
A romantic comedy with a ghost girl-It's never too late to start again

Saik is an expressionless boy who can see ghosts. Yuki is a ghost girl who has always been alone and has never had any friends. Saik dreams of being the perfect boy his mother dreamed of having and Yuki wants to have friends. Working with each other, they will both achieve their own dreams... On the other hand, Cristal is a nice girl, who has no interest in love... Until Saik saves her, arousing some romantic interest in her, provoking jealousy in little Yuki. "A-am I in love with Saik?" Unknowingly, Saik managed to romance two girls, and a few more, though he doesn't realize it. With two goals in mind, Yuki will do her best to achieve them. "You'll fall in love with me and I'll make you smile, Saik!"

AngelPikas2 · Ciudad
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54 Chs

CHAPTER 42 - Little vacations. Part 1.

CHAPTER 42 - Little vacations. Part 1.

Years ago, there was a man, a true hero in real life, whose name was Hercules. His name had nothing to do with the Hercules of Greek mythology, he used it for another reason, but he never revealed it.

He was a man famous for being a symbol of hope. He defeated evil ghosts and used his power to prevent the deaths of innocents. Without him, the deaths caused by the evil ghosts before "that day" would have increased by 500%, that's how productive he was.

He used his power to prevent babies born with the ability to see ghosts from dying because of the ghosts. Unfortunately, he was a simple human being, he couldn't be everywhere. Saik is one of the hundreds of cases where he couldn't do anything to help, that's why Saik didn't feel any remorse when he did "that" to him.

He was a good man, loved by all, even by the ghosts. One in particular not only admired him, him was her only love and her reason to keep going.

And that ghost doesn't want revenge on Saik, she just wants to see him dead. Why? Because Saik took away her only love.

(Pov- Saik.)

I stored my books in my locker. I won't study anything this weekend. Yuki forbade me. Honestly, I'd prefer to study, but a break wouldn't hurt. My mother, even though she had already graduated from college, continued to study to improve in her profession. She studied a lot but took breaks every so often so that stress wouldn't affect her performance. If I want to be like her, I also need to take breaks to avoid getting stressed.

Since I entered school, I've been using legendary ghosts a lot without using "that," which has caused me headaches. I need some rest.

"Class B, huh? Your class is full of defectives, Saik. They were too lucky to have you."

The president put her hand on my shoulder and caressed it.

"Am I being sexually harassed? Where can I file a complaint?"

"Good luck on the island."

She smiled and left, completely ignoring the fact that she sexually harassed me.

That can be considered sexual harassment, right? I mean, if I were a woman and a man touched my shoulder, I would feel harassed... Ah, but I'm a man, so they wouldn't care. And the president doesn't seem like the type of woman who is interested in those issues.

I took a lollipop out of my pocket and removed the wrapper.

"You're as weird as me."

I left the school and headed home. I have to pick up my suitcase and give Sumi some advice. I won't be able to train with her this weekend, but I'll leave her some basic exercises, nothing dangerous... Ah...

Someone hugged me from behind.

"Hey, Saik, are you leaving without saying goodbye? Are you ignoring me? Oh, my poor maiden's heart was broken."

"Hi, Tanya. What do you want?"

She was waiting for me with her friends, so I tried to ignore her, but it didn't work. Why do the class leaders feel attracted to me, a filler character who only serves to improve the class's average? The main characters are supposed to be Saoto and Ram, even Danna. There's also Max, who's the third best student in Class B, although he's more solitary and quiet, not suitable as a leader.

Ah, being the best student, even though I'm a weird guy, makes me stand out.

"Come on, come on. Give me a smile. Don't get depressed because your class stayed in Class B. You must accept defeat."

Ah, I see, she wants to brag. Well, I can't complain, this result was possible, considering that Tanya managed to expel a student. She has the guts to do that, and her classmates are not far behind. I heard from Ram that most of them are very smart. The exam results would define the winner, and they had the advantage.

"Ah, yes, that really doesn't affect me. I have enough points to change classes whenever I want, so I don't care much."

"Wow, wow. So, will you accept to change to our class?"

"No, thank you. I have enough points to change, but I prefer to move up with my own effort. Ah, by the way, congratulations on moving up to Class A."

I took a lollipop out of my pocket and offered it to her.

"Then you prefer to be the enemy, huh? Well, it's your decision. You'll be an interesting challenge, Saik."

