
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?

Being part of the "Kami" family means you are a genius . Although Shiriku Kami, is not like his siblings, his siblings are geniuses that doesn't really work hard to be called geniuses in school . Now that Shiriku is finally in Highschool, he's gonna be enrolled in the School where his siblings made the "Kami" Family name famous from being geniuses . This idea would take a toll on Shiriku as he struggles to keep up and not embarrassed his family name on that school . While unexpected romantics shenanigans happened to befall onto him, which hinders him to fully focus on what he should choose.

Rikushin · Real
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91 Chs

"Are You A Independent Person?: I Am"

As Fuyumi was about to voice her thoughts to Shiriku, her phone suddenly chimed with a message from Sachi. She quickly glanced at the notification, reading Sachi's message about leaving early because her mom was calling for her. Before Fuyumi could respond, Shiriku spoke up, informing her that he had to leave too because Shiroe had messaged them that they were about to finish up and needed help carrying the groceries.

Shiriku waved goodbye to Fuyumi, preparing to head in the direction of Shiroe's message. However, as he started to walk away, Fuyumi called out his name. Shiriku halted in his tracks, turning back to face her, waiting for her to speak.

Fuyumi hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with thoughts as she contemplated what to say to Shiriku. But when she realized that the words weren't coming, Shiriku gently prompted her, saying her name with a reassuring smile.

"Fuyumi," he began, meeting her gaze with warmth and understanding. "I know you're an independent girl, but sometimes you have to let someone save you for once," Shiriku said, his tone gentle yet sincere as he offered her a comforting smile.

Fuyumi felt a sense of relief wash over her at Shiriku's words, a weight lifting from her shoulders. She nodded silently, her heart feeling lighter as she watched Shiriku turn back towards his original path.

As Shiriku walked away, Fuyumi's phone rang again, this time with a call from her sister asking her to come to the counter to help her. Fuyumi answered the call and made her way to the counter.





As Fuyumi made her way to the counter where her sister Kujou was checking out, Kujou couldn't help but notice the somber expression on Fuyumi's face. Concern etched into her features, Kujou paused her transaction and turned to Fuyumi, her brow furrowed in worry.

"Hey, Fuyumi, what's wrong?" Kujou asked, her tone filled with genuine concern as she reached out to touch Fuyumi's arm gently.

Fuyumi forced a small smile, attempting to brush off her sister's concern. "Oh, it's nothing, Kujou. Just feeling a bit tired, that's all," she replied, her voice soft but unconvincing.

But Kujou wasn't fooled by Fuyumi's attempt to downplay her feelings. She could sense that something was bothering her sister, and she wasn't about to let it go unnoticed.




As Fuyumi stood at the counter, her sister Kujou's persistent concern continued to weigh on her. Despite Fuyumi's attempts to brush off her sister's inquiries, Kujou refused to let the matter drop. With a furrowed brow and unwavering determination, Kujou leaned in closer to Fuyumi, her eyes searching her sister's face for any sign of the truth.

"Fuyumi, I know you better than anyone. You can't fool me with that fake smile," Kujou insisted, her tone gentle but firm as she gazed at Fuyumi with unwavering concern.

Fuyumi's facade of calm began to crack under her sister's persistent questioning. She felt a pang of guilt for hiding the truth from Kujou, but she wasn't ready to confront the issue head-on just yet. However, Kujou's next words struck a nerve.

"Is it because of that Kami?!" Kujou's mention of Kami caused Fuyumi to flinch slightly, her eyes widening in surprise. She hadn't expected her sister to bring up Shiriku, and the sudden mention of his name caught her off guard.

Sensing Fuyumi's reaction, Kujou's concern deepened, and she made a snap decision. "I'll find this Kami and give him a piece of my mind!" she declared, determination flashing in her eyes as she made a move to leave the counter.

But before Kujou could take another step, Fuyumi's hand shot out, gripping her sister's arm tightly to stop her in her tracks. "Onee-sama, please, it wasn't anything bad," Fuyumi pleaded, her voice soft but urgent as she looked up at her sister with pleading eyes.

Kujou paused, her expression softening as she turned to face Fuyumi once more. "So he didn't hurt you or anything?" she asked, her tone laced with concern as she searched Fuyumi's face for any sign of distress.

Fuyumi shook her head, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "No, he actually made me feel better. My expression was just sad because I've realized something," she explained, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

As Fuyumi looked down, Kujou placed a comforting hand on her sister's face, gently lifting her chin to meet her gaze. Kujou's eyes softened as she gazed at Fuyumi, a mixture of relief and concern evident in her expression.

"Tsk, these Kami's, they're all the same," Kujou thought to herself, her mind racing with thoughts. "Well, at least my sister will beat her Kami. I might have already failed, but my dear little sister can do it better than me."

With a silent vow to always protect her sister, Kujou smiled warmly at Fuyumi. "Well... If you say so," she murmured, her voice filled with uncertainty but also a sense of reassurance.

Fuyumi returned her sister's smile, grateful for her understanding and support. Despite Kujou's initial reaction, Fuyumi knew that her sister had her best interests at heart, and she felt a sense of comfort knowing that Kujou was there for her.

As the two sisters shared a moment of quiet understanding, Fuyumi couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for having Kujou by her side. And deep down, Kujou silently vowed to always protect her dear little sister.





As Shiriku and Shiroe made their way towards the car, each carrying grocery bags, Shiroe couldn't resist his curiosity about what Shiriku, Fuyumi, and Sachi had been up to while they were exploring the grocery store.

"So, Shiriku, what did you guys do while you were wandering around the store?" Shiroe asked, his tone filled with genuine interest as he glanced over at Shiriku.

Shiriku chuckled softly, his mind flashing back to Sachi's playful antics and teasing. "As he pictured Sachi teasing him about being a couple to a stranger, Shiriku couldn't help but laugh at the memory. "Sachi has quite the imagination," he remarked with a chuckle, shaking his head fondly.

Shiriku couldn't help but laugh at the memory, shaking his head in amusement. "I just laughed it off and corrected her, saying we were just friends," he replied, his tone light as he recalled the moment. "But overall, it was really fun. It was the first time I've been in a mall and a grocery store with my friends, or rather, classmates," Shiriku added, a genuine smile spreading across his face as he reminisced about the day's events.

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