
A Shadow: The Unrestrained Stalker Girl

Synopsis: (Point to be Noted : the total number of chapters of this book will be less than 100) A self-centered girl named Luna has an unalterable-obsessional crush on a guy named Brandon who is almost 10 years older than her. But the guy never treats her romantically. On top of that he thinks of her as a kid. Apparently Luna married his friend from the same highschool named Arthur to get closer to Brandon. Because Brandon is Arthur's father's younger brother. As Arthur was Brandon's only nephew and the only family member, Easter took the advantage to at least stay around Brandon. At first she just wanted to see Brandon's face everyday with an innocent heart and didn't care about the relationship status(her uncle-in-law) between them. But slowly her growing emotions turn more condensed towards Brandon instead of building it up for her husband Arthur. On the other hand, Arthur only marry her because of his unusual attraction for her. But Arthur's earlier lust towards Luna turned into a pure love with the changing circumstances. And no one knows what Brandon feels!! Everyone's feelings started to collide again and again centering Brandon. But unexpectedly Brandon's feelings or thoughts drowned them in a deep maze of mystery. And thus, a sprint between morality and loyalty is being depicted through the story. A story that can be just a simple love story or can leave behind the definition of love and reach beyond it. A love that solidifies with worship or an worship that sculptures an extreme level of human emotions. A dramatic plot based on psychology and some imaginary characters with a realistic characteristics..where lust will have a friction with affection.. At the end who will win the race and who will conquer the love.... Is getting love or conquering it, the same thing. Love that can turn a winner into a loser and a loser into a winner.... An extreme point of self-love that will leave behind the self and turn over towards someone else . Loving the reflection is also a form of love or is it a selfish love.... Or just another version of vanity..... Let's find out through this story that demonstrates the struggle of a girl on her way of achieving love...... What will she get !!..... What will she learn !! Will she cross the limit or create a new limitation? And at the end, love will change her or she'll change the interpretation of love...... will she defeat her emotions or those feelings will defeat the amour propre…….who will get addicted first?THE PREDATOR OR THE PREY!! BUT WHO IS THE REAL PREDATOR?And who will worship love more than worshiping the self? So let's experience a blindfolded journey of love in the dark. ( Because it's not a love story of heros but a tale of inclination between villains) Genre: Romantic- thriller Warning: it's a negative version x (so ignore it if it's cross the limit of your moral values)

AriaArsha86 · Ciudad
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68 Chs

CHAPTER-13(the most attractive sound of this world is the sound of breaking a heart that can't be heard anyway)

Arthur got down from the bathtub. He had been soaking himself in the water for about an hour. His brain already cooled down by the circulation of fresh and clear water.

So he decided to have a check on Luna who was still inside his room.

Arthur wrapped a towel around his waist while leaving the bathroom. He didn't wear anything else and went to see with just a towel tied around his naked body.

He walked towards the bed. Water was still dripping off his wet hair and welling down throughout his slim but muscular figure.

Luna fell asleep as she became tired while crying.

Arthur slided the blanket over her face and discovered the dried mark of tears on her face.

"Did she cry because of my behavior?SHE HATES ME!! No, this can't be. Maybe I'm overthinking….She was just nervous because she has never done this before…"Arthur smiled looking at her sleeping face.

Arthur properly placed the torn part of her t-shirt as it slipped down revealing her shoulder while she was sleeping.

"Goodnight, my love."He gently kissed her forehead and put the blanket over her body.

He stood in front of the mirror and watched himself.

"It would be better if Luna could see me like this… I'M SURE THAT SHE COULDN'T RESIST ."Arthur let out a sigh.


Arthur looked at the door as he heard someone knocking it.

He rushed there and opened the door.

"Why are you here at this time…"Arthur asked as he saw Jorge standing outside the door.

Jorge said nothing and entered the room crossing Arthur.

He looked at the bed and understood that Luna was sleeping soundly.

"Are you nuts….A GIRL IS SLEEPING IN YOUR ROOM and you're roaming here completely being stripped!! I know you're shameless but at least have some respect towards her." Jorge chuckled at Arthur.

"I'm not fully naked…. Buddy. You're exaggerating…." Arthur said with a disturbance.

"Still….. it's not enough when there's a girl in your room." Jorge made himself sound like the most polite person in the world.

"DON'T TRY TO LECTURE ME….. Luna and I've already passed that level….. Actually we just had s*x a while ago…..OH! IT WAS SO WILD. She tastes so good. We've burnt a lot of calories today.So she got tired and fell asleep while I was taking a shower."Arthur built up his words more trustable.


