
A Setback Beauty

"Just one I Love You...I'll fight for you." As CC slowly let her guard down, she just woke up one day that she starts chasing this stranger. She's not used of being the second best but she settled for it....for him. However, can she sacrifice her dignity and image loved by everyone in exchange for this man's heart that turned back to someone? And now she's torn between truth and pretense. Will she be her true self for this man because she wants to be loved for who she really is or she'll stay being CC that people love?

Yoj_Lolita · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs


MY EYEBROWS automatically arched as I was greeted by Aina, who was dressed to the nines, after I opened the door for her in the living room.

"Good morning, CC," she smiled reluctantly. She's probably thinking I'm not happy that she's bothering me so early.

I let out a distressing sigh. "It's only 6:00 o'clock in the morning, Ains. What brings you here?"

"I just missed you," she grinned.

I lamely stare at her. I'm still groggy because I just woke up. Although I already washed myself before going down, the thought of sleeping again is luring me to go back to my bed.

Aina grinned even wider. "You looked like you lacked sleep. Hmm...what did you do last night?"

My brows furrowed. "What are you saying?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Could you let me in first? It's cold out here."

I opened the door wide and stepped aside to let her in. Aina rushed in.

I kept my eyes on her as she walked straight to the couch and sat down. I shut the door and walked over to her.

"How was your vacation at Boracay after reuniting with Jake?" I asked as I sat next to her.

We didn't meet or talk for a few days because she was on vacation too, so I couldn't stop asking. Somehow, I missed her too.

"It is great. It's fun."

I frowned at her. "You sure? You sounded like you weren't."

She laughed. "I'm happy, okay? I love Jake so much, so why wouldn't I?"

"Alright, as you said." I just agreed.

"Since you asked about me and Jake, can I be the one to ask you?"

My brows furrowed again. "What are you going to ask?"

She grinned at me widely. I have a bad feeling about it.

"Well...I just returned yesterday when I heard a rumor…"

My eyes rolled automatically. "It's still early in the morning, Ains, so stop talking about rumors!"

"And guess who? It's all about you."

 My brow creased even more. "What is it about me?"

"I heard they've been seeing this man for several days, who still frequently shows up at the resort. And as of yesterday, he gave you flowers with a note..."

"H-How d-did you know that? W-Who told you?" I rattled.

"You don't need to know that..." To stare at me amusingly, Aina is putting me in an embarrassing situation.

"Care to tell me what's going on between you and that man? If you ever forgot, I'm your best friend, Calleiah Clarity."

All I could do at that moment was facepalm. I was right after thinking that Ains would not come to see me for no reason.

"CC…" she uttered, as if she was getting impatient waiting for me to say something.

Aina didn't take her intrigue look away from me until my shoulders slumped while sighing.

She's leaving me no choice but to tell her everything. We've been together for a decade, and once she shows me those attitudes, it means... I need to tell her everything...

"You're insane, CC! You kissed him already in Aurora, but only confessed yesterday?!" Aina's shrill voice almost echoed in the living room.

"Could you please lower your voice down? Raki might hear us." I irritably muttered, throwing her a warning look.

Since Raki was just upstairs and Aina's voice was so loud, it was not impossible for her to hear everything we were saying if she walked out of her room.

Aina smiled at me sheepishly. "Sorry about that..." She quickly glanced at the stairs and then faced me. "Is he a good kisser? What's his rating on a scale of one to ten?"

"Are you serious, Ains?!" I stared at her in disbelief. "Do I really need to answer that?"

"Come on, just answer it."

I shot her an annoyed look, but eventually I sighed in defeat.

"T-Ten..." I uttered as I squeezed my eyes shut. I don't know if it's because I have a low standard or if he really is that good, but from what I've experienced so far… he's skilled.

I shook my head lightly until I felt Aina pinch my thigh. I glared at her, but she ignored it.

"Are you and that man official?" She's trying to lower down her voice.

My stare lingered on her face for a while before I nodded. "Yes."

"Oh my gosh!" She covered her mouth with her hand as she stared at me in shock.

I just shook my head.