She took the lollipop from my mouth. Eh?

"Thanks for the lollipop."

She put it in her mouth and left... That was disgusting. Why did she do that? She's not in love with me, nor attracted to me, I know that. Why would she do something so disgusting?

Ah, women are so weird.

I arrived at my house and heard hurried footsteps.


Sumi hugged me tightly. Ah, she got too attached to me. I really hope that the power doesn't turn her evil or drive her crazy, I don't want to kill her. But I will if I have to.

"Good afternoon, Sumi. I'll give you your basic exercises and then I'll go."

"I'm ready!"

Yuki lowered the suitcases. Ah, she's wearing beachwear. That won't be necessary... Ah, wait, I forgot that Nergio might have a private pool. Yuki can swim there, but that doesn't mean she needs to wear that outfit.

"Yuki, people will see you in floaty clothes. Put on your regular clothes."

"I just wanted to show you the cute clothes Sumi gave me. Don't I look cute?"

"I have to admit, you look very cute, Yuki. But we can't waste any more time."

"Hehe. I'll forgive you for being so cold only because you call me beautiful and sensual."

Did I say that? Ah, never mind, I can't waste any more time.

"Go and put on your regular clothes. Sumi, I'll teach you the basics."

To feel ghosts, you have to get used to the sensation you feel when you touch one. It's almost the same sensation as touching air, but there's a small, very small difference. It's like touching a grain of sand that's floating in the air. Being so small, you wouldn't feel it, but if you concentrate, you can feel it. When you feel that and identify the location where it is, you can feel it completely. The same goes for ghosts, if you can fully identify the sensation you feel when touching them, and if you want to, you can touch them.

I got used to that sensation because I always fought with ghosts, and my desire to hit them was very strong. There came a point where my body got so used to that sensation, that what I used to identify as simple nothing, air, now identified it as an object, a person, a being.

Getting used to that sensation is the first step to touching a ghost.

Sumi's first exercise will be to get used to touching this.


"No, it's not slime, it's the remains of a ghost. Don't worry, it was an evil one."

I created this with a ghost I found on the street. Was it an evil ghost? I don't know, I captured it to do this and didn't investigate it.

Instead of eliminating its soul, I just erased everything that made its soul human, or at least a thinking being. After that, I crushed it completely and made it into a kind of sticky thing, or something similar to slime, famous toys.

Ah, although it looks more like a Slime from fantasy stories and video games, because I replaced its memories with those of a ghost dog I found on the street.

It's round, sticky, but also playful. As it's under my power, I ordered it not to leave Sumi and do everything she tells it to. It's like a pet.

I explained that to Sumi and she got excited.

"I-it's like a d-dog! I a-always wanted one! T-thank you!"

"Look, Sumi, you still can't touch it completely, but someday, I hope very soon, you'll be able to touch it. You just have to pet it for about two hours a day. You can watch TV if you want while you do it. Your body will get used to the sensation, you don't need to concentrate. Do you understand?"

"Yes! I-I'll do my b-best!"

I stroked her head.

"I know."

She survived because her soul is so powerful, it scares the ghosts. Sumi, I don't know what you are, but I must make sure you don't use your power for evil. I admit I don't care what happens to the world at all, but I want you to live a normal life. If you become evil, ghost hunters will never leave you alone. I just want you to be happy, Sumi. You are like me, I know you also want to live a normal life. And I will give you that normality.


Well, visitors. Nobody has visited me lately, so I guess it's a salesman. Sylphie and the others will be waiting for me at the airport.

I'll tell him no with all the chivalry possible.

I opened the door and someone put a gun to my forehead.

I pretended to be surprised, my heart raced and I took a few steps back.


"Hahahaha! Sorry, Saik, it's just a joke. I heard you were an expressionless guy, so I wanted to see your expression."

Ah, I know this man. He was a nuisance in the past, but it seems his personality has changed. Faye.

"H-hey, idiot, you shouldn't...! Ah... Sorry, I got a little angry... Ah... Well... Who are you? And give me a reason not to report you to the police."

"I just came to say hi. I'm an old friend of your father's. Won't you invite me in?"

"I would but I have to go. If you're going to tell me that you regret my parents' deaths like everyone else, yes, thank you, you can leave now. I'm going on a trip, so I can't waste time."

"On a trip, huh? How envious. I have a lot of work."

I took out my phone and looked at the time.

