
Minor Offensives

Just north of the main force of the Saiyans, there's a group of hundred saiyans sneakily marching through the snowy forest,

" How have times changed usually us saiyans would be blasting this forest but now we're sneaking through it to get behind enemy lines, " said a Saiyan while crouching and slowly walking,

" Yea but we don't have much choice anymore these appleians are too much for us to handle, " said another Saiyan,

Chit-chat followed the marching Saiyans before the leader of the group raised his hand up halting all the Saiyan's movement,

" Look just east of us, " said the man,

Just east of the group of Saiyans was a large body of appleian soldiers, About forty or so to count,

Every Saiyan starred at each other before nodding their head, and began gingerly walking,

They approach the mass of soldiers, all the Saiyan's hands were shaking, in anticipation of the battle,

They all stopped bunched together, one Saiyan raised his hand and was about to fire a ki blast before a hand grabbed his arm,

" We will surround them, before shooting blasts " whispered the leader of the group while gripping his arm,

The Saiyans began dispersing one by one until they had appleians completely surrounded, all the Saiyans glared at their leader until he nodded,

The hundred Saiyans all stood up at once catching the appleians entirely off guard, they begin scrambling for cover but it was too late hundreds of blasts rained down on them shredding them to pieces,

The Saiyans crouched in unison before marching further into the enemy lines, this group of Saiyans is like a well-polished machine, they work perfectly together,

" What's our plan anyway, what's our objective, " asked a Saiyan to the leader of the group,

" To cut off supply lines and fling the appleian forces into a frenzy of confusion, " said the leader before stopping and pointing just north of him,

" There's a small village just north of us, doesn't look like there are any soldiers here just civilians, " murmured the leader while looking at his men,

" I don't know how they survived against us for so long but perfect, we can kill them all without worry," said a middle-aged saiyan grinning menacingly

They all stood up, before sprinting towards the village, firing rows of blasts, completely destroying the appleians mud houses,

Screams of horror echoed throughout the forest, pleading for someone to save them but no one arrived, the screaming just stopped, only the footsteps of a hundred saiyans can slightly be heard anymore,


After six whole hours, the main force of the Saiyans was completely stuck, they could no longer get past the appleians defenses,

They made minimal progress, only slightly pushing back the appleians before getting stuck at a large mountain range,

But the southern forces, the second largest army of Saiyans had made immense progress, due to the south being mostly plains, the appleians were completely helpless against the charging Oozaru,

They regained 10 percent of the land they had lost but had to stop pushing forward due to the fear of being surrounded,

The northern force hadn't made a move yet, still probing the appleians defensives waiting to make a move,

But truthfully the northern forces were scared, since the last time they went north, thousands of Saiyan began exploding,

But in a couple of months, this war will be over…


King Vegeta palace:

" Will you hurry up, and tell me what's wrong, " Yelled King Vegeta sitting on his mighty throne while drinking wine,

" The main body of our forces in planet apple, attacks have all been repelled by appleians, " said a shaking Saiyan kneeling Infront of king Vegeta

" What!" Screamed out the King while failing his arms profusely,

" You are telling me, we have been preparing a counter-offensive for three months, and we can't even break past their defenses, " roared out king Vegeta

The King exhaled loudly before leaning back in his chair and palming his face, " What should I do, King cold won't let this planet live if this war continues, "

The king sat there eyes becoming blank before they sharpened, and he abruptly stood up and began walking,

" W-where are you doing King Vegeta, " asked the kneeling man

" Don't ask me, what I am doing or I'll kill you "

King Vegeta walked out of his throne room and into massive hallways before stepping outside of his palace,

He began walking through the slums of planet Vegeta, thousands of Saiyans watched in awe, until they remembered to kneel,

King Vegeta continue walking until he stopped at a single house, before walking in have a short conversation with a woman then turned around and left,

As soon as the king left the house, a small grin flashed on his face as he whispered something to himself,

" Bardock, I hope you can save me this time, "

The king put his arms behind his back before walking back into his palace…