"My gosh, CC. I can't imagine that you really fell for him. I mean, you were only together in Aurora for one week, but you returned with the news that you two are already a couple!" 

I exhaled a sigh. "It's hard to explain, Ains, even I can't believe how quickly my feelings for him changed."

I stared at her and saw that she was all ears, so I kept talking.

"You know that one day...my negative impression of him changed. He erased all my negative impressions of him by showing his true self. That he can be annoying sometimes, but he has sense. When you're with him, you won't get bored…"

I continued to stare at Aina, who was now smiling.

I twisted my face. "What are you smiling at?"

"Nothing. It's just nice to hear you've opened yourself up again to a new relationship." She took a step forward and slouched on the chair in front of my table. "It's been years since we've talked about relationships, especially your man..."

I locked my gaze on her face as she smiled warmly at me.

"Work out that relationship, be yourself and never ever hold back. You deserve to be loved again and to be happy, CC."

"Excuse me, where's the real Aina?" I jokingly cleared my throat.

She burst out laughing. "You're insane! You're ruining my speech."

I laughed too. "Sorry. But kidding aside...thank you for being a supportive friend."

"Of course! Duh!"

"That's what friends are for."

Our conversation stopped when we saw Raki coming down the stairs. She's holding her bag and some of her school stuff.

"Sis Ains!" Raki exclaimed, surprised to see Aina.

"Morning, baby girl!" Ains greeted her back. "Wow! You look respectable now. What's up?" Aina amusingly scanned Raki's blue corporate attire. It's one of my old corporate outfits that I wore when I was doing OJT at Casa de Gallego back then.

Meanwhile, Raki stared at Aina with a flushed face.

"It's our practicum today, Sis Ains," Raki explained shyly.

"Ah...okay," Aina gave a satisfied nod. "Since you're here, let's have breakfast."

Aina went to the kitchen first, carrying the paper bag she had brought with her. Raki and I were left alone in the living room because I was still helping her with her hair.

"It's hard, sister," Raki grumbled as she struggled to lift her hair properly.

"Let me." I took the comb and ponytail from her hand, then walked behind her.

I fixed Raki's hair into a neat bun. Because her hair was not too long, I finished it quickly.

"Thanks, Sister," she beamed at my reflection in her mirror.

I smiled back. Looking at her now, I realize she looks more like our late mother. Her slightly chinky eyes and her lips—they're almost the same.

"Good luck to you, Sister." Raki rose from her seat and faced me. She even gave me a thumbs up.

I smiled as I moved closer to her. "Wish you luck, baby girl."

The food that Aina brought was already served on the table when Raki and I entered the kitchen.

* * *

"SO...Raki doesn't know about this yet?"

From the corner of my eye, I saw Aina stroking her chin as if she was thinking.

"Yes. She doesn't know yet, so please...let me be the one to tell her." I stared at her in the seat next to mine after I stopped the car at a red light.

Her shoulders shrugged. "Okay."

I started the car's engine when the green light came on.

"Ains." I said, keeping my eyes on the road.


"Are you not worried about your shop? You're losing money because you're neglecting it."

She made a clicking sound with her tongue. "It's just a small thing. Nothing to worry about."

I just shook my head at her response and didn't say anything else.

AINA GOT OFF first after I pulled over the car in front of the hotel.

"Good morning, Ms. Clari!" Greeted by the staff members who were just passing by on their way home from the night shift. They recognized me easily because the car's front windows were open.

"Good morning, too. Keep safe." I greeted them back.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and took out the car keys. It slipped from my hand, so I bent down to pick it up from the floor of the car. But I jolted in shock when I heard a series of knocks from the side of the car.

"CC! Someone's coming!" It's Aina. She was still standing outside, waiting for me to get out of the car.

When I finally got the key, I raised my head.

"Who is it Ains-K-Kade?" My jaw dropped when I saw Kade's bright face peering through the car window.

"Good morning." He smiled before knitting his thick brows. "It took you a long time to arrive."

"H-Have you been here since earlier?" I asked.

He gave me a quick nod. "Yes. Since 7:00 am."