"Mmm... I think I have 5 minutes free. Come in."

"Thanks for your time."

He entered my house and I closed the door. Immediately, a ghost came out of his back, but I didn't pay attention to it and sat on the couch in front of him.

I already took care of Sumi, I don't have to worry.

"So, what do you want from me? I don't think you came all the way to my house just for that. If you think I have financial problems and want to help me, I must refuse. I have enough money to survive for one more year and I plan to get a part-time job soon."

The ghost is walking around my house, looking for clues. Yuki's clothes are hidden very well, so I'm not worried about that.

"I just wanted to know if you're okay."

"Well... I guess I'm okay and not okay... My parents' deaths still affect me, but I try to move on. And you?"

"I'm Faye, and I'm fine, thank you."

"Faye, huh? A weird name."

"Ah, I know, my mother wanted a short and easy to remember name for her son."

He adjusted his hair and something in his left hand caught my attention.

I looked at his finger. He still has that broken engagement ring. Does he still love number 74? Ah, this man is pathetic. He will never get her back.

"Hey, are you married?"

"No, why?"

"Isn't that an engagement ring? And it's broken. Does it have any meaning?"

"You don't know?"

"Eh? What? Is it something related to my family?"

"... No... Ah... I'm sorry, I don't like to talk about it... Sorry, I have to go. Thank you for having me. Maybe we'll see each other later."

"Eh? Well, I'll walk you to the door."

I opened the door and he looked me in the eye, or at least he tried.

"Have you ever fallen in love?"

"Well... To be honest, I'm just experiencing this love thing, but I can't call it love... Ah, wait... This... Hey, I'm sorry, I like women. I have to reject your love."

He started laughing and patting me on the back.

"I was just curious, bro. Although that rejection did sting a bit. I like women. Bye."

He left my house and I closed the door.

The ghost looked at me one last time and I continued on my way, passing through the ghost.

He left and I sighed.

Ah, I'm tired of those ghost hunters. He came here without any protection. If I killed him, it would mean that I am Shadow. He came here with the intention of sacrificing himself to reveal my identity. He had a strange device in his rear, probably an artifact that is capable of detecting lies.

Damn ghost hunters, why do they keep bothering me?

"The legendary ghost number 74, the ghost of protection."

She appeared in front of me and greeted me with a classic magical girl entrance.

"Hello, master!"

Two fingers on her face, she winked an eye and that big smile. Ah, this girl is still as immature as ever. The memory wipe changed her personality too much, I know, but why is she so immature?

"Look at the man who just left and come back."

"Oh. Did you have a visit? Fufu. I didn't know you had those kinds of tastes, master."

She hugged me and put my hand on her left thigh.

"Don't you prefer something from me?"

"He's a hunter. Just look at him, don't attack him."

"Ah, I had already gotten scared. I'll be back soon!"

She disappeared and after a couple of seconds, appeared again in front of me.

"Ready! He doesn't have any weapons, but he has something strange in his rear. I think it's a technological device."

"Did you feel anything else when you saw him? Be honest."

"Nope! Nothing at all, he just has that thing in his rear."

"And you? Did you feel sadness or something similar?"

"Eh? Why would I feel sadness for that man? He's not my type. I prefer strong men like you, master!"

"I see. You can go."

"Cough, cough. And my reward for a job well done?"

"Ah, of course. There's cake in the fridge. Take it."

"Thank you, master!"

She went to the kitchen and I left the house through the back door.

She's... here.

Sumi and Yuki are hiding in a corner of the wall surrounding the garden of the house. The slime dog is covering their mouths so they don't scream or make noise.

Both are crying and very scared.

"I'm sorry, one of those ghost hunters suspected there was a ghost here, so I had to hide you. Don't be mad, please."

I ordered the slime to release them and immediately Sumi hugged me while still crying.

"I-I thought I was going to die!"

"Saik, why didn't you tell me you could do that?! I thought that stupid ghost was trying to kill us!"

"I'm sorry, but I didn't have any other choice. If that hunter detected your presence, you would be dead. It's difficult, but not impossible to detect you. Better safe than sorry."

That's a lie, Faye could never detect Yuki, but if she found Sumi, she would be in danger.

"Let's just go now. Sumi, I'll take you home."

"Let's go, the beach is waiting for us!"

"Y-you bring back a memory for me, Saik.

