
The Full Story...

Horcruxes assimilation

It had been months since the final battle at Hogwarts. Harry Potter had defeated Voldemort and destroyed all of his Horcruxes, but something was different. Harry could feel a strange energy pulsating through his body, as if something was trying to take control of him.

At first, Harry tried to ignore it. He thought that maybe it was just residual magic from the battle, but it only grew stronger with time. It wasn't until he had a dream about the Horcruxes that he realized what was happening.

In the dream, Harry saw the Horcruxes floating before him, each one pulsating with dark energy. But instead of feeling repulsed by them, Harry felt drawn to them. He reached out and touched one, and suddenly he was transported to another place.

It was a dark, empty space, and in the center stood a figure. It was Voldemort, or rather, a piece of Voldemort's soul that had been trapped in the Horcrux. Harry felt a surge of anger and hatred towards the Dark Lord, but he also felt something else. He felt a connection.

He reached out and touched Voldemort's soul, and suddenly he was filled with knowledge and power beyond his wildest dreams. He could feel the Horcrux assimilating into his own soul, becoming a part of him.

Over the next few weeks, Harry visited each of the Horcruxes in his dreams. With each one he absorbed, his power grew stronger. He could feel himself becoming more and more like Voldemort, but he didn't care. All he wanted was power.

It wasn't long before Harry's newfound power began to manifest itself in the real world. He could cast spells that he had never even heard of before, and his wandless magic was more powerful than ever. He began to gather followers, people who were drawn to his strength and charisma.

At first, his followers were just a few disillusioned Death Eaters who had survived the war, but as Harry's power grew, so did his influence. He began to attract followers from all over the wizarding world, even from other countries.

It wasn't long before Harry had amassed an army, an army of wizards and witches who were loyal to him and his cause. His cause was simple: to conquer the world and establish a new order, with him at the top.

It wasn't long before the world began to take notice of Harry and his army. The Ministry of Magic tried to stop him, but they were no match for his power. Harry's followers infiltrated the Ministry, and soon he had complete control over the wizarding world.

But Harry's ambitions didn't stop there. He knew that he had to conquer the Muggle world as well. With his army at his side, he launched a full-scale invasion of London, the first step in his plan to take over the world.

The Muggles fought back, but they were no match for Harry and his army of wizards. With his Horcruxes giving him almost unlimited power, Harry was able to destroy entire armies with a single spell.

In the end, Harry conquered the world, but at a terrible cost. He had become something dark and twisted, something that even Voldemort would have been afraid of. But for Harry, it didn't matter. He had achieved his goal, and he was the most powerful wizard in the world.

But as he sat on his throne, surrounded by his followers, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. He had everything he had ever wanted, but at what cost? He had lost his soul, his humanity, and he knew that he would never be able to get it back.

And so Harry sat, ruling over