"Nice try…..but I won't buy it…. Find someone else to tell your stupid fantasies that's never going to happen." Jorge said coldly.

"Yeah…I'll find someone else. You can leave " Arthur frowned his eyes to emit his anger.

"I'm waiting outside… put some clothes on yourself and then meet me there. I have something important to tell you." Jorge heisted the towel from Arthur's waist with a sudden pull ,leaving him totally naked.

"Are you a psycho…..!!" Arthur shouted in a low voice while covering himself with his hands.

Jorge didn't look at him and walked outside taking the towel with him.

Arthur got extremely aggravated hearing Jorge laughing.

He quickly looked at Luna to make sure if she was still sleeping or not.

After confirming her sleeping, Arthur rapidly wore a sleeveless t-shirt and a three quarter pant.

Then he went outside the room to meet with Jorge.






Jorge was standing in the corridor.

Arthur yanked back the towel from Jorge's grip as soon as he reached there.

"Tell me what's the matter?" Arthur stood beside him while leaning his elbows on the railing and observing the ground floor.

"Nothing serious. I just wanted to warn you. That's all." Jorge said in a casual voice.

"Really...hahaha…. You think you can warn me…!!" Arthur mocked him.

" Look, I just want to say that you should stop getting close to Luna. She doesn't love you anyway. If you grow ties with her, you'll get hurt in the end…So it's better to stop now." Jorge turned his face into a dark piece of cloud.

"So she doesn't love me…..!! And you want me to believe? And now you'll tell me that Luna actually loves you. You two love each other from the beginning and I'm getting on your way….…BLA…BLA…BLA….." Arthur teased Jorge while laughing.

Jorge took a deep breath maintaining the serious environment overtaking Arthur's teasing.

" I'm telling this for your own good. You're also my friend. As for Luna and my relationship, it's our personal matter. It has nothing to do with you, bro." Jorge put his hand on Arthur's shoulder.

"You don't have to think about me. Just go away. I don't want to hear any of your shitty advice." Arthur removed Jorge's hand from his shoulder with a light push.

"I know it's hard to believe me. Actually it was my fault too. I shouldn't have given her that stupid idea in the first place." Jorge exclaimed with a regretful voice.


"Actually I suggested her to seduce you. I mean we planned together to get close to you so that you take back the complaint from the students council and Luna can participate in the election again. AND SEE YOU'VE ACTUALLY TAKEN BACK THE COMPLAINT. This was the only reason that Luna was clinging around you all this time. SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU. Stop dreaming…you can become his friend at most." Jorge explained everything with extra spices mixed with it.

Arthur grabbed Jorge's collars furiously.

"YOU BASTARD…. I WON'T BELIEVE YOU. Me and Luna aren't just friends. We're more than that. SOON I'LL PROPOSE HER. Then she'll become my girlfriend and I'll keep her forever with me. You'll never get her…SHE'S MINE" Arthur shouted while pushing him hard.

"If you don't believe me, you can just directly ask her…..As long as I know her, she'll answer you straightforwardly." Jorge tried to maintain his balance to prevent his body from falling down by Arthur's attack.

Arthur calmed down a little bit. He looked at the door of his bedroom with an unspoken fear.

"Of course, I'll ask her...As there's no need for you to be here, you can leave my house. GET LOST."Arthur went inside his room and shut the door at Jorge's face with a loud sound.

Jorge couldn't decide if he should go, leaving Luna alone or not. So he went outside of the Mansion and kept wandering around the entrance with nervousness.


Inside Arthur's Room


Luna woke up because of the loud sound of the door.

She raised her head and looked at Arthur with confusion.

Arthur's eyes turned red and glossy.

"What happened?" Luna asked while rubbing her eyes.

Arthur said nothing. He silently went towards the bed and held Luna's face in his palm.

"Are you alright, Arthur?" She asked with her innocent face keeping her fingers on his wrist.

Arthur said nothing and kept staring at Luna with a lot of questions in his heart.

He looked at her soft pair of lips while swallowing his saliva out of stress.

Arthur tightened the grip of his hands around her mouth and held it closer to him.

Luna looked at him, widening her eyes more spaciously.

With the help of another hand, Arthur covered those sharp eyes to block her sight.

Luna gave a careless smile.

Arthur attached her with the bed while keeping the his hands on her face.

