
A Setback Beauty

"Just one I Love You...I'll fight for you." As CC slowly let her guard down, she just woke up one day that she starts chasing this stranger. She's not used of being the second best but she settled for it....for him. However, can she sacrifice her dignity and image loved by everyone in exchange for this man's heart that turned back to someone? And now she's torn between truth and pretense. Will she be her true self for this man because she wants to be loved for who she really is or she'll stay being CC that people love?

Yoj_Lolita · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs


"IT'S ALREADY 1:00 IN THE MORNING. Where have you been, my dear sister?"

I jolted in surprise when I heard Raki's voice behind me. I locked the doorknob first before slowly turning around to face her.

"Why are you still awake? Don't you have school tomorrow?" I wrinkled my forehead at Raki.

"You, Sis Clari, why are you still awake? Don't you still have work tomorrow?" she asked back. "I didn't see you here when I got home. They said you went on a date with your boyfriend."

More lines appeared on my forehead. "Who told you?"

"Sis Aina."

I exhaled a furious sigh. Didn't I just ask her not to tell Raki?

"I'm sulking at you, Sis Clari. You already have a boyfriend, but you haven't told me. Who is your boyfriend? Is it Manong?" Raki fixed her eyes on my face as she crossed her arms.

"Who's 'Manong'?" I asked with my knitted brows as I strode towards the couch.

Raki's eyes followed me. "Manong Kade—the one who introduced himself to Aunt Roma as your suitor, the one who drove us home and carried you to your room because you fell asleep in his car, the man you were with in Aurora."

My face twisted. "You don't have to go into detail."

"Ow-kay." With a mouth curled into a grin, Raki approached me and took my bag from me. "How was your date? Was it romantic?"

I gave her a long look. "Why are you asking?"

I took off the jacket I was wearing and laid it down on the table. Raki picked it up and then grinned at me.

"Just curious, sis. Your jacket smells like a man. Is this from your boyfriend?" she asked, holding the jacket as if it were filthy.

I nodded, then slumped on the couch to remove my heels.

"Ah, that's why Manong gave you his jacket...because with your dress, anyone can see your collarbone and armpit." Raki giggled, "Anyway, what has got into you that you thought of wearing something like that? I thought you didn't like clothes like that."

My shoulder fell. "It's all Ain's fault. She didn't let me go until I agreed to wear it."

Raki stared at me skeptically. "Really? You allowed yourself to be forced?"

I knitted my brows. "You know Aina, Raki. She won't leave me alone until she gets what she wants from me."

"Really, huh?"

I glowered at her. "Stop teasing me, Raki." I said in a firm tone, causing her to pout.

* * *

FROM the entrance of the lobby, I saw Lars sitting on a couch. She rose from her seat when she also saw me.

"Hello, Clari," she greeted.

I hurried over to her. "Lars...What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I saw Kade's post last night. I came here to congratulate you two."

"T-Thank you," I smiled awkwardly.

She reciprocated the smile. "Anyway, are you busy?"

"Not really."

"I see. So, can we have a drink? You know...coffee? I just wanted to talk to you, if that's okay with you—"

"Sure," I replied immediately, which surprised her a little. "Ahm, hang on. I'll just talk to my secretary."

Lars nodded, so I excused myself and went to Janna, who was talking to Dean at the reception desk.

They had just finished their conversation when I arrived at the reception desk.

"Yes, Ms. Clari?" They both greeted me almost at the same time.

I just smiled, then switched my gaze to Janna. "Have you talked to Mrs. Dalzell?"

"Yes, Ms. Clari. She agreed to reschedule your meeting."


"Sorry..." I made an apologetic expression as I approached her.

She gave me a sympathetic smile. "It's alright."

I took Lars around the hotel first before taking her to the restaurant close to the golf course.

"Gosh, I love this place!" Lar's eyes lit up in amusement the moment she took the first step on the rooftop's floor.

She stepped closer to the pool area to get a better view of the crystal-clear pool water. I followed her and greeted the few guests who were there. Few people were at the pool, while others were relaxing on sun loungers.

"Um, Ms. Clari..."

I stopped walking when a staff member who was there approached me. I don't know her name, but I'm sure she's one of our new hires.

"Why?" I asked softly.

She smiled shyly. "Mrs. Bocelli would like to speak with you."

I followed her gaze when she turned to look at a foreign woman relaxing on a sun lounger who was also staring at us.

"Is she the one who's asking?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am."

I approached the guest, whom I believed to be an Italian.

"Are you the General Manager?" The woman welcomed me with a warm smile.

I returned her smile and politely asked why she wanted to talk to me.

"Our top priority is to provide our customers with world-class service. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying your stay here, ma'am." I smiled at the guest, who commended the new staff who accommodated her.

"I will definitely recommend this place to my friends," said the guest.

"Our pleasure, ma'am," I said with a genuine smile.

After our conversation, I politely excused myself from the guest and walked towards Lars, who was already standing beside the rooftop railing.

"Lars," I called her name to get her attention.

