that the vessel was powered by solar panels and Kyurem as the power source. As expected of those Pokemon Villains, always coming up with the weirdest shit ever.
Wait a goddam minutes.
I rubbed my eyes as I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, then reread the description of the Plasma Frigate a lot slower and more attentively.
Hmm... powered by solar panels, which is fine in my book, but... Kyurem
Ain't no fucking way, dude. I made a mistake, so let's reread this passage. No! I'm not escaping from reality, okay!?
I sank onto my couch lifelessly as I stared at the wall.
Fuck me… Those Team Plasma are a bunch of madmen! Now I have a fucking ice dragon with a hate boner against humanity in my hands.
I slapped myself to wake up from my breakdown as I knew that I had to do something with this huge bomb! I gulped my saliva hard at this new information given to me. I was at a loss for what to do... Kyurem wasn't a joke and could potentially fucked Remnant even more. I don't think there is a single being that could match the strongest dragon in the Pokemon world, according to Iris.
I would be the greatest sinner if Kyurem were released into the wild. I knew how ruthless and powerful Kyurem could be from the various footage in the anime/movie/game. If I gave Kyurem time, I'm sure he could freeze Remnant...
Oh god...WAIT!
I stood up from my couch as I was hit by a revelation! What if... Kyurem wasn't inside the ship! Why did I assume that Kyurem was already on board? Shit! That description played me so badly. After all, my luck wasn't that good, so how could I snag myself a flying ship full of technology from Team Plasma AND the legendary Pokemon Kyurem?
That's right…! There is no way I have gotten the Team Plasma mothership and the super legendary Pokémon Kyurem simultaneously.
Nope, there is no way of knowing my trashy luck, and there is no murderous and rampaging dragon In my hands… Hahahaha, why was I so scared? I sighed in relief, sat back on my couch, sank in, and binged myself to some trash series. I could also sleep right now since it was getting pretty late.
Oh, I also had to communicate more with Valenturer about this mysterious fishing spot in Forever Fall... I should also give him something in exchange, as I felt terrible getting this information for free. Yep, I should go to sleep now and hit the bed.
I took the remote beside me, turned off the TV, and stared at the blank screen in silence.
Fuck me
I stood up from my couch in panic, fetched my vest, and went toward the door to put on my shoes. "Mudkip! Come with me outside! This is a code RED!" I yelled from the door, then took my fishing rod after some hesitation.
My fishing rod was a mecha shift weapon of my old weapon before I dropped the path as a huntsman. I turned the spear into a fishing rod with the help of some acquaintance in Patch when I learned about my semblance. Even if I was only fishing, it was better to be safe than sorry when you live in Remnant, as you never know when Lady Luck decided you were not worth her blessing anymore.
"Mudkip?" cried the Pokémon as he appeared on the house's stairs. I also noticed that the HM wasn't with Mudkip anymore, but that wasn't the problem right now, as I needed to confirm something, or my heart would explode from the horrible stress.
"You remember the ship I got, right?"
"Mud! Mudkip!"
"Yeah, I saw something that scared me, and I need to verify it right now."
"Muuudkip…" said the Pokémon as he lay on the ground feeling lazy. My head almost exploded as I didn't hesitate to grab the Pokémon with me and ran outside the house. "Yeah, no. You are coming with me. I don't feel safe without you."
"We have to infiltrate a Team Plasma ship, and I don't know what to expect inside of it. So you are my best bet for this shitty exploration."
"Mud…kip," relented my Mudkip as he let himself get carried in the journey. I was running for my life toward the island's coast since I felt like I could hide The Frigate momentarily, and it was also in the middle of the night. I felt like I could be bold for a while under such conditions in my favour.
I don't know what to expect inside the flying vessel, but I only hope there won't be any bullshit game mechanics inside the ship whenever the Pokémon game protagonist enters the big villain hideout. I really don't have the time or patience to deal with such shenanigans in real life when it was frustrating enough in the game. Like those conveyor belts or warp plates weren't legal at all.
I arrived at the island's coast and looked at the sea silently. My scroll was out of my pocket as I conflicted. Should I summon this massive ship in reality right now? Or should I wait for a better opportunity... I was also anxiously fidgeting as I looked around me with stress. There weren't many places in Patch where I could summon a massive ship and not get discovered in the next few minutes.
So yeah, I was being a little bitch, and ready to pussy out until...
"Mudkip!" shouted my Pokémon as it seemed he had enough of me dragging out the time and pressed the unload function of the storage by himself.
I stared blankly at a loss for words as the Frigate appeared before me. At least this time, the ship didn't cause any trouble that would alert anyone of my position. The vessel silently appeared on the sea and waited for me to come aboard. I observed the Frigate for a few minutes as I took a deep breath.
I slapped both cheeks and entered the ship fearlessly with my big boy pants as I entered with my trusted Mudkip.
Please, Arceus, don't fuck me…