Leaning on her body, Arthur was about to unite the surface of their lips. But Luna put her hand in between as a wall.

"YOU'RE STILL INTO THAT STATE OF MIND even after I refused you…. Don't dare to cross the line that I've drawn…." Luna protested firmly.

Arthur lay over her putting his all weight.

"You don't love me right? That's why you've never let me touch you…!!"he took a deep breath while asking.

"What do you mean…!! Who told you, Jorge??!!"


"Oh that brat…he already told you!!"

"So it's true?"

"What is true?" Luna asked.

Arthur narrated everything that he heard from Jorge. Luna quietly listened.

"Where's Jorge?" Luna asked.

"I kicked him out.." Arthur answered.

"Oh…I'll kill him. I told him I'll confess the truth to you by myself. But he exposed it before time…even with a lot of lies..!!" Luna kept biting her lips out of anger.

"LIES ...!! Do you love me or not?" Arthur asked with a tensed vocal.

"Look…. Have I ever told you that I love you? Neither I've committed anything to you!!" Luna smiled.


"SEE... I don't love you. But I didn't do it because of that stupid complaint of yours. It doesn't matter to me… Even the election has no value in my life.I don't care about all these stupid shits. Only thing I care about is myself." Luna clarified everything.

"Then how do you explain all of your behavior of alluring me with your charms until now?"Arthur's red eyes filled with water.

"Well I was just having fun…" Luna smiled.

"Then everything was fake…..!!


"You don't love me even a little bit?"

"No…I've never loved you. And I'll never love you in the future as well. NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT….."

"YOU'RE SUCH A CRAZY B****H. How dare you fool around with me!! I can't believe you were my first love…..F**K…" Arthur growled while tears overflowed crossing the barrier of his eyelids and fell on Luna's face in the form of little drops.

"WHAT…I'm your first love... I can't describe it in words how much satisfaction I got after hearing this…hahahaha.." Luna exploded in laughter.

"Stop laughing….I don't want to hear." Arthur shouted.

But Luna kept laughing loudly.

"I said stop…..STOP IT….." Arthur burst into anger hearing her laugh.

"Oh you're so stupid." Luna increased the volume of her chortling.

Arthur couldn't hold back as the fury boiled his brain spreading the seeds of vengeance.

"Maybe you've never met any fear in your life. You really didn't understand the danger of provoking me!! Listen Luna, you're safe here because I'm behaving polite…. LOOK LIKE I'VE TO SHOW YOU THE REAL TERROR.." Arthur's red gloomy eyes reflected with a shining smile.

" I've experienced every type of fear in my life….. there's nothing left to be scared of…" Luna kept giggling.

Arthur clasped both of her hands with his solid fingers.

"Really…. let's see…" Arthur totally suppressed her body inside his arms.

He tried to reach Luna's face but couldn't manage because of her struggling movements.

"After today, you'll regret all your life for messing with me…."Arthur ruthlessly kissed below her ears leaving red marks there.

Luna became a little bit tense after witnessing the brutal side of Arthur.

But instead of pushing away, she pulled him in her embrace.

"Calm down, Arthur. Don't do anything wrong driven by your current emotions. Later on you may end up feeling guilty…. Don't make me hate you. I WAS ABOUT TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH AND START OUR FRIENDSHIP ALL OVER AGAIN….I really consider you a good friend of mine." Luna kept Arthur's head affixed with her body while gently patting his head.

Arthur tranquilized for a moment hearing her soft voice. He got totally out of his normal state of mind by the sudden change of Luna's tone.

He closed his eyes, leaning in her embrace hopelessly.




"Is there any possibility to go farther than this friendship in the future?" He asked with a low and broken voice.

A little hope soothed his burning heart.

His painful tears kept drenching Luna's chest.

"No…there isn't any chance. Nor at the present neither in the future. I love someone else." Luna shot in a cold posture.

Arthur raised his head and looked at Luna with his vacant eyes.

Seeing her heartless response, Arthur's nerves suffused with nausea.

He stood up from over her body.

"Then I don't need your F*****g friendship either…. JUST GO TO HELL." He shouted and hit Luna's face throwing a nearby pillow using all his anger as strength.

He left the room while crying.

Luna felt like her nose got broken even though it was a soft pillow.

She immediately sat up on the bed and looked at the mirror from that distance.

She checked her nose.

After confirming the harmless condition of her nose , she walked outside to find Arthur.







