
A romantic entanglement

"Daphne, I want to make you mine" The man says softly with passion burning in his icy blue irises. He leans in and kisses her lips slowly entering her mouth with his tongue. Daphne was conflicted, she did not know if he was asleep or awake however she couldn't take let this chance slip through her fingers. She wraps her hands around his neck and intertwined her tongue with his at last. Under the bright full moon, the two siblings bask in each other's warmth. Daphne was the adopted daughter of the King, Xavier Loah Skytria. She lived in the slums with her late mother before she was taken in by Xavier. She enters into an entanglement with Xavier's only son, Alexander Hugo Skytria. She hides her feelings knowing it won't end well if she confesses. She is often forced to endure his teases everyday unaware of his real intentions. Will Daphne persevere to the end or give up and follow her heart?

Jay_Montez · Historia
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7 Chs


My mother, who was my only friend, passed away when I was 10 years old. Father was never truly around since he was the King, So I was incredibly lonely. I spent almost all my time studying at home and chatting with the nobles and their children. Although, I was just 10 years old, my mind was already at the stage of maturity. I trusted no one and I was always polite and kind when I needed to be.

3 years passed by, I was studying at the royal academy at that time when I was informed about something I viewed impossible. Surprisingly, I had a sibling, A younger sister. Her name was Daphne. They told me that Father adopted her from the slums. I did not know how I felt about this information brought to me. I was neither angry or sad, I was just shocked. I took a month leave of absence at the academy and returned home.

The first time I laid my eyes on her was at the dinning room. I saw her stuffing her face with some blueberry pancakes with Father smiling childishly by her side. Ever since Mother died, Father stopped smiling or laughing. He did not show it but he was miserable inside. I knocked on the already opened door to reveal my presence.

"Oh Alexander!, you're back already. Come meet your sister, Daphne" Father introduces her to me. The servants were taken aback. They thought that I would feel insulted being forced into the position I was in. But....

She was beautiful. Her soft fluffy cheeks were so cute and her silver hair and ruby eyes were mesmerizing. My heart skipped a beat.

Daphne was nervous and her expression turned blue. I bet that the servants here filled her head with all sorts of nonsense about me, probably how I would hate her because of her lowly origin and background or something like, My status was second to the king and she shouldn't disrespect me and keep her head down. Gosh, why are they so stubborn at times like this?. Can't they not see how adorable and harmless my little sister was?.

I went closer to her and she flinches, shutting her eyes immediately. "If I recall, She is 2 years younger than me. I'll have to treat her nicely"-I thought.

I raised my hand and pat her head gently. She opens her eyes and stares at me, in a state of astonishment. I smiled at her and said "Let's get along, my cute younger sister". Her bangs were in the way so I couldn't make out her expression. Shortly after that, I joined father and Daphne to eat. I sat next to her, feeding her all kinds of desert with amusement. She ate everything I gave her happily.

The servants stood by, stupefied and Father was overjoyed by my quick acceptance. After that day, I spent most of my time with her. I bought her expensive toys, books to read, clothes, I wanted to spoil her rotten.

I was braiding her hair in the garden at the Amelia mansion when she tosses up an absurd question. "Alexander, don't you hate me?".

This girl.....

"How could I hate someone so kind and cute?. Don't tell me you're the one who hates me?" I was very adept at handling children, so I knew the perfect response to give her.

"N-No I don't" Daphne replies, very surprised.

"Then do you like me?"-I teased.

She hesitated..... What?!!

"Wait, you don't like me?!. I'm so hurt" I covered my face with my hands and faked my crying. She turns to look at me, with guilt all over her face. "No I don't hate you, I like you. I really do!".

"Liar"-I said.

"It's true!. I love Alex the most!!" Her desperate need to console me left me satisfied, I burst into laughter. She then realized that I was playing with her. "You Liar!" She pouted as she turned away. I hugged her from behind and rubbed my cheek on hers, "How can you be so cute even when you're angry?".

"Liar!, You are always lying to me!"-She says, doubtful.

