
A Shard of Glass

Saph a girl from the Uk travels to China for a year to attend one of the most prestigious schools in Shanghai when she crosses paths with the famous bachelor Zhang Jaehyun the half Chinese half Korean Business man. How did these two meet you ask? Well, it all started with a shard of glass. (1 or 2 episodes a day)

exolarmy123 · Ciudad
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5 Chs

The Beginning

*Alarm sounds* "uggghhhhhh turn that thing off!" Feifei shouts down at Jasmin as she tosses the pillow at her, "Ok jeez" she grumbles as she hits the alarm "What time is it anyway?" I question rubbing my eyes, "it's..... oh sh...9:45am?!" Jasmin informs us just before Feifei jumps up and smacks her head off the wall "Ow." "What? I thought you set it for 9:15!!" I ask in a panic, " I swear I did Saph wait, oh we slept through the first 6 alarms." Jas ( Short for Jasmin) facepalms "Class starts in 15 minutes and it's only the second day of term we are not being late, everyone move!" I shout while jumping off my top bunk "Someone has to wake Liv up!" Jas reminds us "I got it." I reply with my toothbrush hanging out of my mouth "AAAHHHH!!!!! What the HELL????" Liv screams after I pour a bucket of water on her face, the old bucket trick never fails. "No time to get mad get up we're late, oh and you have 10 minutes to get dressed and to class." I say before spitting out toothpaste, "Why didn't you wake me sooner!?" She runs out of bed and to the bathroom.

10am exactly me and Feifei just make it through the class door as the teacher appears behind us "It's only the second day girls you better set your alarms earlier, don't want you to be late next time." He warns, "Yes sir." We say in unison as we go to take our seats. Fewwwww that was close.

After classes are over me and Feifei wait for the others at the front of the main building. "Hey guys." Liv struts over and gives me a little glare before saying "I still haven't forgiven you for this morning." "What was I supposed to do Liv once you're asleep even someone playing a concert right next to you wouldn't wake you up." I defend as she goes to hit my arm and we all laugh,"So Jasmin it's your last year, you are officially a senior so to celebrate you get to pick the restaurant for dinner tonight." I say while we walk back to the dorm "Really? You guys are great but it doesn't matter if we have Maccies or go to a fancy place as long as the food is good." She replies "hmmmmmm, why don't we try that swanky new restaurant that just opened two streets down? I heard it's supposed to be really good." Feifei suggests while drooling "Sounds great let's go." Jas agrees along with me and Liv, " As long as I can have enough time to get dressed this time!" Liv adds looking at me. " Why of course your highness." I bow down jokingly and we walk back into the dorm.

At the restaurant after 2 hours of watching Liv get dressed and dressed again we are taken to a nicely decorated private room and have one of the best meals of our lives "Wow, I didn't expect it to be this good!" Liv exclaims as we watch Feifei stuff her mouth "It's amazing and the only reason we can afford it is because our Xinxin (Saphs/MCs Chinese nickname) won that art competition 3 days ago." Jas reminds us, ah yeah I may be studying business but art was always a love of mine luckily I just happened to be talented in drawing and painting. "Girls I am going to use the restroom I'll be back in a bit." I mention as I stand to leave "Ok we'll finish up here." Liv says tucking a napkin into Feifei's top.

After using the restroom I wash up and leave however, as I walk down the stairs the room begins to shake and I grab onto the banister just as a mirror on the wall falls barely missing me. I shield myself and after a few seconds the earthquake is over, I glance up and check my surroundings good it's over I go to stand when my leg gives way and I fall off the step, I brace myself for a rough landing when a hand suddenly grabs me "You ought to watch what you're doing." A deep masculine voice cuts through the air so I turn to see who it was. Right next to me stands the most gorgeous man I have ever seen tall and I mean tall maybe 6'3? Dark brown almost black Luscious hair, dark eyes that look blacker than the devils heart and a smirk ready to kill thousands of women at one glance of it. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out, he let's go of my arm and looks down at my leg so naturally I follow his gaze as it lands on a shard of broken glass stuck in my leg fu.. he bends down with a handkerchief and... "OWW!" I am in utter agony as he rips the shard from my leg and ties the handkerchief around the wound "Did you have to do that without warning me first!" I shout at him as he rises holding the shard in his hand covered in my blood "Be more careful next time." He retorts coldly flinging the shard to the side as he walks down to leave," Really!?" I exclaim while still confused and in pain like what the hell man? I give chase and hop down the stairs catching his shoulder before he shrugs me off "What do you want? I've already helped you and I didn't even get a thanks so what is it now?" He grits "You've got to be joking? Me? thank you for putting me in pain? ha!" Just as he was about to say something a woman and man come over to him "Oh no! Jae are you alright?" The woman has a good look at him before sighing with relief "I'm fine." Exactly hun HE is fine look behind him and you'll see an injured me standing here huh. "Let's get out of here, this place scared me just now." She pouts looking like a scared little girl yet she has the figure of a woman and the outfit of a seductress. "Mmhm. Let's go." He says as Feifei and the girls run up to me, "Xinxin! Are you hurt?" She questions as she sees my leg "I'll take a look at it later don't worry." I say watching the devil himself walk away, what actually just happened?.....

"Ah, I can't believe that Xinxin was the only one out in the open and got hurt, what luck." Jas sighs "If only you knew just how bad my luck was...." I tell them the whole story as we pay and leave while the member of staff apologises for the injury caused. Luckily because of this the meal was free score!