"I like the picturesque view of the entire Casa de Gallego from here—the crystal water of the Palisog Beach, the white sands, those palm trees and those cottages below—it's breathtaking. I'm so envious of you, Clari, for spending so much time at this place..."

She turned around to face me. Meanwhile, my eyes immediately fell on the champagne glass in her hand. There's alcohol in it.

"Where did you get that?" I asked curiously. As far as I know, we haven't ordered drinks yet.

"One of your guests here gave me this," she laughed, peeking behind me.

My brows furrowed. I shifted around to face the direction she was gazing. 

The man in the swimming pool immediately stole our attention. He was facing our direction. With half of his body submerged in the pool, we could only see his broad chest, ripped shoulders, and both arms that exposed veins as he rested them on the edge of the swimming pool.

"Damn! He's quite hot!" Lars gasped.

While I raised an eyebrow, especially when the man grinned seductively.

"Fuck! What do you think of him, Clari? He's sweltering hot, right?" Lars exaggerated.

My head shook. "He's not that charismatic, and he looks average." Lars should ignore that man. I know that person well enough for her to be interested in him.

"Long time, no see, CC." He greeted me without glancing at me after I put the champagne glass that Lars used on the table next to him.

"Don't talk to me, Lexus," I replied in a bland tone.

I heard him smirking as he splashed water from the pool. "You're still the coldest person I've ever met, CC."

I took a step back to avoid getting wet. I walked away from him and returned to Lars, who was now sitting on one of the sun loungers.

"Let's go?" I said.

She quickly rose to her feet. "Do you know who that man is, Clari?" she inquired as she caught sight of Lexus.

"No," I said, shaking my head.

She kept her stare on my face for a long time before nodding and not saying anything.

Lars and I descended from the rooftop to the main kitchen of the hotel. We wore an apron and a hairnet. We also put on face masks and sanitized our hands before going inside.

The staff members that I ran into greet me, and I just nod.

"Wow, I think this place is one of the most organized place I've ever been," said Lars.

I let out a faint laugh. "I think you're right."

Although cleanliness must be observed, I honestly didn't expect it to be so well-organized and clean. I was also surprised.

"The chefs and staff here must suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder," Lars jokingly remarked.

I just laughed, even at the idea that our guests might get sick because they won't have germs here.

After the tour inside the kitchen, we stayed on the veranda for some coffee. After this, I intend to invite Lars to play golf with me.

"I didn't know that you're making wine." Lars lowered the bottle of Mango Wine on the table.

"I just learned it from one of my students."

 "Your student in your pottery studio?" She asked. I already told her about my pottery studio.

"Yes, she's from Verjarnette Playa, which is known as the region's mango capital. Making Mango wine is one of their methods of preserving those mangoes that did not meet custom quality standards. They are working on alternatives so that those mangoes do not go to waste."

"Hmm… that's interesting to know." Lars nodded, then took another sip of coffee.

She hasn't tasted the wine yet since she's still drinking coffee. She's too scared of getting an upset stomach if she does.

After we finished our coffee, I invited Lars to the golf course. She agreed, so we dropped by my office to change clothes.

"Do we really have to dress like this?" Lars asked me as we walked down the hallway, going to the elevator.

"You should wear that if you don't want to burn your skin under the blistering sun." I told Lars, who was already irritated by her cap and long-sleeve top.

She breathed furiously and rolled her eyes. "Gosh! I really hate this kind of cloth. This isn't my type."

I just shook my head. I heard the same thing from Aina when I first invited her to play golf.

Lars couldn't do anything with her outfit, especially when we began sweating on our foreheads and necks as soon as we left the hotel due to the oppressive heat.

"Fudge! It's sweltering hot!" whined Lars when we got on the golf cart going to the golf course.

* * *

LARS clapped her hands loudly the moment the golf ball went into the hole.

"So this is your sport, huh? No wonder you're that good." Her eyes glinted with amazement when she came closer to me. "You proved to me how pro you are at this sport. You never missed a hole, as if you calculated every distance accurately."

 "T-Thanks." I rubbed the side of my neck like a timid young lady. It's awkward being complimented by Lars.

Lars laughed when she saw my reaction. "Speechless? You're already a manager. You should be used to receiving praise from those around you."

"I'm sorry. It's just that...awkward..."

She squinted her eyes at me. "So, if it's King, it's not awkward?"

I shook my head. "No. That's not what I meant."

"Nah! Whatever."

I just pursed my lips when she turned her back, holding the putter on her shoulder.

"We should go back to the hotel. It's intensely hot here outside. I can feel I'm gonna faint any moment from now."

Lars started walking, and I followed her to the golf cart that was parked alongside the golf course.

"Uhm, Lars...can I ask you something?" I broke the awkward silence that surrounded us.

"Hmm?" She turned to face me with a question mark in her eyes.

"About Kade...d-do you know what his business is?" I fixed my stare on her face, hoping for an answer.

"He's an IT graduate. Any business related to that course must be his."

"Y-You did not know anything about his business?"

