
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?


Rikushin · Real
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90 Chs

"Fuyumi's Warning: A Touch of Possessiveness and Art Class Intrigues"

As the nurse searched for the examination records, Shiriku approached Fuyumi, expressing genuine concern. "Are you okay, Fuyumi?" he asked, his eyes reflecting a mix of worry and relief. Fuyumi met his gaze and assured him, "Yeah, I'm okay, Shiriku. Thanks for worrying." A small smile adorned her face as she appreciated Shiriku's concern.

Scratching his head, Shiriku decided to sit beside Fuyumi on the bed, reflecting on the relief he felt. "Whew... You really got me worried there, haha," he admitted. In a gesture of comfort, Fuyumi rested her head on Shiriku's shoulder. Concerned about her well-being, Shiriku couldn't help the recent event. "Hey, you okay? Last time after you did this, your face became red," he questioned, looking at her with genuine concern.

Fuyumi, attempting to reassure him, responded with a serious look, "Just stay still." She lowered her tone, whispering, "Stay still, you weirdly Kami," accompanied by a small smile. In an even softer tone, almost a secret, she added, "My Kami," making sure Shiriku couldn't hear. The two shared a moment of silent connection as they waited for the nurse's instructions.

After a brief pause, the school nurse instructed Fuyumi to put her name on the examination record and sign. Fuyumi stood up, adhering to the nurse's request. As she completed the form, the nurse informed them, "That's it, done. You can go now. Oh, and one more thing, don't run for no reason, okay?" The two nodded in agreement, heading towards the door.

However, before they could leave, the nurse stopped them and inquired about Shiriku's name. Confused but complying, Shiriku responded, "Oh, my name? It's Shiriku Kami." The nurse, visibly surprised, urged them to leave. As the two exited quietly, the nurse checked Fuyumi's name on the list. Reading it aloud, she mused, "That girl, Fuyumi Shimizu, and that boy was a Kami... Huh, it's weird to see a Kami and a Shimizu get along." A smile graced her face as she reflected on the usual dynamics between Kamis and Shimizus.

In her thoughts, the nurse acknowledged, "Usually, the other Kamis and the other Shimizus don't talk to one another, and that other Shimizu always starts to argue with the other Kami." Yet, observing Shiriku and Fuyumi, she noted, "But those two, they look so close with one another." The Kami smiled at his Shimizu, while the Shimizu maintained a cold exterior but listened attentively. The nurse appreciated the unique bond the two shared, signifying a departure from the typical interactions she had observed - a moment of connection between a Kami and a Shimizu.




As Shiriku and Fuyumi exited the school infirmary, the atmosphere between them carried a mixture of the lighthearted and the serious. Shiriku, with genuine concern etched on his face, couldn't let go of his worries. He walked beside Fuyumi, who maintained her usual cold exterior, seemingly unaffected by the recent events.

Shiriku, glancing at her periodically, couldn't contain his concern. "Seriously, Fuyumi, are you sure you're okay?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. Fuyumi, however, remained silent, her cold demeanor unchanged. She walked with purpose, seemingly indifferent to Shiriku's inquiries.

Undeterred, Shiriku continued, "I mean, your face was all red, and you looked like you were about to pass out. Are you sure you're not sick?" He tried to keep the tone light, but the genuine worry in his eyes was evident.

Fuyumi, still silent, gave a slight nod, acknowledging his words but offering no verbal response. Shiriku scratched his head, feeling a bit frustrated by her stoic silence. "You know, it's okay to talk. I won't bite," he teased, trying to break the ice with a playful smile.

As they walked, Shiriku's gestures became more animated. He waved his hands in the air, emphasizing his words. "I mean, come on, Fuyumi. We're friends now right, well in development but still. Friends talk about stuff, right?" He chuckled, hoping to elicit some response from the usually reserved Fuyumi.

Fuyumi continued walking with her hands neatly aligned in front, not giving any indication that she was about to engage in conversation. Shiriku, undeterred, shifted his approach. "You know, I can't read minds. So, if something's bothering you, just spill it. I promise I won't make fun of you... much," he added with a playful grin.

Fuyumi's eyes briefly flickered in acknowledgment, but she remained silent. Shiriku sighed, realizing that breaking through Fuyumi's cold exterior was no easy feat. "Fine, be all mysterious and quiet. I'm just trying to be a good friend, you know," he said, feigning offense.

As they continued walking, Shiriku noticed a faint smile tugging at the corners of Fuyumi's lips. He took it as a small victory, a crack in the cold facade. "Ah, see, you're smiling! I knew I could get through to you," he teased, giving her a playful nudge.

