

Marinette stood at the top of Louvre watching the police officers try to attack her. Even when they shot at her, she simply dodged and giggled at their miss. "You missed." She sang teasingly.

She played the game of dodge the police for a while before she started to get tired. "This is starting to get boring. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to play games with you. I came to recruit you as my royal workers." "And makes you think we'd work for you?" One of the officers sneered.

"This does." She held up her sword and black and red ladybugs came out and surrounded the police officers. "Now you will rise as my guards." She sent a purple and black ladybug and sent them toward Officer Roger urning him into Rogercop.

"Now go find Darkblade. I need him to recruit my knights." "Yes, your majesty." The hypnotized officers followed Rogercop. After watching them leave, Marinette left the scene to see the progress on her castle before going to "play some more games".


Marinette landed softly onto the pavement. She walked towards a gated opening. Not bad. She thought. She put her hands on the lock and it started to glow a dark purple. She put her out to open it using the magic she put on the gate.

She walked into a courtyard. It had stone walls on all sides. It was dark and gloomy, even though there were small gardens next to the stone slab walkway. Stone statues of people who had wronged her or even innocent were perfectly aligned along the side of the walkway.

Black roses grew in the gardens making the place even more gloomy. The knights on the other side of the door slowly opened it as their "queen" came through it. Marinette looked around to explore. Then Evilustrator walked through the door at the end of the hall.

He was in a tuxedo and a tie the same color as his original hair. "Welcome back, your majesty." He bowed. "Hello, Evilustrator." "I take it you like the castle." "Yes, very charming. I believe that you have a special room for me, do you not?" "Yes, Yes we do. You have everything you could desire... but, if I may make a suggestion."

"You're welcome to make suggestions at any time." "Shouldn't you have people to do your bidding, such as servants or butlers. We have people we could recruit." "No, I don't want to make the people more afraid me than they already are. I have Darkblade to thank for that. But if you could create something for me, that minor problem shall be solved."

"Of course." "Good. I'll shall be discussing this with you before the announcement." She walked closer to him and place a hand on his pad device. It started to glow and soon there was a duplicate one in her hands.

"I'll need this for later." "Whatever for?" "Just for my announcement. I want to spice things up a bit. Now if you'll excuse me I must retire in my quarters before I have my talk with Darkblade and his rash behavior." "I shall escort you."

The two walked down the down the hallway. Even though it was so quiet, no one noticed the sound of faint sounds of cracks coming from Marinette.


Adrien laid in his bed and stared at the ceiling juggling his feelings. He wondered what he should do. He thought back to when Marinette came to visit him. How she looked so broken yet, confident. Hurt yet, seemed unmoved.

He listened to the silence of his room, the only sound he heard was his breathing and the loud snores coming from a sleeping Plagg who was laying on his pillow. Adrien sat up, frustrated with his dilemma.

Adrien got up and sat in his chair and turned on his computer hoping there would be something to take his mind off of the problem. But as soon as he opened up the computer a notification for a news report on a new "akuma" who goes by the name Marinette.

Adrien turned the computer off and groaned. I hate sitting around like this, like nothing is happening. Even though the love of my life, who so happens to be Marinette, has "shattered" because I was so dumb and rejected her.

Adrien finally made up his mind and decided to go confront her. "Wake up, Plagg!" "Five more minutes..." Plagg grumbled. "Marinette doesn't have five minutes, let's go." "Fine." "Plagg, Claws Out!" "Why does this always happen to m-" Adrien transformed into Chat Noir and jumped out of his window to find past akumas using their powers on innocent citizens.

Darkblade had multiple knights behind him frightening people as they walked through the city. Some knights would either hurt or they would arrest anyone who got in their way or dared to challenge them.

Chat looked upon the sight in horror. Children holding onto their mothers and crying. Families huddled together in their homes or on corners of the streets. People, men, women, and even teenagers his age had been shackled and were been led to a castle in distance.

Their faces were filled with sadness, depression, and hopelessness. Chat looked at the castle in the distance. Don't worry. I'm coming for you, Marinette.