
A Serpent's Tale

In a future, alternate timeline, the Gods have been reawakened with a fury, and with that fury, they take control of the world and reshape it to their collective liking, and reignite the power of magic, changing the way the world functioned as we knew it. With the concept of magic now introduced to humanity, they went wild with it in this new world, creating new things and people that eventually restructured the system of the Gods themselves, changing everything once again. Time has passed since then, and in a remote city in the largest desert two beings encounter one another and create an unlikely spawn, the mother dies shortly after giving birth due to a curse inflicted upon her by mysterious forces. The was then father left to take care of his child on his own and does his best, but is forced to return to his home realm in hell, due to the same reasons he was allowed in the mortal plane in the first place. Left alone with only her friend, the two young serpentines venture off on many adventures together, developing a strong bond for one another that quickly grows into something more. Then on one of these adventures, they find themselves trapped inside a hidden and desolate place. They searched for a way out, but in the end, only one escaped Now alone the little serpent girl has to survive this world without anyone by her side, struggling to cope with all of the losses she's suffered over her life. Will she be able to survive? Or will she fall into an endless spiral of despair and loneliness? __________ Current Upload shedule, every other day. Cover Art made by devilbeez, you can find them on instagram. WARNING! This novel contains fetish content such as Futanari and Vore, you have been warned. It also contains some descriptive and gory scenes that some may not like, chapters with such content have a note at the beginning of them. Any and all of this text is subject to change whenever I like.

Wyvers · Fantasía
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257 Chs

Waking Up to New Things

(Traytora POV)

Groaning, I snuggled deeper into the soft pillows that my head lay upon, hugging whatever or whomever it was that I was laying on. Feeling something caressing my head, I nuzzled into my pillows, finding them comfy and squishy.

"Hmm~" Giving out a hum of satisfaction I remained as I was, too sleepy and comfortable to move, especially with the head pats I was receiving, they gave of a warmth which seemed familiar but I couldn't quite pin down where I had felt this feeling before, so I gave up trying to figure it out.

Eventually I realised that I was just sleeping, so I groggily opened them up to see I was resting against a pair of bare tits. And as I came to ,I remembered what had happened earlier and that this must be Cythistia's chest.

"Morning sunshine~" She greeted me enthusiastically.

"Mmm~" I gave a light moan in response to her greeting.


I heard a zapping noise and then soon after, a fire crackling nearby. As the fire got bigger, I felt the heat coming off of it wash over me, warming me up and making me sleepy again but then I could smell the scent of meat burning, so I opened my eyes up to see Dorrak roasting some meat over the fire.

"Hungry?" Cythistia asked.

"Mmm." I hummed in response, still sleepy and now also very hungry, as demonstrated by my stomach which just growled out loud.

"Haha~ You are indeed hungry, just wait a little more and we'll be able to fill our stomachs with some juicy meats." She explained to me.

Shifting myself so that my back was facing her, I leaded my head back into her chest. To pass the time I decided to take a look at my status, just for fun, and also to see how much I drained my stamina last night.


Oh, and I also need to check out that [Fire Runes] skill as well.


[Name: Traytora Asmodeus Arizaraa]

[Gender: Futanari]

[Species: Nagi Succubus]

[Bloodlines: Ancient Serpent ??? (Ancient), Primordial Sin: Lust (Primordial)]

[Soul: Infant Nachash (Primordial)]

[Age: 178]


[LvL: 29 EXP: 15,000/45,000]

[Soul LvL: 22 EXP: 3,500/15,000]


[Title: Intimidator (Rare)] [+]

[Alignment: Neutral]

[Condition: Tormented, Starving, Mute (32336:26:57)]

[Role: None]


[Class: None]

[Subclass: None]


[Equipment:] [-]

[Ancestral Pendant: Serpent (Ancient) LvL. 1, Ring of Sin: Lust (Primordial) LvL. 3]


[Stats:] [-]

[HP: 58,000/33,500 (+35,000]

[MP: 21,820/13,950 (+15,620)]

[SP: 11,950/17,300 (+1,750]

[Strength: 32,000 (+8,500)]

[Defence: 23,700 (3,500)]

[Magic: 28,500 (+10,000)]

[Magic Defence: 12,200 (+7,000)]

[Agility: 5,600 (+3,500)]

[Speed: 265 (+175)]

[Stamina: 847/22,400 (10,500)]

[Charm: 13,500 (+15,000)]