Arthur was sitting on the floor in the corner of another room next to his own room.

He was crying leaning his back on the wall. He still couldn't believe what happened to him.

He always hated women. So many girls he had rejected in his life. He kept them below his foot. But now, when he finally fell for someone, it turned out so meaningless. He got betrayal in return instead of love.

He just newly built up the emotions of love for Luna. But it suddenly got engulfed by disgust towards her. And this fact was hard to accept for him.

He kept sobbing while cursing on Luna.

Luna stepped inside that room as she was searching for Arthur.

Seeing him burning in agony, Luna felt an extreme heavenly peace.

The more he was crying, the more her pleasure was increasing.

A pleasing smile appeared on her face. She walked towards Arthur subconsciously massaging her nose with the tip of her index and thumb finger.

Arthur looked at her with a dense huff mixing with his tears.

Luna sat on her knees closer to him.

"Don't worry…. Everything will be alright. You've just cried for one night. I cry in this way almost every night. So it's not a big deal for you." She hugged him tightly.



" I'll forgive you. Let's just forget everything and be my girlfriend at least for a few days." Arthur requested while burying his face on Luna's chest and crying.

Luna smiled. She tightened the chain of her arms around his head and attached her face with his hair.

"Oh my baby… it seems you haven't yet understood. I'm not regretting whatever I've done. I intentionally broke your heart because I wanted to. Everyone should suffer in the same way I'm suffering. You don't know how much extreme chilled I got watching you burn in the same way as me....I pray for you that the almighty let you burn like this forever. NOT ONLY YOU…. EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD INCLUDING HIM ...." Luna's mild voice turned harsh.

"Did you have enough fun breaking my heart…?"

"More than enough…"

"You've made a big mistake….NOW I'LL KILL YOU..." Arthur shouted and pushed Luna's waist with his hands.

Luna fell on the ground splitting from their embrace.

But she kept laughing.

Arthur sat over her lying body and pressed his fingers on her throat.

Luna couldn't inhale the air as he put more pressure.

"You're …choking….me" Luna mumbled while struggling to breathe.

But Arthur didn't pay a little heed to her. His tears kept drizzling over Luna's throat and made her skin slippery.

Luna felt like she'll die as everything slowly pervaded by a black aura.

But all of a sudden someone kicked on Arthur's back and removed him from Luna.

Arthur fell on the other side.

He looked back and discovered Jorge.

"Good to see you. I'll kill both of you and put you in the same grave together." Arthur screamed while standing up.

Luna also stood up and hid behind Jorge.

"Are you alright?" Jorge asked, looking at Luna.

She nodded while breathing fast.

Arthur punched Jorge in the face and grabbed his throat as he became imbalanced by the punch.

Arthur pressed Jorge with the wall while choking him too.

But Luna pulled Arthur's by his hair to separate them.

Three of them got into a big fight.

No one in the house could sense the situation as the house was quite big and everyone else was asleep.

In one point of fighting, Jorge hardly shoved Arthur on the ground.

Then he quickly got out of the room dragging Luna with him.

Before Arthur could stand up,Jorge closed the door from outside.

"Open the door, you two bustards…I'll kill both of you."Arthur kept shouting while punching on the door.

But Luna and Jorge ran away leaving Arthur locked inside the room.





Arthur stopped clapping on the door as he realized that they've already left the for outside.

He sadly sat against the door and kept weeping.

A strong sense of loneliness surrounded him in a maze.

He looked at the landline on the table attached with the bed. He knew if he called any of the servants through that telephone, they would come and unlock the door.

But suddenly all her energy vanished by dismay. He didn't wish to go outside anymore.

"In the morning they'll open the door anyway."Arthur mumbled in a depressive voice in between his heavy breaths.

He lay down on the ground and connected the veins of his face with the cold tiles of the floor.







In Paris:


The parking lot of MILLER'S Head Office :


A man was trying on a chair surrounded by a lot of men in formal suits in the middle of the night.

He was looking at another guy wearing a brown blazer, standing in front of him. It was Brandon.

Brandon's head was covering the moonlight that hindered the mild rays from reaching the man, but still the man sitting on the chair couldn't hide the fear in his eyes.

"LOOKS LIKE YOU DON'T LOVE YOUR LIFE!!Do you want to die?" Brandon violently punched the men's face.

The man's face got cut making a deep line as a spiked chain was wrapping around Brandon's fingers.

A little splash of blood fell on Brandon's cheek as well.

