
Come over

"Sir, you have a meeting today at 11am with some of the shareholders" said the secretary as she put some coloured folders on Dom's desk.

"Alright" said Dom as he picked up one of the folders she had set on his desk and he checked through it very briefly.

"Is there anything else I have to do today?" asked Dom as he looked up at the Secretary briefly before he turned back to look at the folder.

"Ahh, yes, umm Sir, you have a lunch meeting with Mr. Planter" said the Secretary.

"Oh Mr. Planter??" asked Dom as he had no recollection of that name at all.

"Yes Sir, Mr. Planter, the man who requires our assistance to export his goods of plastic packaging out of the country" said the Secretary as she jogged Dom's memory.

"Oh that Mr. Planter" said Dom as he finally remembered the man.

"Yes Sir" said the Secretary as she nodded her head.

"Well please cancel that lunch meeting, I am not sure that I will be able to make it today, please reschedule it, because I have no intention at all to leave the office today" said Dom as he read the contents of the folder, he had way too much work to do today.

"Alright Sir" said the Secretary as she nodded her head.

"And when should I reschedule it to??" asked the Secretary.

"Push it to next week Tuesday please" said Dom.

"Alright Sir, I will do that right away" said the Secretary as she was on her way to leave to her desk.

"Wait" said Dom as he looked up.

"Yes Sir??" asked the Secretary as she stopped and she walked back to Dom's desk.

"There is a mistake in this contract" said Dom as he handed the folder to the Secretary and he pointed to the mistake.

"There is a typo in that clause, that is not what we agreed on" said Dom as the Secretary took the folder to have a closer look.

"Yes, Sir, I can see that now, I am sorry for the mistake" said the Secretary.

"It must be a mistake made by HR" said the Secretary.

"I will make sure to rectify it now Sir" she said as this was a relief, this was a really bad mistake that changed the entire clause to the exact opposite of what they wanted, she would have been in serious trouble if this had gone out to be sighed, because part of her Job was to check through the contracts and she had failed to notice this silly error, this could have cost her Job.

She was lucky that the CEO have eagle eyes, or else this would have been a big problem on her end.

"Yes please do" said Dom as he sighed.

"Alright Sir" she said as she left his office hastily, this contract needed to be sent out quickly, and today for that matter.

Dom sighed, he had a lot of work to do today, so he just opened up another folder and he signed his signature on it to allow the project to go on, he gathered the folder together and he placed them on his desk as he heard his phone ring and he answered it without even looking at the caller ID.

"Hello" said Dom as he put his phone to his ear.

"Hey Dom, Good Morning" came Lia's cheerful voice from the other side of the line.

"Hey Lia, good morning to you too" said Dom as he smiled.

"How are you??" asked Lia as she twirled a strand of loose hair from her bun with her finger.

"I am good and how are you Lia??" asked Dom as he checked through another contract.

"I am good too" said Lia as she smiled.

"Soo…." Said Lia.

"So what??" asked Dom.

"So can I come over to the office today??" asked Lia.

"I am asking, because I do not want to come over unannounced" said Lia as she laughed.

"Ahh I see" said Dom as he laughed he knew that it was weird for Lia to ask, she usually just did what she liked to do.

"Yes, so can I??" asked Lia excitedly.

"Ahh well" said Dom as he furrowed his eyebrows as he read something weird in the second contract.

"Well you cannot come over today, because I have a lot of work today, and I cannot go out, so you will just end up staying and watching me work, which I know can be boring" said Dom as he laughed.

"Aww" said Lia as she frowned.

"Sorry, I would have loved for you to come over, but I have to finish some things today, since tomorrow I will not be coming to the office because me and Natasha have an appointment at the school we want Joy to go to" said Dom as he dropped the folder and he put his phone on speaker as he placed it on his desk and he typed on his laptop.

"Oh you do??" asked Lia as she frowned once she heard Natasha's name.

"Yes, Natasha thinks that it is best if Joy starts school now" said Dom.

"Yes she is right, I do agree with her" said Lia as she calmed herself down and she smiled.

"Mhmm" said Dom.

"So you two are going to go together??" asked Lia.

"Of course, and along with Joy" said Dom.

"Are you sure that is a good idea??" asked Lia as she sighed.

"What do you mean??" asked Dom as he stopped typing.

"Well, I mean… you know how Natasha can be, how are you sure it's not one of her plans??" asked Lia.

"Well Lia even if it is, it does not matter because this is for my daughter Joy" said Dom very seriously.

"Besides Natasha is also Joy's mother, and I am sure that she would never want to harm her daughter" said Dom.

"Yes… yes you are right" said Lia as she forced a smile.

"Yes, I am, and I heard from Michael that you went to the house yesterday" said Dom.

"Ahh… yes, yes I did" said Lia.

"And Charlie told me that you spoke to Nine" said Dom.

"Yes… well the thing is, I came to see Natasha, and she went out, and Joy was sleeping so I did not want to disturb her, so I decided to use the time to catch up with Nine like old times" said Lia as she sighed, that was why she did not talk to Charlie or Michael, they always told Dom everything, and Nine too, but she knew that Nine would value her privacy which was why she loved to talk to him about anything that bothered her.

"Oh alright then" said Dom as he smiled.

"Even though Nine does not say it, I am sure that he wanted to catch up with you too" said Dom as he laughed.

"Oh well you know how Nine is" said Lia as she laughed.

"Anyway, let me leave you to work" said Lia as she smiled.

"Alright" said Dom as he smiled.

"See you, good luck for tomorrow, and enjoy your day" said Lia as she smiled.

"Thank you Lia, and enjoy your day too" said Dom as he smiled.

"Bye" said Lia.

"Bye" said Dom as Lia ended their call.

Dom sighed, as he went back to working, he needed to take a vacation one of these days, for him to just stay home with his princess and do nothing at all.

"Sir your 11 o'clock meeting is about to start" said the secretary as she walked into Dom's office.

"Alright then, Thank you" said Dom as he nodded and he stood up.

"You are welcome Sir" said the Secretary as she nodded her head.

The next Day.

"Good Morning my baby" said Natasha as woke up Joy very softly as she smiled.

"Good Morning Mommy" said Joy as she opened her still sleepy eyes and she smiled.

"Are you excited or today my baby??" asked Natasha.

"We are going to go see your new school" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Yes Mommy, I am" said Joy as she nodded her head and she smiled.

"That is great my baby" said Natasha as she smiled.

"So we are going to take your bath now, so you can get ready and you can go eat breakfast with your daddy okay??" asked Natasha

"Yes Mommy" said Joy as she nodded her head.

"Are you not going to have breakfast with us??" asked Joy as she rubbed her eyes.

"No my baby… No, I am not" said Natasha as she smiled.

"But why not mommy??" asked Joy.

Well the simple answer to that question was that she did not want to have to see Dom's face, but she could not possibly say that to her daughter, so she had to think of something else more reasonable.

"Well because my baby, I quickly need to go out and do some things before I come back home" said Natasha.

"Okay mommy" said Joy as she nodded and she tried to understand.

"Yes my baby, so you will enjoy being with your daddy, and I will meet the both of you at the school, is that alright my baby??" asked Natasha.

"Alright mommy" said Joy.

"That's my girl, so give me a kiss my baby" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Okay Mommy" said Joy as she giggled and gave her mother a kiss on her forehead.

"Now let's go get you cleaned up and looking all pretty" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Okay Mommy" said Joy as she laughed as her mother carried her in her arms to the bathroom.

Thank you to Tiphe_Olaoluwa for the power stone haha!

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts