
a random guy reborn as Sasuke Uchiha

Well....as the name suggests ....its an Asian guy ,possessing the body of Sasuke uchiha.

DaoisthOSeId · Cómic
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16 Chs

A Hypocrite

It's team distribution day.

We all gathered in the academy gallery one last time....maybe not. If your junior instructor fails you, another year to grind.

Iruka sensei did a roll call for the passed students.

Naruto came in at the last minute.

He flashed his titanate and marched towards my seat.

I got up with a grin.

We clapped hands with a loud" phat!"

It was so loud that the boys went wow.

"You goddamn son of bitch! I knew you had it in ya!".

"I am the future Hokage after all. Some measly test won't keep me_ ttebayo", he beamed.

"Okay....class...I mean...my fellow ninja. Settle down. Since everyone is here I will announce the teams and join."

Everything went exactly like Canon.

Then came our names.

"Team 7. Naruto uzumaki.

Sakura Haruna.

Sasuke Uchiha."

Naruto smacked my back like a whip.

It hurt.

So I grabbed his nipple and twisted it.

He screamed like a girl.

I smell nightqueen. I sniff the air.


Sakura clears her throat.

"Oh hello...Sakura-chan. I guess we are teammates now.", I say awkwardly.

"Yeah! yeah! I can't believe I'm on a team with you what a stroke of luck! I wonder what I do to deserve it," he says with a blushed face and idiotic smile.

"Aww...thanks naruto. But maybe I'm the lucky one here. Since I'm here with Sasuke Kun!", she says while taking a glance at me.

"Oh! That's an honour!", I say.

Sakura shakes her head. I'm doing something wrong here. Me and my blunt ass. Why can't I figure it out?

I see Iruka smiling.

"It's customary to pair the best student with the worst student. So, you ended up with Sakura. Sasuke ....I already know you.

Haruno chan...please Naruto will be in your care, Sasuke has ruined him enough." He says with a sigh.

"I won't disappoint," Says Sakura. She is taking glances at me, looking away.

I guess.....we will have to see.

As the introduction wraps up, we are given 4 hours.

In the evening we will meet our sensei.

Kakashi Hatake.

As we go our separate ways I see Naruto eyeing me.

" What's up with that?', he asks.

"What what up? What you talking about dawg?", I raise my eyebrows.

"You and Sakura....you looked at each other like ....different. and I thought you called her Haruna? "

I click my tongue. And scratched the back of my head.

"Yeah.... a lot happened."

"She seemed happy", Naruto indicated.

"Seems so!", I mused.

"Aren't you gonna invite her to celebrate, " he asks.

"I don't think she will come though", I said for a fact.

"Cause you've been an asshole to her," he said angrily.

"Where is this coming from bro?", I ask still walking.

"You don't deserve her, I bet I could make her happy", he says.

I turn around and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Chill bro...I don't deserve her I know. Do you want to do something about it? Wanna beat my ass?", I asked chuckling.

"Yeah. What if I do wanna beat your ass huh? Asshole?", naruto has his whiskers flaring.

I narrowed my eyes and said menacingly.

"You'll welcome to try. deadlast."

Naruto opens his mouth and closes. Wanted to say a few more things ....but I guess he has more control over his emotions than I thought.

I kept on walking, he kept on following me.

I feel....same chakra sig, several of them identical to each other.

Around 20? Not maybe 30?

Shadow clones? Hiding all over the place.

Ready to ambush.

Is he? Why?

I don't have time to think or whine.

I pull my kunai and Sharingan in full form.

Turn around and stabbed

The clone disappears in a poof.

From the teacher's common room window, from the false ceiling, from the doors, from the big bonsai pot.

An army of Naruto swarmed the hall room.

It's his Kagebunshin jutsu.

They come at me from the front, from behind.

I block and parry their kicks and punches.

They hit hard. I guess Naruto has been eating some protein instead of ramen.

But....I got pretty used to it with the Sharingan and once I memorised their attack pattern, I started to dodge.

They hit each other.

Then my back hit the wall.

Okay...I guess his plan.

With a smirk, I start grazing.

Crashing them Into the walls, cracking their skulls.

I feel Naruto click his tongue in frustration.

Feeling my lips twitch to form a grin but I suppress my urge to smile.

The hall is almost empty.

Naruto along with some other clones stood in front of me 8 metres away.

He formed a very familiar hand sig.

30 more clones appeared and dashed towards me.

I did a single-hand sign.

"Futon: Firestream "

As if a massive flamethrower is in my fingers.

The incredibly long-ranged stream of fire burned through the clones.

Before anything caught on fire, I used a storage scroll to summon a body of water.

Used water stream jutsu to put them out.

I see a wet and singed Naruto huffing madly on the floor.

A slight hissing sound and steam filled the hallway.

Something....doesn't feel right here. I think...

My scars itching.

