
A Second Chance in Time

Hi, I’m Mark and while I’m not the strongest and neither do I have any unique ability, most of my opportunities being either wasted or given away one way or another, I’m the one that survived the most. Now that I think about it, this life is pretty miserable. I got my ups and downs, but because I rushed at the beginning, I ruined my entire future and the only thing keeping me alive is my ability to adapt and survive. That’s it. No magical abilities. No genius talent. The most unique ability I had was an ability the “survivor” title gave me called “The survivor”. Oh, look, I'm about to be killed aaaaand I'm dead. ... . . Die, they said, you will receive eternal rest they said, but where is the eternal rest?! “Hello and welcome to the Regression and Reincarnation agency. Due to your peculiar achievements, you have been fo- ahem, given the chance to go back in time, as well as three wishes.” –––––––––––––––––– Follow Mark on his journey to change his ending, see his rises and falls and journey with him together in this story through your imagination. ______________________ This is my first book and my native language isn't English, so expect grammar mistakes and so on. You will find no harem in here because webnovel is filled with harem stories and second, I'm absolutely tired and bored of reading harem stories, so I'm making a book myself. Same for swords, they are everywhere, so they got boeing quickly, so MC will NOT be wielding a sword. The closest thing to sword you'll get is a knife. Either way, enjoy my book and if you don't like it, just stop reading, no need to write comments or reviews about how, from your perspective, the story is. _______________

Blank_Joker · Fantasía
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40 Chs


<1 month time skip>

'If the doctor said: This will be the last check up before you are set free, then I jumping in the air

[Congratulations, you have acquired 'Regeneration']

'I was wondering why didn't I get this skill earlier

[Skill limit]

There existed something like that?

[Yes, though not many reached it]


The doctor walked in with the words

"Good morning, Mark, today will be your last checkup"

"Finally, I was waiting for this day so much" (Mark said this while sighing at the same time)

"I bet you did as there wasn't much for a child like you to do"

"It's not my problem that both you and my parents rejected my request of going out"

"Well, your body is still recovering, it would be troublesome if you suddenly got worse because of straining your body"

"But you took away all forms of entertainment for me"

"There is the TV so you can watch cartoons and your parents are coming here almost daily"

"You blocked every other channel except the one that shows cartoons, Cartoons are very boring and talking with my parents is annoying as they never shut up when talking and all I do is listen to them"

*Sigh* "You are such a unique child"

"Yes, now can you bring me a book about finances, my parents will cover the costs"

"You know I can't do that"

'Finally, I will be leaving, now I will properly be able to train and do the stuff I want'

'Then the check up began, it was all the same: they checked my body, they did an x-ray of my body every week, they did one today.' 

'I asked them don't they do it every day, the doctors answer was that x-rays contain radiation, so if they did it every day, it would harm me'

'Next, they did a mobility check, a test for my brain, checked my wounds, changed the bandages, did a little bit of an info dump about how fast I was healing'

[Congratulations, 'regeneration' has ranked up to G rank]

'Hey system, why is my 'regeneration' ranking up so fast. Before regression, 'Regeneration' ranked up extremely slow.'

[A child's body and brain are very adaptive as they are still growing, that's why you will upgrade or gain skills easier, since you have 'Adapt', the adaptive effect is further amplified]

'Oh, that's quite excellent, I will have an easier time in master 'The Ten Gates of Impossibility'

'It has the ten gates and they are related indirectly to my pressure points and such, so I won't need to unlock them separately, as I will need to unlock them to progress'

'The Ten Gates of Impossibility' is a training method, which unseals the seals put on your body, utilizing the energy they release after being unsealed to further strengthen both the body and the soul'

'As the name suggests, the training method possesses ten stages, as the humans possess ten seals, though for me, I will have to find an SSS-rank, mana, ki, or any energy that I am capable of wielding, stone, so that will be a pain. I need to unseal the 'Seal of Limit'(QOWKQ) at the sixth stage.'

A while later, my dad came to pick me up

"Hi Mark, we are here to pick you up"

"Finally, will I be able to read the books I want"

"Yes, but in exchange you will have to go to the park and play with other kids"


"You can always refuse to accept this deal, but I or your mom will buy you books of your choice"

"Dad, can you teach me how to forge"

"… Son, where did you hear the word "forge"?"


