
The Counter Offensive

24 hours later:

Inside a snow-covered forest, Thousands of Saiyans are bunched in massive platoons, standing in Infront of a single Saiyan, the high chief general Okra,

"Men are you ready to turn this war on its head and have the appleians running" screamed out Okra,

"AHHH" A massive war cry echoes throughout the forest, shaking the trees just from their shout alone,

" Saiyans, we all know this has been a hard battle, we have lost many strong warriors but today is the day we finish this war for good we will conquer this planet tonight, " said Okra creating a fake moon and launching it into the sky,

A deafening war cry merges, as thousands of Oozaru's shout, A single deep voice comes out from a great ape,

" Remember to protect each other's tail, and we will show them why we are the strongest warrior race " Roared out Okra while in his great ape form,

The thousands of Oozaru's begin charging forward destroying trees, blowing up even mountains with blasts,

The appleians were been pushed back hundreds of them were dying but then a massive explosion, happened in the sky,

The fake moon was destroyed a massive ripple of energy swept through the land even knocking down the biggest of Oozaru's,

Before saiyans started transforming back into normal, another fake moon was shot into the sky,

About two or three miles from this battle there were a hundred or so saiyans left behind with the task of creating fake moons every time one of them was destroyed,

That was the deciding factor of this battle if the Saiyans could stay in their Oozaru form they were stronger but if the appleians could destroy the fake moons and make them revert back to normal they were stronger,

A massive battle unmerged, Hundreds of appleians began firing beams at the apes, but this didn't affect the great apes who simply stormed through them,

The great apes began shooting large mouth beams eviscerating mountains killing even more appleians,

Loud roars of explosions happened in the sky with fake moons being destroyed but then being replaced near instantly,

" Calm down will you stupid apes, " Yelled out a man holding his hand up in the sky,

He started forming a massive ball of energy illuminating the ground with a bright light,

" Now take this you dumb animals. " yelled the man flinging the blast

Five Oozaru's bunched side by side before firing blasts at the ball of energy meeting it halfway,

" Hurry up and do the plan you fool, " yelled out the man watching his blast getting sent back to him,

Without another word a flicker of bright white light appeared behind the Oozaru's and seconds later all five of their tails were chopped off,

" Take that idiots," said the man in the sky side-stepping his ball of energy as it went into the sky,

The five saiyans reverted back to normal and stood back up but before they could even move, they were blasted to death with Ki blasts,

The battle raged on for two more hours until the appleians fled due to running out of resources, they went into a nearby mountain range reorganizing their forces,

Twenty Oozaru's were killed in the battle, but the saiyans now controlled 62 percent of the planet,

They begin storming forward once again but met fierce resistance at the mountain, the appleians fired massive balls of energy at the apes,

The apes couldn't even reach the mountains and were slowly driven back by a sheer barrage of blasts, they stood tall before firing beams at the mountains,

A single woman appeared Infront of the beams and creating a massive wall of energy blocking the apes blasts, the wall soon disappeared and the valley of blasts returned pushing the apes even further back,

The apes fought hard until Okra turned around and pointed his hand behind all the apes, he knew the attack had failed and ordered the saiyans to retreat,

" God damn it, how am I meant to explain to king Vegeta that are counter-offensive failed, " yelled Okra while still in great ape form,

" The main front of our forces has faltered but I have to hope that our smaller ones have broken through " murmured Okra


At king Vegeta's palace:

A serious beating were heard ringing through his palace, " I said you have one more month to conquer this planet and you still didn't do it " yelled out king cold while pummeling king Vegeta's face in

" And if that isn't enough, I heard you have started to lose the said war on this planet, and I heard from my men that my baby boy Frieza had some saiyans disrespecting him, " Yelled out king cold to the horror of King Vegeta,

" King Vegeta I want you to end the war on planet apple very soon and I mean it but if you still haven't conquered that small planet in two years I will personally have your head mounted to my spaceship do you understand!" Roared out king cold before turning around and storming out of the palace

" Yes, sir I do " Murmured King Vegeta watching king cold leave his palace while grabbing at his bruised throat,