He straightened up and opened the door next to me. Meanwhile, my brows furrowed at what I heard. He waited for me for almost three hours!

I got out of the car and quickly faced him. "Look. I'm sorry if you waited that long for me. I just didn't know—"

My eyes widened when he gave me a quick peck kiss on the lips! What the heck?

Before I could react, he swiftly pulled himself away from me and smiled mischievously.

"You don't have to explain...I understand, Babe." 

My jaw fell, almost deafened by the throbbing of my chest. I didn't see that coming...


A fake cough caused me to shift slowly to my side.

"Babe?" Aina's eyes widened as I met her stare. I forgot she was there too!

At that time… while I was standing in front of them… I just wished that the earth would open up and swallow me up to get me out of this embarrassment!

 So much embarrassment to start the day!


"HI. I'm Aina."

Kade looked at Aina's hand when she held it out in front of Kade.

"Nice to finally meet my best friend's boyfriend in person." Aina grinned, glancing at me.

I gave her a dark look, but she didn't see it because she quickly turned to Kade when he accepted her handshake.

"Glad to meet my girlfriend's best friend." Kade said.

Aina laughed at what she heard and turned to face me. 

"Oh girl, I can't really blame you for liking him so fast. He's even more attractive in person. With a great masculine build and a strong sense of humor...he's a total knockout! Don't let him go!"

"Aina!" I warned. It's embarrassing!

My expression just darkened as they both laughed. I'm not pleased with what's happening. I feel like they are teaming up against me.

I glowered at them before walking past them.

"She got pissed...chase her..."

I clenched my teeth and hastened my steps. And because I was in a bad mood, I couldn't return the greeting of the employees I encountered. They're my tenured employees, so I'm confident that they'll understand that I'm not in a mood.

I kept walking until someone grabbed my wrist. My lips tightened as that person turned me around.

"What now!" I scowled.

"You got pissed?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "No! I didn't get pissed. I'm actually happy, but you two seem to be even happier than me, so I just left. Maybe I'm bothering you both," I scoffed as I could no longer hide my annoyance.

"We were just joking. You're too serious." he said with tenderness, trying to woo me.

I glared at him. If he thinks he can get me with that, he's mistaken.

"I'm starting my work, Kade. So please...leave me alone," I said flatly.

"Okay. Anyway, are you busy until tonight?"

I took a deep breath before shaking my head.

"Good. I'll pick you up at your mansion."

"W-When? I mean... what time?"

"I would like to do it right now, but you're not at your mansion yet," he jested.

Before I could even frown, he squeezed my chin. "Sorry...I'll just pick you up later at 8:00 tonight. You get off work at 6:00 pm, right?"

I just nodded. Actually, it's fine for me to leave earlier, but because I somehow want to punish him for pissing me off earlier, I let him think that way.

"Don't forget."

"Uhm." I replied.

"Alright. I'm leaving."

"Kade!" To my surprise, he took my hand and placed something in my palm. Before I could ask a question, he cut me off. 

"Bye. See you later. Love you!" He winked before turning his back on me.

I froze in my tracks after hearing those last words from him. All I could do was to watch him walking away until he disappeared from my sight.

A minute passed before I remembered to look at the thing that Kade had placed in my palm earlier.

My forehead wrinkled when I realized it was a tiny notebook the size of a cardholder.

"Really, Kade? A tiny notebook?" I asked internally.

I opened it, which made my mouth part. It's a small flipbook with an animated frowning face on it. I began flipping through the notebook, not knowing that it would move me.

I bit my lower lip because as I continued flipping, the frowning face gradually transformed into a smiling one. The letters he wrote on each next page gradually completed the statement he wrote—"I love you, Ms. General Manager."

My heartbeat rammed against my ribcage, as if it wanted to burst at that precise moment, not with annoyance or anger, but with joy and excitement. I didn't expect him to really do it for me. I didn't expect him to be this passionate and talented for making something like this.

The fact that he had been waiting for me for hours made me appreciate him even more.

I enclosed the notebook in my palm and placed it on my chest. I smiled sweetly. Flowers or chocolates can't compare to this thing.