
The Sects Systems

From reading other Chinese novels surrounding cultivation and the sect's rules and beliefs, I created my own sects, some with similar aspects and others with a completely different format. However one thing that is common amongst my sects is the layout of the years. Each sect has 4 years, from the ages of 15 -18. Although not everyone joins the first year at the age of 15, based on skill some can join earlier or due to time some join later meaning not everyone finishes at 18.

The 4 years of cultivation training, amongst each sect, is divided by 4 seasons within each year. However this is where each sect differenchaces. So before I go into detail about that I want to quickly list important aspects of the type of cultivation I'm using in my world. -

This cultivation does not lead to immortality. This does not exist in my world. The rough era this is based on, people usually live to around 80 at most and so the cultivators who look after themselves can live up to 110. Meaning they get to live longer but not forever.

Ghosts/spirits and water creatures exist in this world, however demons and other types of monsters don't. Ghosts mainly cause little to no trouble in these stories and water creatures are known to help others with information rather than the need for my characters to defeat them.

Cultivation is a way of life, it can be followed by anyone. It is the importance of continuing to practice it that keeps the benefits of it alive.

There is no cultivation core, following this type of cultivation doesn't not give you any form of powers. Sadly to those who enjoy it means there is no spiritual devices, flying, dark magic and most talismans (I'll explain below) or any other powers you can think of.

The purpose of cultivation is to be one with your body. Cultivators are stronger than the average person as the point is to train the body and mind. This makes those who follow cultivation a comparison to the perfect soldier and protector of the earth. However when it does come to spirits/ghosts there are some protection talismans that are used to help others but any other use of talismans don't exist. They are just to ward spirits away.

There are sects who try to befriend spirits and use them to harm others. Although dark magic doesn't exist, there are still dark forms of cultivation that can be used for the purpose of harming others. Following cultivation to be stronger than others in hopes of overpowering them is a form of dark cultivation.

Lots of people choose to follow a cultivation path later in life as they believe its the ticket to the afterlife. So many farmers and other workers try to add cultivation into their life once they have lived at least a few decades.

There are monasteries in my novels as I believe being a monk is a form of cultivation. There is much to be learnt about that way of life. However because Buddhism is a religion, I've done a lot of research on it and have tried to respectfully add it in as its own individual teachings outside of my created cultivation.


Now onto the depth of each sect and their rules and formalities.

The Hai Di Sect (Main sect of TROTBP)

The cultivation year each begins in summer, each season follows the natural seasons of summer being season 1, autumn being season 2, winter season 3, spring season 4 and repeat. Unlike other sects there is no break between the seasons, there is only a one week break at the end of each cultivating year.

This sect is famous for its morning mediation at the ocean where cultivators must sit with their backs towards the waves and try to meditate the mind. Keeping the body firm in place so the waves don't distract you or push you out of position.

Main Rules:

Do not waste water.

Don't miss morning meditation (unless ill or injured)

Treat others as ally's rather than building blocks.

Year 1

A year of training away from the sect.

Season 1 & 2

Training in the mountain of a thousand streams.

(Training in water, learning about water, learning about water creatures etc…)

Season 3 & 4

Helping others related to water.

(For example - cleaning a lake, helping fisherman, providing water, building accessible water etc….)

In the fourth season the option of taking a vow of abstinence is offer Ed

(But doing so means cutting the helping of others short and travelling to Yulan Hua sect for the season)

Year 2

Sect training and meeting the master's of cultivation.

Season 1

Travelling back to the sect.

Start of sect training.

Season 2

Master's festival.

(First time witnessing, learning from previous master winners, help cleaning up after the festival)

Season 3 & 4

Sect training.

Year 3

A year without water.

Season 1 - 4

Desert training.

(Focusing on training the mind and using sand as a replacement for water)

Season 2

The option to take part in the master festival for the first time.

(Most choose not to, not wanting to risk missing parts of the desert training)

Year 4

Final year of training at the sect.

Season 1

Basic training.

Season 2

Helping others.

(Without the teachers of the sect, divided into 4 groups travelling to different parts of China)

Season 3

Self training.

(Isolation to practice things you've learnt without distraction)

Season 4

Examination season.

The Frozen Jade Sect (Main sect of TGWNLWO)

The first season also begins in summer but is 10 weeks long with a two week break then the second season is 8 weeks with a 2 week break, third season 6 weeks and a 2 week break then the fourth season is 4 weeks in the sect and 6 weeks away from the sect training (however this swaps each year e.g. year 1 is 4 weeks at sect then away from the sect for 6 weeks, year 2 is away from sect for 6 weeks then back to the sect for 4 weeks etc….)

This sect is famous for its vigorous training of the body without upper clothing within all seasons.

Main Rules:

Do not lie, the truth does not make you unkind.

Do not give advice to others unless you have mastered yourself.

You are not above, below or equal to others. Act as an individual who chooses to help others.

Year 1

Season 1

Basic training at the sect.

(With sparring examination at the end)

Season 2

Continuing of basic training.

Half the year get to train with their thigh pieces.

Season 3

First training of the mind and body in the forest of forgotten forgery.

Season 4

Last of basic training for a month.

6 weeks travelling, learning and training in sacred places.

Year 2

Season 1 & 2

Second level of basic training.

In the second season the option of taking a vow of abstinence is offered.

(Those who take it will receive special extra teaching within the sect on the matter)

Season 3

Training and staying at the local village.

(Morning training as usual but helping during the day with local businesses and learning about work, life and money)

Season 4

Desert training for six weeks.