"I don't lie, I tease you. I cannot help it. Daphne is the cutest in the world"-My attempt to soothe her worked. She looks at me, still pouting, and asked "Really?".

"My god, Daphne is sooo cuteee!" I hugged her tightly and began to tickle her. Her laughter made me laugh and The maids present were smiling as they watched. She was the only ray of sunshine in my life.

The month I took for my leave of absence flew by without me noticing. I wanted to stay a little longer with Daphne but Father did not allow it. When I went back to school, I resumed my usual routine with dullness. I wrote letters to her everyday and she wrote back. I was not allowed to return until graduation so I hastened the process.

When I graduated before my peers, I sent word to Father and he came to fetch me with Daphne. They waited for me outside the school with a carriage and I ran over to meet them. I hugged Daphne and carried her in my arms. Father told me that I was playing favorites, so I hugged him too. When we left, the teachers at the royal academy sent word to my father, informing him about my graduation ceremony. He was pissed when he found out that I hadn't yet received my diploma and insisted I returned back to school. But I vehemently refused. Why the hell would I go back to the den of vipers when I could spend time with an angel?. He pestered me for weeks but my spirit remained unshaken. He gave up not long after.

Two years went by and Daphne was now fourteen years old and I was sixteen. One day after I came back from my sword training with my sword instructor, Mr Ren Ulbert, I went to see Daphne. The maids assigned to her told me that she was in the middle of class with the history teacher. I still went anyway.

When I got there, I heard Daphne screams from inside. I barged in to check on her. And I saw the unimaginable. The teacher was on top of her, trying to molest her. The sign of struggle was evident seeing the messy state of the room. My rage was at it's peak and my vein popped out of my head. I acted immediately "Get your filthy hands away from my sister immediately!!" I punched him with full force and he fell down on the floor. I examined Daphne to check if she was physically hurt.

Her clothes were torn and her chest was exposed. I noticed her chapped lips and a bruise on her right arm. My rage turned murderous "I'm going to kill him"-I said to myself in my head. I took a blanket on the couch beside her and wrapped her with it.

Instantly, I threw a punch at her teacher's face and began to pummel him to the ground. I refused to stop until he was dead. He kept pleading with me to stop but I absolutely had no plans of doing so. He was reaching death's door when I heard Daphne yell at me to stop. It took me a tremendous amount of restraint to hold myself together. The man was currently unconscious so I ran to Daphne's side.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry".

"It's not your fault. I knew something was wrong but I didn't tell you, I'm the one who should be sorry" Daphne took the blame as tears rushes down her smooth cheeks. I then embraced her because I wanted to comfort her so badly but her tears did not stop. I looked at her and something came over me. Without thinking, I kissed her.

Daphne was stunned and her tears halted. When she came to it, she was blushing, hard. When I saw her, embarrassed and shy, I heard the thread of my reasoning cut. I leaned in and kissed her again but this time, it was consensual. Slowly, the kiss turned deeper and more passionate. I pushed her down on the couch, panting in arousal. I glanced at her exposed chest and saw how hard her nipples has gotten.

"....." I grazed her right nipple with my left index finger. Daphne's face subtly changed and she shudders. I wanted to embrace her right then until I saw the bruise on her arm. I realized what I was about to do and pulled away. I was mad at myself for imagining something so sinful and repulsive.

"Alex?"-Daphne calls my name as she sat up. I turned to look at her and smiled. I kissed her on the forehead and told her to wait there as I carried her teacher and handed him over to the palace guards.

I punished every servant in the Amelia mansion after that and reported the incident to my father. Father beheaded the teacher personally and ordered his family's execution. He even erased their name from the history books and took the man's estate. The punishment was one truly well deserved.

Since then, I avoided her. I wanted some time to my thoughts. It was only after a month apart I understood my feelings for her. I craved her more when we were apart than when we were together. I wanted her to look at me and love only me. I wanted to kill any man who touches her or talks to her. I wanted to lock her up and make her mine. What should I describe this disgusting feeling?