[Stat Points: 25] [+]


[Affinities:] [-]

[Fire (Apex)]

[Sin: Lust (Apex)]

[??? (Extremely Strong]

[Hell (Very Strong)]

[??? (Strong)]

[Poison (High)]

[Earth (Average)]

[Water (Mediocre)]

[Wind (Very Low)]


[Weaknesses:] [-]

[Virtue: Chastity (Apex)]

[Heaven (Very Strong)]

[??? (Very High)]

[Ice (High)]

[Water (Mediocre)]



[Physical:] [-]

[Devour: LvL. 6] [Dash: LvL. 4] [Poisonous Bite: LvL. 4] [Claw Slash: LvL. 3] [Harden Scales: LvL. 4] [Tail Whip: LvL. 3] [Pain Resistance: LvL. 2] [Seductive Movements: LvL 1]

[Magic:] [-]

[Fireball: LvL. 7] [Fire Beam: LvL. 7] [Fire Wall: LvL. 5] [Fire Burst: LvL. 3] [Fire Dome: LvL. 3] [Poison Bullet: LvL. 3] [Earth Manipulation: LvL. 2] [Earth Wall: LvL. 2] [Fire Absorption: LvL. 2] [Hell Fire: LvL. 2] [Air Shell: LvL 1] [Fire Runes: LvL. 1 (NEW)] [Water Summon: LvL. 1]

[Bloodline:] [-]

[Bloodline Suppression: LvL. -/-] [Bloodline Aura: LvL. -/-] [Lust Flame: LvL 3] [Elemental Scales: LvL. 1 (NEW)] [Regeneration: LvL. 1]

[Racial: (NEW)] [-]

[Succubus:] [Aphrodisiac Pheromones: LvL. 2] [Demon Aura: LvL. 2] [Demonic Rampage: LvL. 2] [Dual Cultivation: LvL. 1 (NEW)] [Enhanced Stamina: LvL. 1 (NEW)] [Illusion Magic: LvL. 1 (NEW)] [Life Absorption: LvL. 1 (NEW)] [Potent Seed: LvL, 1 (NEW)] [Stimulating Touch: LvL. 1 (NEW)] [Tantalizing Secretions: LvL. 1 (NEW)]

[Naga:] [Apex Predator: LvL. 1 (NEW)] [Intimidation: LvL. 1 (NEW)] [Paralysing Stare: LvL. 1]

[Soul:] [-]

[Curse of Lust: LvL. 2] [Soul Flame: LvL. 2] [Soul Manifestation: LvL. 2] [Soul Aura: LvL. 1] [Soul Bite: LvL. 1]


'Uhhh... ... Well, that's a whole new can of worms I don't want to deal with right now, so I'm not going to! Yup! Future me will deal with this at some point.'

"Meats ready." I heard Dorrak announced to the two of us and I went straight for the whole body that looked to be roasted all over, swallowing it all down in one gulp, something I only really do when I'm extremely hungry.

"W-Wait, isn't that hot!?" I heard Cythistia cry out in worry towards me. I turned around and shook my head, conjuring fire mana to spell out what I wanted to say.

'No, with my attunement to fire magic this level of heat is nothing to me, plus I'm half demon so, yeah.'

"O-Oh, I guess that makes sense, kind of." She said while still looking a bit lost and confused. That's when I noticed that she seemed really different to how she acted yesterday. She was rather meek, and caring towards me, something which she shouldn't display towards me, infatuation I could understand after last night, and she seems infatuated but not in the way I was expecting.

Wanting to find an answer to my question I just asked her directly, 'Why are you so concerned about me?'

"Hmm? Why wouldn't I be?" She asked in return. I just tilted my head, not knowing why she would ask that.

"She wasn't awake when you revealed the consequences of last night, only I heard you say that." Dorrak said, clearing the confusion.

"Oh! Right, she was sleeping then, wasn't she? Anyways, I- Uhh, I just realised I never caught your name, what is it?" She asked with a little embarrassment.

'Traytora.' I wrote in flames.

"Right, Traytora, it's so nice to finally know the name of the father of my child." She spoke.





A tad shorter this one but I felt that his was a nice place to leave this chapter off.

Not much else to say except for leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments below, especially new ideas for the [Bloodline] skill tree, most of them got moved to the new racial tree and I need to fill that space up.

That's all, Bye Bye for now!

Wyverscreators' thoughts