Just a little vacation. Ah, I hope nothing goes wrong. On my last vacation, I went with my parents to Onperk K91. I thought it would be a peaceful vacation, but a dangerous criminal group had their eye on my family, so I had to destroy them. I'm known as 'El Chupa-Almas' in that country, a name very similar to the Chupacabra, a popular creature in that country. They had a strange robot and they smashed my face with it because I didn't use "that". Fortunately, I managed to defeat them and now they're suffering in artificial hell number 99.

I hope these vacations are peaceful and problem-free."

(Pov- Faye.)

"I... Yes... Okay... Goodbye."

I hung up and put away my phone... Damn it... Shit... I really had hope that guy was Shadow.

"But his heart rate sped up, he was surprised and nervous."

I didn't feel like it was an act. Shadow wouldn't react like that, and even if he was pretending, his heart rate wouldn't accelerate that much... He's just a weird human boy, but he's not Shadow. According to the recording, he didn't tell any lies. We can completely rule out Saik.

"Damn it."

I wiped away my tears. I don't want anyone to see me cry.

I really had hope... I did... I'm even willing to give up my ass just to have 74 back. I want to at least see her again. I know I'm no match for Shadow, I know, but without 74, life has no meaning for me.

"It doesn't... I really miss her."

I didn't want to do this, but Saik isn't Shadow... I have to accept what "she" offered me... I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to, but I ran out of options.

"You'll hate me for this, 74, but I have to do it... I'm sorry... I accept your help."

I feel my body burning inside. T-this power is... incredible.

"You promised me 74 would be mine, and I hope you keep your promise."

I don't care what happens to this world anymore, as long as I'm with 74, nothing else matters.

(Pov- Saik.)

I arrived at the airport. Ah, the smell of the airport smells delicious. What you would expect from such an elegant and huge place. They must clean it quite often, right?

As I was thinking nonsense, Yuki couldn't stop looking around, while sitting on my shoulders.

"Wow! It's been years since I left the city! My first vacation in a long time...! Ah... Ah... Ahhhhhhhh!!"

"Why are you screaming?"

"I remembered that I died almost 6 years ago! If I were still alive, I would have huge breasts! I would be the envy of women on the beach! But I'm dead! I still have the body of a little girl! It's not fair!"

"Ah, yeah, you still hate your appearance. Many women would envy you, you don't age, I don't know why you complain."

"It would be good if I had stopped aging at 20, not 10!"

"Ah... Well, if you weren't a ghost, we wouldn't have met. Or, well, maybe we would have. Danna was your classmate, so it was possible that your mother would enroll you in the same school."

"Yeah, it's true, maybe we would be classmates!"

"Or enemies. Well, at least we're friends now. The 'what if' doesn't exist, so let's enjoy our present."

We arrived with an airport employee. Nergio is quite well-known in this place, after all, he is one of its main investors. He already informed the airport about the arrival of my classmates and me, so there won't be any problems, and since we will be traveling on a private plane, our luggage won't have any issues, and we will pass quickly, without having to wait.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you?"

"My name is Saik."

I took out my student ID and showed it to her.

"Nergio told me that the plane is ready."

"O-of course, sir. Please, follow me."

Wow, she called me "sir." I'm getting old.

I followed the employee to where we will board our plane. Ah, a plane with pink decorations. Nergio is still honoring his surname.

Well, anyway, I better not waste any more time.

I boarded the plane and saw the others, enjoying the luxuries. Naok and Bell are devouring the food, Ludius and Evelyn are taking photos (probably for their social media), Ram is drinking a bottle of water while looking out the window, and Sylphie is stroking her seat (probably it's very soft or it's her first time on a plane). It seems like everyone is enjoying the plane in their own way.

I walked past them, Sylphie was the only one who saw me, but I won't talk to her. I'm sleepy, I'll sleep for a while.

I sat behind Sylphie, and Yuki sat on my left. Like the others, she also started enjoying the plane.

"It's so comfortable! Saik, tell your friend to give you one of these seats! He's a millionaire, he can buy another one!"

She's right, it's quite comfortable. Will he give me one if I ask for it? I hope so. For now, I'll just sleep.

I closed my eyes, ready to sleep peacefully.

"Good afternoon, Saik."

Ah, it's her. Nergio's mother. An elderly woman. How old was she? I think 70.

I opened my eyes and looked beside me. The matriarch of the Alvanem Rosa family, Rosemary. In public, she was just another millionaire, but secretly her family possessed one of the most powerful ghost-seeing abilities. A power that could rival a Shadow possessing 57 legendary ghosts.

