
The DragonBees

I went to the left of my schoolyard's center to where a lone student was. He was my friend. He had another friend who came over. Apparently the other friend was a football player and they had tried to take a ball from each other before. The football player would throw the ball up and pirouette out of my charging friend's way until my friend grew too tired and gave up when the player had the ball.

The player would always tell my friend,"You are always so slow and give up so why do you even try you funny fool."

My friend would respond back with a lame comeback like "Your mom." or "No you." After they would both start laughing and resume their game with my friend having the ball. However on this current date the football player had brought some more people who also wanted to play. My friend ran the hardest he could bobbing and weaving through the blacktop and more. When he was finally backed up into a corner he threw the ball all the way to the trees. Something had fallen from the trees. No one knew what it was. People ran closer to take a look. Soon bugs were coming out so people naturally thought they were one of the stingy poisonous flying bugs. The bugs were just that however, they were a new species totally new to the world. It was a hybrid of a dragonfly and a bee. It was long and had many different colorations the bee part of it was it's wings and it's stinger. It was terrifying to look at. A mass panic ensued as students ran away from the DragonBees hysterically. Students even cursed while zooming past me. I however had a different reaction. I studied one of the DragonBees and gave it it's name. I became a leading expert on DragonBees that threatened humanity. The DragonBees sole purpose was to kill humans. They stung them while injecting eggs inside the human body. The corpse would would give nutrition to the newborns who would repeat the cycle. The sting paralyzed humans and would kill both the human and DragonBee. I would find a cure for the poison and spread it to the remnants of civilization.