After a few days of being obedient to her doctor's orders, Syn was finally able to get out of the hospital.
The moment that she stepped out of the building, she looked at the sky with an uncaring gaze. The lady thought that the heavy feeling inside her would be gone once she's discharged, but that didn't seem to be the case. Similar to the dark grey clouds that encompassed the heavens, her heart had nothing but gloom in its embrace.
But more than anything else, the feeling of emptiness in her body towered over the negatives. Her stomach felt as if she had eaten nothing in the past week. And within her mind, she was forcefully suppressing every memory that she sought to throw away. Strangely enough, she didn't have to work hard in order to acquire her goal. Conveniently enough, her brain cooperated with her and discarded the distasteful memories that were in its pockets.