"Hello, Mrs. Rosemary."

Rosamaría, but Rosemary sounds more elegant.

"It's been a while. I haven't seen you since you were an eight-year-old boy."

Since she and her family were defeated by the 100th legendary ghost, they went to the battlefield with the intention of helping me, but they were defeated very quickly. Only I, the possessor of 99 legendary ghosts, could stand up to the 100th legendary ghost.

"Yes, it's been a while."

"Do you want something to drink or eat?"

"Saik, I want shrimp!"

"Do you have shrimp? I would like that."

"Of course, they'll be ready in a few minutes."

She left, and Sylphie looked at me.

"S-Saik, do you know the whole Alvanem Rosa family?"


Unfortunately, I do. Ah, they were a pain in the ass in the past. At least Nergio respected me when he witnessed my power, so he wasn't so annoying.

"Could you get Mrs. Rosemary's autograph for me?"

Rosemary, a famous fashion designer. She is quite popular among women, mainly. I didn't know Sylphie was interested in fashion.

"Sure, I'll ask her. Wait for me, please."

I turned to Yuki.

"I remembered that I must talk to her alone. I'll be back soon, Sylphie."

"Yes, okay," said Yuki, who understood the very direct hint.

I got up from my seat and headed towards where Rosemary went.

I opened the door and entered... what's this part of the plane called? Ah, I don't know. First class? No, the whole plane is first class. Well, anyway, it's another part of the plane.

I closed the door, and a ghost of a faceless little girl appeared in front of me.

"I missed you, Saik!"

She hugged me. This girl hated me when she met me, but her way of treating me changed when I saved her from being destroyed. She is Rosemary's deceased daughter, who died of an incurable disease. Since Rosemary's family can see ghosts, her death didn't affect them much. After all, they could still see her, although she would never grow up. It's like Yuki; they both have the same problem but can eat and enjoy life, although they will never grow up.

"Ah... Hi, María."

Rosemary approached me.

"So, Shadow, what are your plans exactly?"

"I plan to enjoy a little vacation. Why?"

"Eh? Is that really all? Is there no dangerous ghost or anything like that? You just want to go to enjoy a vacation?"

"Yes, that's my plan. There are new ghosts that threaten the world, but I'll leave it to the ghostbusters. Finally, I have the normal life I always wanted, and I won't waste it by becoming Shadow again."

"New ghosts...? How powerful are they?"

"There's a cursed wooden doll, a human man, but he's also very different, ah, and a self-proclaimed 'Goddess of Ghosts' who has the same power as number 100. It could be considered the legendary ghost number 101."

"W-what?! And what do you plan to do?"

"I don't know, maybe when I get to the hotel I'll sleep a bit more and go swimming in the morning. Why?"

"I'm talking about the legendary ghost number 101!"

"Ah, I don't care about that. As long as it doesn't affect my school life, I won't do anything. I think that ghost will attack in three or four years, you and the ghost hunters have more than enough time to prepare. Ah, by the way, do you have paper and pen? One of my classmates wants your autograph."

"Saik... I know how hard you fought to have a normal life, but without you, we can't defeat the legendary ghost number 101. Please, help us."

"No, I'm sorry, I left that life behind. Now I'm Saik, Shadow is in the past. I just want to live a normal, peaceful life. You'll meet a new Shadow in the future, she'll help you."

"A new Shadow? She?"

"It's a secret. And I won't talk about it anymore, I've made my decision. Give me your autograph."

"Saik, I respect your decision. I know how much you fought for your normal life," said Maria.

"Thank you very much."

Sumi will be the new Shadow and will inherit my legendary ghosts. I have to make sure to turn her into a good person, but not too much. I'll only give her my legendary ghosts so she can protect herself from the dangers that will appear in the future. I don't want her to ruin her life pretending to be a superhero like a certain idiot I met in the past. I just want her to use her powers to protect herself and live a normal life.

I returned to Yuki and the others, and I handed Sylphie the autograph.

"Here you go."

"Thank you so much, Saik!"

Evelyn hugged me. What? What now? Is she still sexually harassing me? Should I report her?

"Smile, Saik. I want to take a picture with you."

"I'm not a millionaire, I already told you. And please stop harassing me."

I moved away from her and opened my suitcase.