Lars' shoulder dropped. "We don't know. King isn't very open about his career, so we don't ask about it anymore. We just wait for him to open up to us."

I knitted my brows. "And you're all fine with that?" I curiously asked.

"Honestly, I got curious, too. There was one time I asked him about that, but he avoided my question, so I just let it go. It's difficult to ask someone who doesn't want to answer."

"I-Is that so..." I just nodded and focused my eyes on the wide golf course we were passing by.

My curiosity about his work keeps bothering me. The longer I wait for him to tell me, the more intrigued I become.

"He didn't tell you either?"

I shifted my gaze to Lars, then shook my head.

Her brows drew together. "You didn't ask him?"

"I did, but he didn't answer me." 

Lars exhaled a sigh. "I see. King doesn't have any plans to tell anyone about his field of work."

My lips pursed. I don't want to think badly of him because I trust Kade somehow. He may be irksome sometimes, but I know he's a decent man. Still, I can't help but think there's something wrong, that he's hiding something.

"What is it, Kade?" I wondered internally.


"Yes?" I asked.

"You're not doubting him, are you? I mean, your impression of him still hasn't changed just because he doesn't want to say what his job is."

I just stared at her intently. I didn't know what to say.

"Do you trust him?"

"How about you?" I asked back. "To not even ask him again about his business means that you all trust him that much."

"Not that we trust him, we just respect him. Whatever his reason is, we respect it, whether he will tell us or not. It's okay as long as we're confident that it's legal. Knowing King...he won't do such things that he knows will harm him or us."

"It seems that you all really looked up to Kade." I can't help but comment.

Lars' eyes sparkled as her face lit up with delight. "As the one who became our guardian after Grandpa Cads died, yes, we look up to him, even Harry Diem, the oldest among us…"

I gazed at her, interested in what else she would say.


"King is more than a cousin to us. He's more like our brother and father. You wouldn't believe it, but he's the reason we even saved Grandpa's mansion and farm."


"W-What happened?" I don't know if it's the right question to ask, but that's all that came out of my mouth.


Lars' lips twitched with a wan smile. "We have a tragic life, Clari. King's mom died after the ship she was on sank. Ari's parents both died in a car accident, and both of my parents died from an unknown illness."


I felt heavy in my heart as I listened to what Lars said, especially when she trailed off as tears rolled down her cheek, yet she still managed to smile.


"It happened one after the other. We hadn't even moved on from one when another happened. It was devastating. It hurts that we lost them almost at the same time." Lars sniffed. She wiped her cheek with the back of her palm and then glanced up to push back the impending tears.

"Montalvo was one of the wealthiest families in Aurora when Grandpa was still healthy, but everything changed after he was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. Our farm and other properties were gradually sold for his lifetime dialysis and maintenance until we mortgaged the mansion and everything that was left. Ari and I were in junior high back then, and we both felt afraid. We were afraid that if Grandpa didn't fully recover, we wouldn't be able to go to college because we didn't have a source of income, and we knew it would be difficult for us to get scholarships because Montalvo was attached to our name. People at that time thought it would be unfair if we were given one, especially since our family is well-known as one of Aurora's wealthiest families. Ari and I both lost hope—the kind where all of our dreams in life crumbled—but our world crumbled even more when Grandpa died. Clari, he dies from fucking fire!" She jerked her head and laughed sarcastically, with a whiff of frustration in her voice.

"It feels like all of our efforts to help him recover from his illness were in vain because he died in the fire. It was so devastating, yet ironic."

"I'm sorry..." That's all I could mutter.

"When you think about it, we were pitiful back then, when we had to get credit from the store just to have food, when we had to work in the cafeterias just to have a little allowance. Life was too hard on us back then, when everyone left us—our parents, Grandpa and those people close to us—even Nay Ester, who left us because her husband also needed her at that time."

Lars was already sobbing as she told me about their hardships and I felt sorry for her. As she continued, I felt pain in every word she said. I didn't know their lives were like this, that they had gone through so much.

"During those times, King became our support. He became our guide and provider. He worked so hard for us that he entered almost every kind of job. Until one of his professors sponsored him and gave him work so he could support Ari and my studies while also supporting himself. His professor was also kind to us. Every weekend, he invites us to his house to clean and do laundry, and then he gives us money for our school allowance. After King graduated from college, his professor offered him a job. We didn't know because he kept it a secret from us. While Harry Diem left us because his mother wanted him to finish his studies abroad, King also left both me and Ari with Nay Ester and disappeared for almost three years. The only way we could communicate with him was through email, but he never stopped sending us money for our expenses...until the next year..."

"What happened?" I asked, intrigued, as a smile crossed Lars' lips.


"He came back one day with this lawyer, saying that the title to the farm and mansion had been returned to us. When King paid all our debts, it felt like he pulled out a big thorn for us. After all those struggles we faced, we finally felt relieved. And all that thanks to King..." Lars gave me a warm smile. "Clarity, you're one of the luckiest women in the world to have a responsible boyfriend like King."