Back to sect for the end of year training then sparring examination.

Year 3

Season 1 & 2

Third level of basic training.

Season 3

A season divided between training at White Jade and then having them train at the sect.

Season 4

4 week training for the Jade pendant ceremonial exam .

(This exam is important as a cultivator can have their necklace removed and told to leave the sect if they fail. If they win they get to add a piece of jade to their necklace that has been carved by the current sect leader)

6 weeks again in the forest of forgotten forgery.

Year 4

Season 1 & 2

Final level of basic training.

Season 3

The forest of forgotten forgery examination (first attempt)

First year guardianship for a season.

(Mentoring a first year student)

Season 4

Self isolation for self training for 6 weeks.

(They can choose to travel for it or stay at a special place in sect where they won't be disturbed)

4 weeks of examination at the sect.

The forest of forgotten forgery examination.

(Last attempt for those who failed previously)

Final sparring competition.

(Those who win get special honours, there is no penalty to those who lost)

Sword slicing match.

(Although not mentioned previously, it occurs in basic training where they learn to overpower the enemies blade by slicing through it - those who win get to have a personal sword made for them to carry on their back)

The Yellow Crow Sect (Main sect of TLSYPFM)

This sect is the oldest sect of the mentioned sects in these novels and due to this they are the ones who hold the Master's festival every year. This event is important in TROBP and TLSYPFM but not so much in the other 2 books TGWNLWO and TNTNSD. Due to this, half a season prior to the season that takes up the Master's festival, is dedicated to preparing for the Master's festival. Each season is 9 weeks long with a 3 week break between each season, the longest break within all the sect systems. They are also the only sect that focuses on sword making and maintaining a personal sword.

This sect is known for being the most relaxed sect when it comes to rules, it use to be the most popular sect - in which people would travel from all over China to join the sect. Although nowadays cultivators from this sect receive a lot of prejudice from others sects as they are seen as untamed compared to the others. Which is why sects like Frozen Jade and Yulan Hua sect don't attend the Master's festival each year. However Hai Di and White Jade always attend.

Main Rules:

Do not disrupt others from learning (although the sect is infamous for doing so)

Treat others the way you wish to be treated.

Let your sword first be a friend before it is ever used as a weapon.

Year 1

Season 1

First half -

Basic training.

(Which includes bird watching, being able to know the different species and bird calling)

The art of swords.

(Learning about swords and how they are made)

Second half -

Preparing for the masters festival along side basic training.

Season 2

Master's festival.

Season 3

First half -

Travelling and training.

Second half -

Sword wielding.

(Experiencing hands on, on how to make a sword)

Season 4

Making your own sword and learning to self master it.

Year 2

First half -

Basic training.

Second half -

Preparing for the Master's festival along side basic training.

Season 2

Master's festival.

Season 3

Staying in a cabin for the winter with a group of peers.

(As the founder grew up in a wooden house he believes it important that everyone experiences the hardship of surfing through winter)

Season 4

A divided season of training at White Jade and White Jade training at the sect.

Year 3

Season 1

First half -

Basic training.

Second half -

Preparing for the Master's festival along side basic training.

Season 2

Master's festival.

Season 3

Group travel and life experience .

(Traveling without teachers only with a few peers)

Season 4

The start of sword fighting teaching.

Year 4

Season 1

First half -

The last of basic training

The option of taking a vow of abstinence.

(If so the cultivator will transfer to Yulan Hua sect until the end of season 2)

Second half -

Preparing for Master's festival.

Season 2

Master's festival.

(The option of taking part for the first time)

Season 3

Solo travel away from sect.

Season 4

First half -

Training and studying.

Second half -

Sword examination.

(The appearance of sword, the ability of the sword through cutting things and the ability of the one who holds the sword through a spar)

Bird examination.

(Different species, how they call etc…)

The Yulan Hua Sect (Main sect of TNTNSD)

This sect, born from tragedy, focuses on the beautiful things in life from being graceful with movement and through balancing exercises, learning about nature and helping keeping it alive, making your appearance appealing to the eye and keeping the body and mind clean. Like Hai Di their seasons follow the natural seasons of summer, spring, autumn and winter. However the year begins in Spring unlike the other seasons that start in summer. Each season also has a one week break mid season as the beginning and end of a season is important in their training.

This sect is famous for its self isolation and self study. It has the highest rate of cultivators who practice abstinence, almost 80% choose that path (some later in life choosing to join monastery)

Main Rules

Treat the body delicately, you only get one.

Appreciate all the things you have in life.

Do not cause harm to living things (unless it is the last resort)

Year 1

Season 1

First half -

The option of taking a vow of abstinence.

Learning about the history of the sect, nature and medicine .

Second half -

Basic training.

Season 2

A season of silence.

(Every autumn since its the anniversary of death of the founders mother, the sect takes a vow of silence and trains the students in hands on training without speaking. During the break the students and teachers are allow to speak if they choose to)

First half -

The art of mediation.

Second half -

Continuing basic training.

Season 3

First half -

Travelling to learn about nature and to become one with nature. Second half -

Self isolation.

Season 4


(On the rules, nature, wildlife and medicine, meditation and self evaluation)

The following three years are of a similar routine except year 2 which offers the option to learn an instrument and year 3 you get your own small piece of the sect garden to grow flowers and herbs for medicine.

This honestly took a long time to write and edit. I'm not even sure if I edited it well enough. Anyway enjoy the sudden load of information.

TheXiaoAiSectcreators' thoughts