
February 14, 2021: Taste

For the rest of their dinner night, Konrad and Syn took the time to talk about the specifics of their newly found partnership. 

Although they still had to conduct a meeting with the Eddinu Corporation board of directors for formality, Syn wanted to make sure that her knowledge wouldn't fall short of anyone's incomprehensible expectations. She had no plans of giving other people a reason to make her feel inferior. It was her decision to accept such an immense responsibility. Hence, it was also her burden to see that through. 

Syn had never imagined that she would be submitting herself to the pressure of managing a company on her own. Throughout the story of her life, her only goal was to repay the debt of her family in a way that was familiar to her. She had found the stability that she needed in the job that Mina had offered to her, and that was by being an escort.