"You're so boring, Saik. I just wanted to take a picture with you."

"No, thank you."

I took out my laptop and my digital tablet. I'll draw a little to keep myself from getting bored. Now that Maria is here, I have to prevent her from doing something stupid. I don't want Yuki to... be scared... Wait... A girl who is like her... Ah...

I wrote something on my computer and showed it to Yuki.

"Come with me?" Of course. Where to?"

I got up from my seat and went back to where Maria and Rosemary are.

Yuki, upon seeing Maria, screamed in fear and hid behind me.

"Saik, that ghost doesn't have a face!"

That's offensive, Yuki, but I don't blame you. Until now, you've only known normal ghosts, you've never seen a ghost with a broken soul. Maria's soul was damaged when she was almost destroyed by a legendary ghost, that's why she doesn't have a face, although I can't tell her that. I'll make something up.

"Eh? Who is she, Saik?"

"She's very cute."

"Maria, this is Yuki, she's like my little sister. I hope you two get along well. Yuki, I got you a new friend. You can have fun while I draw."

"Can they see me?" Yuki said.

"Maria is a ghost, and Rosemary can see ghosts."

"Is she like you?!"

"Yes, but I prefer to avoid talking about it. Eat as much as you want, I'll go draw. Bye."

Number 31 appeared next to me.

"I'll take care of she, honey!"

I left and returned to my seat. Ah, well, Yuki got a new friend. I'm a good big brother, right?

Number 31 will tell them not to tell Yuki about my identity as Shadow and to tell her that I'm just a normal boy. She will take care of preventing them from ruining it.

Yuki can't see her, so I won't worry.

I turned on my tablet and opened the drawing application on my laptop. Hmm... What should I draw?

Wait... that's right, I need money. Can I make money with this? I've heard that Sylphie has made money by drawing.

"What will you draw, Saik?"

Ah, Sylphie, just at the perfect moment.

"Hey, Sylphie, what should I draw to make money?"

"To make money...? W-well, most of the drawings I make when I get paid are... inappropriate drawings. Indecent."

"Ah... Indecent..."

Yes, I've seen that those who upload drawings of nudes or porn are very popular on the internet. Sylphie, for example, who uploads drawings of men kissing. She attracts a lot of attention from women.

Ah, wait, if she sells indecent drawings, it means she knows better anatomy and how to draw nipples and vaginas. I learned to draw breasts and buttocks, but I don't know how to draw nipples because all the drawings I've done are decent, drawings with characters wearing clothes.

I sat on the left seat.

"Sylphie, could you teach me how to draw nipples? I think I'm going to start making those kinds of drawings. I need to make some extra money."

"O-of course!"

She sat next to me and I started drawing. First, I'll make the outline and then I'll add the details.

"Hey, Saik, could you show me your drawings? You haven't uploaded any to your account lately, but I've seen you drawing in class."

"Yes. I haven't uploaded any because I want to improve them a little more.

Ah, and because I forgot to upload them. I'm getting so used to drawing that I forget to upload them."

I opened the folder where I keep my drawings and showed her the last one I did, the drawing of the legendary ghost number 3, the illusion ghost.

"Wow. It looks great. A little girl with dog ears. How adorable."

"He's a guy."


"He wears girl clothes and looks like a girl, but his body is a man's.

At least that's what he told me...she? Well, she told me that she changes gender from time to time, so both are correct. She has a split personality, lazy and aggressive. I think her male version is the aggressive one.

"Oh, a trap. You did a pretty good job."

She continued looking at the drawings. Ah, well, the trip will last an hour, we'll arrive at night. We'll arrive at the hotel and I'll fall asleep immediately...Ah, or so I wish. Nergio probably wants to talk to me. Thanks to him, we have rooms at his hotel, so I should at least talk to him.

"Wow. Saik, compared to your first drawing, you've improved a lot in a short time."

"Not in such a short time. I spent many sleepless nights to improve. I watched a lot of tutorials on the internet, but it was worth it."

"I see... Hey, Saik, why don't you create your own manga? Your drawings are really good, you'd have a lot of followers."

"I'm not good at creating stories..."

"Darling, darling, I love to write! Draw one of my stories, please!" Number 31 said, appearing on my lap.

"I'll think about it...Mmm...Create my own story...What will it be about?"

"A comedy about a lonely boy who falls in love with a lonely ghost!"

"Mmm... A romantic comedy between a ghost girl and a lonely guy?"