Seeing the blood drops on his face, Brandon became excessively annoyed.

He kicked the man's chest with his polished shoe. Because of the force of kicking, the man fell down on the ground along with the chair.

"Take it, sir." Another man standing beside Brandon extended a handkerchief towards Brandon hurriedly.

He put off the sharp spiked chain from his fingers and gave it to one of his men.Then accepted the handkerchief and started swiping the blood mark on his face.

His hands were also blooded as he was torturing that man for a long time.

"No need to kill him. Just beat him a little more then send him to the hospital." Brandon ordered his men.

"As you wish. We'll make sure that he keeps his mouth shut." One of them nodded.

All the men started beating the man tied with the chair. The man kept growling out of pain.

Brandon looked at the scene without participating. He felt delighted seeing the tortures.

Watching people's suffering was another level of satisfaction for him.

That man was from another company.

Yesterday Brandon couldn't manage to get a contract because of this man's unnecessary intelligence.

Brandon was young and still acquiring experiences in this new field. So that guy easily succeeded in snatching the contract from Brandon for his company instead.

Because of the defeat, he couldn't focus on any of his work since morning.

That's why Brandon was just taking a little revenge on him to distract his mind from the losing contract.

Even though the contract wasn't necessary for him, still winning was always mandatory. Because of this guy he had to face defeat for the first time in his whole life.

Brandon lit out a cigarette while enjoying the scenery. The scream of that guy after every hit was so nerve relaxing for him. Since morning, he had to work without any little break. Meetings, press conference, preparing new project everything was so irritating today. But seeing the guy was getting hurt melted his all irritation. Now he could be able to sleep properly that he couldn't last night.

All of a sudden, his cell phone rang.

Realizing the vibrations of his phone, he quickly threw the cigarette and rubbed off his Blooded hand with the handkerchief.

Yet the dried red mark didn't leave his hands. So he took out his phone from his pocket in that condition.

Arthur's name displayed on the phone screen.

Brandon's thin lips serpentines with an attractive smile. His irritation transformed into pleasure.

"Hey guys…Shh….." he signaled his men and commanded them to keep silent while keeping his long finger on his charming lips.

All the men stopped beating the other man and one of them covered his mouth to assure the silence.

Brandon picked up the phone, changing himself totally into a different person.

"Why has my little boy called me this late at night?? You're missing me , right?"Brandon said in an extremely sweet voice.

Arthur didn't say anything from the opposite of the phone. He kept weeping.

"Arthur…!!" Brandon heard the sound of Arthur's crying.

"What happened, my little baby? Are you crying? WHO MADE YOU CRY? Who's this daring.." Brandon became anxious hearing Arthur's cry.

"Bran..." Arthur said in a broken voice but couldn't find anything to tell as he didn't want to talk about Luna anymore.

"Yeah tell me…" Brandon's voice became softer.

"Nothing… I'm just missing you so terribly. Please come home right now." Arthur demanded stubbornly.

"Oh…my boy. I'm missing you more than that. But I've no choice. I'm so busy nowadays. It's midnight and I haven't yet had my dinner..... SEE ...….I DON'T HAVE ANY TIME TO EVEN TAKE A BREATHE . How can I go to Strasbourg without any earlier notice. But I promise I'll come to meet you this weekend. Please don't be sad." Brandon explained.

"No…come back now….." Arthur kept repeating while biting his lips.

"I really can't do that. How about I keep talking with you the whole night?" Brandon asked politely.

He has a strict schedule tomorrow and even a meeting early in the morning. But still he offered Arthur to talk with him the whole night.

"No need…." Arthur hung up the phone.

"Hello…Arthur…" Brandon let out a sigh as he understood Arthur was upset.

Brandon looked at his men. They were eavesdropping on Brandon and Arthur's conversations with astonishment,leaving their activities.

Brandon's behavior again turned cold and dark along with his mood.

"You guys continue. And do make sure to beat him for a bit longer." He left for his chember while looking at the phone in a tense mood.



Brandon stepped inside the elevator and kept calling back Arthur again and again.

He was really enjoying beating the man in the parking lot earlier. But hearing Arthur's crying, all his enjoyment faded away.

He became too desperate to go back to Florence and check on Arthur. But he was helpless to do that. And this made him more furious.

Brandon kicked on the elevator's door out of anger. Arthur was really important to him. He can't even tolerate his little sadness let alone crying like this in the middle of the night.




To be continued…