Fuyumi, still silent, finally stopped and turned to face Shiriku. Her eyes softened, and for a moment, the coldness seemed to dissipate. With a calm yet sincere tone, she said, "Thank you." Her expression carried a hint of gratitude, a rare departure from her usual demeanor.

Shiriku, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected gratitude, blinked in surprise. He grinned and responded, "Well, you're welcome. Anytime you need help or someone to talk to, I'm here." Despite her silence, Shiriku felt a sense of connection, a subtle understanding between them that transcended words.

As they resumed walking, Shiriku couldn't help but feel a renewed determination to break through Fuyumi's icy exterior, one lighthearted conversation at a time.




As Shiriku and Fuyumi entered the classroom, the familiar greetings of Junichi and Sachi awaited them. "Good morning!" Junichi's cheerful voice rang out, and Sachi joined in with a smile, echoing the sentiment. Shiriku acknowledged them with a nod, while Fuyumi gave a reserved nod in response.

Shiriku took his seat, placing his bag down, and Fuyumi, after greeting the others, chose to sit beside him temporarily. The classroom buzzed with pre-class chatter, and Fuyumi rested her bag on her chair, maintaining her composed demeanor.

Sachi, always curious, noticed Shiriku taking out his bento box. "Oh, is that your lunch for later, Shiriku?" she inquired, genuine curiosity in her eyes. Fuyumi, quick to respond, nodded and explained, "Yes, I made it for him today."

Sachi's eyes widened in surprise, "Really? You made it, Fuyumi?" Fuyumi, with a soft smile, patted Sachi's head gently. "Yes, I did. If you want, I can make one for you too," she offered, her tone warm and accommodating.

Excitement lit up Sachi's face as she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, please! That would be wonderful!" Fuyumi's kind gesture earned her a genuine smile from Sachi, and the two shared a moment of connection.

Meanwhile, Junichi couldn't let the opportunity for a joke pass. He leaned over to Shiriku and teased, "Well, well, Shiriku, getting a bento from someone is really specially, if that is a girl, hmmm....like you've got a personal chef now. When's my turn?" Junichi's mischievous tone accompanied a playful grin.





Sachi's announcement about the joint art class with Class 1-B brought an air of excitement to the room. "Oh, guys, later in art class, our class will join together with Class 1-B!" Sachi's smile radiated enthusiasm, and Shiriku couldn't help but be intrigued.

Curious, Shiriku asked, "What class is it?" Junichi, with a grin, chimed in, "It's Class 1-B." Shiriku, contemplating, questioned, "Do you guys know anyone there?" Sachi, nodding energetically, replied, "Yup! Since I'm practically cheerful, energetic, and friendly, I know most of them there."

Junichi, with a playful tease, added, "Well, she's not close with the two people there." Shiriku, raising an eyebrow, inquired, "Who are these two people?" Sachi, ready to share details, began, "It's the daughter of the Kazahana family, the young girl whose smile is so soft and warm to your heart, with her blue-mix-white short hair being one of her appealing features."

Junichi, ever the straightforward one, interjected, "Stop overexplaining, Sachi, and just say she's the opposite of Fuyumi, the ice princess." Sachi laughed and agreed, "Okay, okay. It's Ayaka Kazahana."

Shiriku, surprised but excited, exclaimed, "Ayaka? Wait, who's the other one?" Sachi, uncertain, admitted, "I don't really know, but from what I've seen, she's standing beside Ayaka. Must be someone working for her."

Shiriku's mind raced with thoughts. "Someone working for her... that must be Aoi." Anticipation for the art class built within him. Meanwhile, Fuyumi, observing Shiriku's reaction, felt a twinge of annoyance. Her cold gaze fixed on him, and suddenly, Shiriku noticed her staring.

Instinctively, he put his arm on her forehead, concern evident in his voice, "Are you okay, Fuyumi?" However, Fuyumi, in a rare move, grabbed his hand and placed it on her face, crossing her arms. Internally, she fumed, "How dare you make that lively expression when that girl got mentioned. You're my Kami."

Sensing the tension, Junichi and Sachi exchanged puzzled glances, silently questioning, "What's happening?" Shiriku, feeling a bit awkward, turned to Fuyumi again, his hand still on her face. As he laughed nervously, Fuyumi instructed, "Later, don't go far away and stay close to me."

Shiriku, trying to diffuse the situation, responded, "Umm, of course. Sachi, Junichi, and I are always close to you. We're a group, ahahaha."

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