"Yes! The protagonist found out his girlfriend was leaving a hotel with another man, breaking his heart. Then the protagonist tried to commit suicide, but failed. But, as a consequence of being near death, he could now see ghosts. He found a ghost girl sleeping in an alley and decided to take her home and take care of her, to feel less lonely. He no longer trusted humans, so he decided to only trust his new friends, the ghosts."

"Ah... Well, I think that would be good. I'll do that."

"Perfect! I have the 10 volumes ready! I also wrote the routes of 5 heroines and the harem ending!"

Ah, wait, is it a cliché story of a protagonist who easily falls in love with many women? If the protagonist fell in love with a girl just because he helped her or was her first friend, I'll change that part of the story. No girl would fall in love with a person just because he helped her once, or because he was her first friend...Ah...

I turned to Sylphie, who was still looking at my drawings.

She fell in love with me for that same reason, for being her first friend in a long time... Am I in some kind of cliché romantic comedy? I'd rather be the filler character, it would save me a lot of trouble.

Putting aside those foolish thoughts, do girls really fall in love for such stupid reasons? Well, I can't criticize, I like Naima just for her rude personality.

Well, I better start drawing novel number 31.

"Darling, I have four more! A story about a prostitute who left that life behind when she found love! A fantasy story about a man who found a spider monster girl and decided to take care of her like she was his daughter, not knowing that she would look at him in a different way!"

That sounds like pedophilia. I hope the girl is over 18 years old.

"A story about fights! The protagonist became the new Demon King when he discovered that his wife was sleeping with the hero. His mission is to capture the hero and rape his wives in front of him, but over time he will put aside that revenge when he falls in love with one of his maids and simply kills the hero, not without publicly humiliating him first."

Mmm... Oh, the protagonist will be the villain. I like that.

"And finally, a story about a man who was summoned by mistake to a world where women are superior to men and men are considered inferior and useless!"

"No, not that one."

It sounds like pointless ecchi. Who would read a story with that plot?

"Ah... Then, which one do you choose?"

"All of them."

The story about the prostitute seems like a very nice romantic story, where the protagonist will try to leave her past behind to be happy and start a family, and where it will be taught that a person's past doesn't matter, only their present.

Mmm... The other stories are less nice, but I think they have potential. I'll try to make a chapter every three days of the stories of number 31. There are 4 in total.

Well, let's get to work.

"First, I'll design the characters. Sylphie, are you done?"


She returned the laptop to me and I opened the drawing application.

(Pov- Yuki.)

"Hey, hey, help me out! You can pick up the materials later!"

"Ah, yes, sorry, I needed to recharge my magic energy!"

This game is quite popular, huh? Even Maria plays it. Oh, I think I got too distracted. Does Saik know more people with his ability to see ghosts?! I thought Sumi was the only person he knew! Besides, they are people with a lot of money! Why didn't he tell me anything...?! Oh, I remembered that Saik didn't tell me anything about his aura either.

What secrets does Saik hide?

Better not think about it. I will enjoy this moment with Maria. Finally, another ghost girl! Although she doesn't have a face. Ah, we ghosts are so weird.

But there's something that bothers me about her.

"So, Saik doesn't have a girlfriend? I still have a chance with him!"

She's in love with Saik. Saik is a magnet for women, even for ghosts.

She keeps asking me about him. It's annoying!

Oh, but to have a friend, I'm willing to endure those uncomfortable questions. Oh, and because her family is wealthy. She could buy me lots of clothes, video games, makeup, and a long list more! Hehe. Having a friend with millionaire parents doesn't sound bad at all.

Oh, do I sound like a freeloader? Saik buys me everything, but I help with the cleaning...! Well, he does half the chores and I do the other half... Ahhhhhhhh! I'm a freeloader!

But it's not my fault, I'm a ghost, I can't work! I wasn't lucky enough to have my mother able to see me.

"Saik has become much cuter. He really inherited his mother's beauty."

I've seen pictures of Saik's mother. His father was somewhat attractive, but his mother was on another level. She was a walking beauty. Big but not too big breasts, an enviable body, beautiful legs, a beautiful face, beautiful hair, eyes as beautiful as Saik's eyes.

Saik inherited some of his mother's beauty, but he wastes it! He never combs his hair...! Well, although his charm is in his personality.

... Mmm... Wait, she can speak and see, but she doesn't have a mouth or eyes... Ah, we ghosts are so weird.

