
My family

"And that Is why I love Bob my pet fish" said a boy as he was standing next to his mother who was holding a bowl with a goldfish who was happily swimming in it.

"A round of applause everyone" said Jennifer with a smile as everyone clapped.

"Alright, Joy it's your turn" said Jennifer with a smile as she looked at Joy.

"Miss Honey, my daddy isn't here with Meggie yet" said Joy with a sad look on her face.

"Oh that's alright Joy, he might be running a little late" said Jennifer with a smile.

"Let's give him some time, Leon, Prince, you can go next and Joy will go after you" said Jennifer as she smiled and she looked at Prince and Leon who were standing next to their father who was holding a big brown Pitbull.

"Okay Miss Honey" said Prince and Leon at the same time as they walked to the front of the class and they started their presentation.

"My daddy isn't here yet, I don't think that he is coming" said Joy as she whispered to Clarita who was petting her cute little white hamster that was busy nibbling.

"I am sure that he will be here soon Joy" said Clarita as she whispered back to Joy.

"But what if he is not?" asked Joy.

"Why didn't you ask your mommy to come instead? Your daddy is always busy" said Clarita.

"My mommy is allergic to the fur of dogs and cats and hamsters, and there are many animals here, if she comes here, she will start sneezing a lot, and I don't want her to get sick again" said Joy.

"Ahh I see, well don't worry Joy, Prince can talk a lot he won't stop talking about his dog anytime soon, you still have time for your daddy to come with Meggie" said Clarita as Joy nodded.

"You all should watch out, my dog can easily bite you, he has very sharp teeth" said Prince as everyone laughed.

"Prince, don't scare people" said Prince's father as Prince smiled at him and nodded as the door to the classroom opened and Nine walked in silently while not trying to disturb everything that was already going on as he walked to Joy while carrying Meggie in hiss right hand.

"Uncle Nine" said Joy as she saw him and whispered.

"Hi Joy" said Nine as he smiled.

"Where is my daddy?" asked Joy.

"He's sorry princess he could not make it he had a meeting that he could not get out of, but he sent me instead" said Nine as he explained and whispered.

"Oh okay" said Joy.

"You are not upset?" asked Nine as even though it was a real hassle to get Meggie over here, he did not want Joy to be upset.

"No Uncle Nine, I understand that my daddy is very busy, but you brought Meggie already" said Joy as she smiled and Nine smiled at her.

"Uncle Nine, do you have Meggie's leash?" asked Joy as Nine nodded and he handed Meggie over to Joy as Joy started to pet her.

"Hi Uncle Nine" said Clarita with a smile as she waved at Nine.

"Hi Clarita" said Nine as he smiled.

"Joy, Meggie looks so cute, I love the colour of her feathers" said Clarita as she started to pet Meggie who was more quiet than usual.

"Yes, she is very cute, and she is a very good girl" said Joy with a smile.

"Do you think that she and Snow could be good friends?" asked Clarita with a smile as she held her hamster names Snow.

"I think so, I think that all animals can talk to each other, right uncle Nine?" asked Joy with a smile as she looked at Nine.

"They can" replied Nine as their conversation was cut short when everyone started to clap.

"Next up it's Joy and her pet Meggie, the last show and tell for today" said Jennifer as she smiled and Joy hooked Meggie's leash to her collar as she stood up.

"You want me to come with you?" asked Nine as Joy nodded and he followed after her as she stood in front of everyone and she put Meggie down as she held her leash and she was a bit nervous but Jennifer looked at her and smiled as she urged her to go on, they had practiced this several times, and she was sure that Joy would do well.

"Hello everyone, my name is Joy White, and this is my pet chicken Meggie" said Joy as she looked at Meggie and she smiled.

"Meggie is a hen, and she had reddish brown feathers, she is very gentle, and I love her very much" said Joy with a smile.

"My Grandpappy got her for me because I can't get a dog, or a cat or a hamster like Clarita's because my mommy is allergic to their fur, and she gets sick around them, so my Grandpappy got me a chicken" said Joy as everyone laughed.

"I love Meggie because she is sweet, and very quiet, she won't harm anymore, and she is very cuddly" said Joy.

"Meggie eats lots of vegetables like corn, and broccoli and spinach, and she likes them and I love feeding her" said Joy as she looked at Jennifer who nodded and urged her to continue going as Nine smiled.

"I take Meggie on walks in the park" said Joy as everyone laughed.

"You do?" asked Jennifer as Joy nodded.

"Yes I do, even though my friend Ethan said that you can't walk a chicken but I didn't listen to him, I can" said Joy as she smiled.

"I love my chicken Meggie very much, and she is part of my family" said Joy.

"Thank you all for listening to me" said Joy with a smile as everyone clapped and Nine clapped as well, she did great.

"I want to think everyone for coming to our show and tell, and I am so glad that I got to meet all your pets" said Jennifer with a smile on her face as Joy walked to her seat as suddenly Meggie stopped following her as Joy lost her grip on the leash as Meggie started to fly around the room and there was a commotion as Jennifer tried to make sure everyone was calm so the other pets wouldn't go out of control.

"Meggie" called Joy as Meggie continued flying around and landing on the chairs and everywhere as Joy tried to catch her.

When finally Meggie stopped flying and landed on Nine's head as everyone looked at him and Meggie settled herself nicely on his black hair as Nine did not look pleased at all, this was the third time that she had done this, she was obsessed with his hair, he wondered if his head looked like a nest to her or what.

Jennifer covered her mouth with her hands as she was trying so hard not to laugh right now, Nine just looked so silly with Meggie all nestled and comfortable on his head.

"Uncle Nine, Meggie is on your head" said Joy as she stopped herself from laughing as Nine looked at her.

"I know…" he said a tone that did not sound pleased at all as everyone started to laugh.

"Mr. White, I think that you need some help getting her off from there" said Jennifer as she laughed.

"No it's fine, once she's up there she doesn't want to come down, believe me I have tried" said Nine as he shook his head.

"I think that I will just go…" said Nine as Jennifer nodded and she cleared her throat and stopped herself from laughing.

"I will see you at home Joy" said Nine as he looked at Joy, he was just very annoyed he felt like Meggie could poop on his head at any time and yet she refused to get off his head.

"Okay Bye Uncle Nine, good luck removing Meggie from your head" said Joy as she giggled and Nine just bent down through the door as he left the room.

"Meggie, why do you have to be so annoying, my hair is not a nest" said Nine as he knew that he was done for if Charlie saw him like this, he would never hear the end of it, never.

"Joy your uncle really doesn't look happy" said Clarita as she smiled and she handed Snow to Joy who was petting her.

"Oh he is happy on the inside, he just does not smile a lot" said Joy as she smiled.

"Why doesn't he smile a lot?" asked Leon.

"Well because he says that my uncle Charlie is very annoying, and he likes to annoy him, so he only smiles when my uncle Charlie is not there" said Joy.

"Wasn't your uncle Charlie the one who built Meggie her pen?" asked Prince as Jennifer was speaking to the parents.

"Yes he is, but my uncle Charlie can truly be very annoying, everyone says so" said Joy as she giggled.