"It's a bit surprising, but okay, I could teach you, but be prepared, we will be doing a ton of endurance training, as you need to be able to forge for hour to make a good item"

"Ok, also, can you buy me a book about human anatomy?"

"Sure, we can go buy it on the way"

And we stopped there, but I took the chance to buy a book about physics and chemistry as well. I got a lollipop for free as well, so that was a bonus.

'Thank god that I used the ultimate strategy of the century: ask your parents to teach something they are good at, usually it's something like playing the piano or sewing, but eh, I took a bet, then ask them for something you want.'

'I somehow remember that my dad had ties to the smithing industry, probably the soul restoration, though I didn't expect him to know how to forge.'

And we drove home, but when we got there…


"He asked me to teach him how to forge, so out of the joy oof my son learning my passion, I bought a book he asked for… wait, he bought three books?! So that's why the price was so absurd for a book"

"Mark, please go somewhere else, me and your dad will have a looong discussion"

Maria then continued shouting

"Why did you buy him books about science, I want him to be able to get friends and being extremely knowledgeable in things that interest no kid doesn't help him.

While Peter was always calm, not loosing his calm even when the threat of sleeping on the couch loomed over him. 

Didn't we agree to buy him the books he asks for only on special occasion like Christmas and his birthday"

"But he asked me to teach him how to forge."

"This doesn't excuse the fact that you bought him books of his request, his overdeveloped brain will stop him from getting friends, this might slow his emotional development even more and

"Maria, calm down. Mark will grow up to be a man, if he has the need to, he will try to get friends, worst case he asks us and we help him get friends. All we can do now is let him grow as much as he wants. I also purchased a book on emotions and child psychology.

Now, as parents, our responsibility is giving him a childhood that he will appreciate and would like to repeat. But at the same time, we must prepare him for when he leaves us. If we spoil him, we will ruin his future. 

I'm not giving him our company just because he is our son as I have no intention to hand it over to someone who might be incompetent"

"But think about the present, what if he grows emotion-"

"He started to talk more than he used to and he feels emotions, I can see them in his behavior. It isn't like he is emotionless, it's just that he suppresses them quite well, leave him be. If he learns to control his emotions, especially his aggression and anger, he will become powerful"

"I won't let him be violent, if he becomes violent, I'm disciplining him"

"You have confused aggression for violence, aggression is different from violence as you don't need to be aggressive to be violence. I'm aggressive as hell, you have seen how I lead and develop the "Lochem industries", is that violent?"


"That is one of the definitions for aggressive. The so-called aggression you see in thugs is violence, not aggression. A good hunter must be aggressive, otherwise he will not catch anything"

"So your point is…"

"Let him develop in peace and assist him if necessary, he isn't a normal child, so don't judge with normal standards, never praise him with words like "You are a prodigy" or "This is perfect" as nobody has reached the limit in their respective craft, be it foraging or forging"

*Chuckle* "It's always fun to see the cold side of you coming out as it always means that you are serious about something"

"A man with a weak discipline and will is either a child or someone that nobody needs. You don't need to be physically strong to be a man, but you must have a strong discipline, will and the ability to control your emotions, because without these qualities, you will never succeed without someone giving the success to you"

"There is no need to be Aristotle, be laxer sometimes"

"I realized that the one thing that my company lacks is a good system that runs it, until the I must work, I have achieved it partially so I can take a holiday twice a year, but I want more. I want to be the richest, that is my dream"

"Haha, that side of you is one of the reasons I fell in love with you."

"I still remember how you used to say that I dream too big, but for a man there is no ambition that is too big. As long as you have a functioning body and the qualities I listed just now, you will succeed, though I must add patience to that list."

"Indeed, I was waiting for the moment when you added patience to the list. I remember it like it happened yesterday, when for a whole month I got no progress on my side, but then it suddenly exploded in progress and I was able to finish the task in two weeks, when you said that it will take me a whole day"

"And because we made a bet on that, I had to take you to another 3 day date"

"I wish we could do it once more"

*Sigh* "What will I do with that energy of yours