
A Rich Gamer's Life

Truck-Kun has struck again! [7 Chapters per week]

finishme · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter 3: Basics and Sword Mastery Grinding!

I arrived at the classroom and it was all empty. Seemed like I was the first to arrive. 


And so, I sat on the futuristic desk and waited for time to pass. I only saw a glimpse of another student after 20 minutes, it was a boy, and then another 10 minutes, a girl. Aside from them, no one arrived. I looked at them when they entered but seemed like they were also stuck up like those two failures before. 


Anyway, the class should start soon. 




Heh~ did those students skip this class? We're still 3! 


Whatever! I don't care about these stuck-up rich kids, I'll learn what I can!


Thus, a man who looked like in his 30s entered the room. "Hello, class... rather... to the three of you." He smiled and seemed to joke about the current situation.


I like this type of teacher. They seemed jolly at first but they were always serious about teaching, one serious fuck up and they will flip you up.


"Ah, well, let's start the lesson, shall we?" He smiled at the three of us.


"Yes sir!" I said back.


I noticed his smile at me and said "Oh and enthusiastic one! Then! Let's start by introducing ourselves then? Let me start, I'm Felix Ashlenren, my class is Cleric and my level is 99. That's me alright." 


What the fuck!? 99!? How powerful was that? That's like the max level in a classic online game! 


Seeing our shocked expressions, this teacher turned to me and asked me to introduce myself. 


"Uh, Philip Von Hauser, well... no level and class yet alright." I stuttered a bit but sat quickly after saying my name.


"That is still good young master Philip! Von Hauser huh?" Felix whispered, but I heard it! What was it about our family that you need to utter it in a whisper!?


"Huh? Teacher Felix, do you know my family?" I asked.


"Ara~ you heard me? Haha~ yes definitely! Who would not know the Von Hauser Clan? Your family dominated your city for thousands of years, I could even speculate that your family has already eclipsed the current empire of your continent, however, your family seemed to not like being greedy and strengthening itself from within! Oh~! Right! Your grandfather was one of our alumni, do you know?" 


Huh!? My grandfather? Wait... grandfather... I searched through the memories and... yep! That grandfather! That grandfather!? The fuck? That old man!? That teasing old man!?


"Huh? My grandfather!? You mean him?" I asked in curiosity.


"Uh... what do you mean young master Philip? Of course your grandfather! Your father's father. Who else would I be talking about?" Felix clarified.


"Well... never mind. Anyway, I'm done, and thank you for letting me know! Let's continue teacher!" I said that to avoid more pause, I could feel the two staring at me.


"Great! Now then, let's go to you." Felix pointed to the boy sitting at the far back.


The boy stood straight but still with a snubby expression. "Eric Presley, Class none, Level 4." And that ended his introduction. He sat back and looked towards the room's window.


What a stuck-up kid.


I saw teacher Felix smiling after that and then looked at the girl sitting not far from me. 


She stood and "Anna Barera, class none, level 10." 


What!? 10!? How!!!!???? What the fuck!


Damn, even that stuck-up boy looked at this Anna with a serious stare. How did she do that? Wait, in massively multiplayer online games, there's this called party system, did she get carried!?


"That's a job well done Ms. Anna! Truly a genius of the new generation!" Felix praised Anna in front of us two. Way to go teach! Annoy that bitch stuck-up kid!


And to add more insult, "Wow~ That was so cool! Ms. Anna! You're so strong!" I said.


I snuck up a look at the stuck-up boy and I was not disappointed, his ego got crushed! Haha~


I turned back to Anna and she seemed to blush a bit from that praise too. Felix smiled at me and then turned back to his notes.


"Alright then, introductions are done, let's proceed with lessons. Now, the history of this world first..." Felix blabbed about the history of the world and the power system. Added to that more information was added such as classes and subclasses. One I noticed though was that there are no attribute allocations on these systems. I asked the system in my thoughts about this.




That's it?




Well... if that was the case, I'm special alright.


All the people of this world will have their attribute points automatically allocated to their designated path of strength. If I am a fighter, then most of the attribute points will go to strength, and agility, and a little to none toward mana. However, there are exceptions such as fighters that use mana often, so in that case, a fighter with mana fighting capabilities will have their attribute points go mostly to mana and agility, little toward strength status points. If that were the case, the fighter will become a magic swordsman?


How amusing this system of this world! I freaking love it!




The class ended after 4 hours and I went back to the entrance of the building, of course, with a guide. This school is fucking huge!


I saw Jason standing at the entrance and opened the car's door for me.


I entered the car and we went back to our home, er, mansion.



I stepped inside my mansion and the first thing Jason did was to get the package from the maid's hands. "Young master, here's your package that was delivered this morning."


At last!


"Thanks, Jason! Ehm... do you have a practice sword there? I don't have money to buy one, huhu~" I acted pitifully in front of Jason, well... I'm not a shy type!


I snuck up a looked at him and seemed he was weirded out by me. Fuck.


"Uh, you know." I added.


*cough* "Young master, don't worry, here's a practice sword for you." Jason pulled a wooden sword out of his inventory. 


Ohhhhh~~~ That is so cool!


I took the sword and "Thanks, Jason! You're the man!" 




"No worries young master. Should we prepare your lunch?" Jason asked.


"Definitely, I'll wait in the training room then." I walked back to my room and changed my attire to that of sports clothing. After that, I exited my room and went to the training room.


God damn rich people have training rooms in their mansions. 




I entered the training room and sat in the middle.


I opened the package and saw the skill book, it's a white colored book. I placed my palm on top of the book and quickly, a hologram appeared in front of me. 




"Yes." I physically said.


After that, the book turned into white dust. And soon, information flowed through my mind. It was not much of a pain but still, there was a sting involved. After a few minutes...




I looked into my system's skills tab and there it is!


[Skills Tab:]

[Sword Mastery (PASSIVE)] [Level 0] [Proficiency Points: 0/100]

[Basic Sword Skill, increases mastery of the sword]

[+0.1% Damage using swords]

[+0.1% Sword Skill (ACTIVE) damage]




Now we're talking!


I closed the skills tab and started swinging the wooden sword based on the basic movements of the sword mastery (passive) skill.

















God damn my shoulders are killing me!




Oh shit, that is torture!


I need to rest!




I rested enough! 


30 minutes!






I saw Jason open the door and the maid entered with food on the tray.


"Oh yeah, lunch. I forgot." I said.


"That's good to know that young master is training, but proper nutrition would help as much." Jason reminded me. Well... that is a fact though so I took it.


"Thanks, Jason, Shina. Leave it there, I'll swing a few more before eating." I grabbed the wooden sword and started swinging while the food was put on the table.


Jason and Shina exited the training room.


As for me?












30 minutes passed.









Fucking torture! 




I checked the next proficiency requirement for level 3, it's fucking 200 sword swings!






I ate first and rested for a whole hour!


I asked Jason to get a massage therapist! I need the massage for that shit!


Jason complied and got a professional massage therapist, but... how do I pay this person?


"Uh, Jason, you know I have 0 balance in my account right?" I whispered.


"Young master, the madam sent you another batch of allowance, please check your account." Jason surprised me!


What!? How doting that mother of mine was!? This is great!


I pulled out my phone and checked the bank app!


And there it is indeed! 10 million credits! I love you, mother!


I quickly sent a message to "my" mother.




Thanks for the additional allowance! I love you~~!






I waited for a few minutes but no replies, what happened to my mother's faster-than-air response?


Sigh. Anyway, I contracted the massage therapist to stay for the whole afternoon til' I went to sleep. I need him every break to massage my sore muscles after every swinging session!


*To be continued*