"Hey, why don't you have a face? Is it related to your death?"

"Nope, my soul was broken, damaged when an evil ghost tried to kill me."

"Ah, I know that feeling. A ghost also tried to kill me, but Saik avoided it with his power. But it hurt a lot! Kya! I still get chills just remembering that pain!"

"Oh, I see. You were lucky not to have suffered damage. You were too lucky that Saik was by your side when they tried to attack you."

Ah, if you only knew that idiot used me to get rid of the ghost hunters who were watching him. He used me as bait!

Someday I will get revenge. Hehe. Saik will wake up with a dead spider on his face.

(Pov- Saik.)

Alright, I finished. After 40 minutes, I finished the drawings of the main characters of the 4 stories. I based the appearance of the prostitute character on Evelyn, but I changed many things about her. I made her older and changed her face to a more menacing one. She looks like an evil character, that's why people criticized her appearance all her life. Due to a debt of her family, she started selling her body to pay it off. The man she falls in love with is a divorced man who still loved his wife, but she got tired of the relationship and asked for a divorce. He met the prostitute when one of his clients wanted to kill her for not paying, so he saved her, and when they exchanged glances, their hearts began to beat rapidly. A love at first sight between a prostitute and a man who wants to be loved. I added that he was an orphan and a loner, that's why his dream is to start a family, but since his wife didn't want to have children, that dream didn't come true.

Ah, that story sounds very nice. Surely the virgins will complain because the woman is not a virgin, but the man isn't either, so they have no right to complain. Oh, and I also added that the man's childhood friend and first girlfriend was sleeping with his best friend and he caught them in the act. Why? I just want to make that man suffer more, so he realizes how happy he is with his new love. Making a character unhappy at first and then making him very happy, makes me feel satisfied.

"Aren't there too many stories?"

"I think it's fine."

Alright, now I'll draw the first chapter.

After an hour and a half, we arrived at the hotel. I finished the sketch of the first chapter, I will finish it completely later.

Thanks to my drawings, I managed to get 7,680 followers. I deleted the photos I uploaded without a shirt when I discovered it wasn't necessary. I don't want followers just because of my face.

I changed my profile picture to a drawing of myself, but with my hair covering my eyes.

"Wow! It's huge!"

"Let's go in!"

We tried to enter, but an employee stopped us.

"Do you have reservations?"

"They are my guests, you can let them in."

Nergio. Was he waiting for me? Ah, he's still impatient.

I approached him.

"It's been a while. Can we talk alone?"

"Of course," he said with a smile.

I turned to the others.

"Go to your rooms, I need to speak with him alone."

Everyone nodded and we entered the hotel. Wow, really elegant. Ah, is that a movie actor? Wow, they're filming a movie.

"This way, Saik."

We moved away from the others and entered an elevator. He pressed a series of buttons, probably a password.

Yuki is with Maria, so I can talk to Nergio without having to hide anything.

"It's been a long time, Saik. I'm sorry about the deaths of your parents. If you need anything, just ask."

"Yes, I know."

The elevator stopped and we walked into a kind of giant and dark warehouse.

He clapped and the lights came on. There are hundreds of devices that serve to capture ghosts and destroy them. This family is always ready to protect the world from ghosts.

"Well, we're safe now... Master!"

Nergio hugged me tightly and after a couple of seconds, he let me go and knelt before me.

"I missed you so much, Master!"

"You're still the same, Nergio. And... have you improved?"

"Of course I have! Look!"

A pink aura began to surround him and I passed my finger through his chest. He can now control his spiritual form. Interesting.

"You really improved, Nergio."

A black vapor surrounded me and I returned to my Shadow form.

"A-amazing! Master, now that you're a teenager, your Shadow form has become even cooler! By the way, Master, the others want to meet you."

"...The others?"

One of the walls began to lower. Bleachers? No, those are people.

The wall lowered completely and I approached those people.

"Master, let me introduce your humble servants! The members of the Shadow Paradise!"

Everyone knelt before me. Black clothes... Men, women, elderly, children... They all wear completely black clothes and white masks... This idiot.

"Well, Master?! Do you like the uniform?! I thought women would look better in skirts and black stockings, but I think they look very good in pants. They are made of a very elastic material, so it's not uncomfortable... huh?"

I grabbed him by the collar.

"Give me one reason not to kill you right now."