I promptly use the steam as a cover to form an aerial genjutsu.

With the remaining chakra, I form a single Kagebunshin.

My head spins and the food that I ate for breakfast threatens to come out. But I somehow control it.

But I use the genjutsu and steam to hide using an unsealed brown cloth that is the same colour as the wall.

The bushing walks toward downed Naruto and gives a few of my usual slurs.

Naruto scoffs in return.

Then it happened. It's a replacement jutsu with a spring-loaded wire coil that wrapped around my clone.

I put a lot of chakra in it...so this much won't dispel it. Naruto comes out of the clock that he used to hide with the wall.

Naruto then with a chuckle and a curse puts a gag on the clone.

Leaves him inside the boys' locker room and henge into me

Makes his way out the window.

Okay...this should be interesting.

I look through the window.

"I wonder what Sakura Chan thinks of this if she finds out?"

"Beat his ass I guess." Says my clone as it already freed itself from Naruto's trap, unlocked the door and came out.

I shake my hands with my clone.

"Good job", I smile.

"Always a pleasure", he says with a slight salute with the other hand.

I dispelled my first-ever Kagebunshin.


I'm hiding inside a bush. Where Sakura sit peacefully dangling her legs, eating Dango.

I see me...I mean Naruto approaching the scene.

What are the chances that Sakura knows that I'm here? None I think.

A ninja in the act of eating is said to be vulnerable position. Never show your enemy what you eat.

The teaching takes place, even though Sakura sees my < naruto> approach.

She instantly gobbles up the Dango and with a wide smile invites Naruto to sit with her.

Naruto with a wry smile does so. I guess he is regretting it somewhat.

Looks like Naruto did a successful henge that can even fool Sakura-san.

Well, let's see how it plays out.

Naruto then attempts at his first-ever punch line.

"Your big wide forehead is beautiful that it makes me wanna kiss it.", Says Narut.

Sakura has raised eyebrows. Not believing what's coming out of my mouth....naruto's mouth.

"Is what Naruto would say! Ha ha ha ....!", that lough was kind out of character but...oh well.

Sakura also laughs.

"Want to your forehead too!"

Narutoscratchess his forehead.

"Just kidding though!", Says Sakura.

An awkward silence fills the air.

"Say Sakura chan.....", naruto breaks the silence.

"Hmm?", sakura's relaxes.

"What do you think about Naruto?" Naruto asks ....in my voice!

"What do mean?" She asks.

"Like....he is loud and always goes on and on about being Hokage. Always asking you out on dates.....I think he is annoying." Naruto mutters.

Okay...I didn't think of him as the self-loathing type.

"Yeah....he is loud. Not gonna lie", Sakura chuckles.

"But.....not annoying...I think. I think he is kind of cute in a way. He is short. Blue eyes. Blond hair like the fourth Hokage. If he was a bit taller I might've taken his offer", Sakura with a finger to the chin, wondering deeply.

Oh boy. Naruto perked up a bit. Then slumped down. I guess hearing being called short isn't appealing.

"I have my doors always open for you though, Sasuke Kyun!" She says with a wink.

Naruto does a wry smile.

Suddenly she sighs. Naruto looks at her.

"You know.....I always wanted a cute little brother. Just like him....loud and cheerful. Always wanting attention. But ....Naruto looks so sad because the villagers treat him like that. I don't know why .... nobody would tell me the cause. Still, he smiles at me. He smiles through his teeth .....like it's hurting him. He looks like he carries so much yet he is so fragile, that I don't know what I will do if I make him sad....you know. I don't mean to hurt him. His .....things are so personal that I felt like I was invading his space if I accepted his advances. It would make me feel like hypocritical without knowing anything."

Naruto hears in silence.

Sakura suddenly flops down from the high bench.

"But now we are in the same team maybe we can make things better. You and me! Right Sasuke Kun?", Saukra says, pumping her fist in the air.

Naruto as if breaking out of a trance says, "Yeah....yeah! Of course." His voice is shaky. Come on man, you are a ninja, keep it cool.

Sakura notices it.

"What? Still salty from yesterday?", Sakura says with a blush. Naruto gives a confused look. Man...keep a straight face.

"Tell you what? First, Let's have lunch Naruto Kun Since we are on the same team. Then we can go ours ....just the 2 of us!", Sakura says.

Naruto widens his eyes. But pretty quickly catches on.

" it feels wrong to leave him out like that!", Says Sakura while pondering. She may have been thinking about it for a while.

"Wo...you do treat him like a little bro!", Naruto says. Smiling wide. The voice is still shaky.

"Can't help it.", Sakura chuckles.

"He may be an annoying brat. But he is now our annoying brat. Even if we fail the test with our Jounin sensei....we will be the best team," Sakura says dreamily.

"Okay... at lunchtime...I will go grab Naruto. He will be in Sky Nine when he hears you invited him to lunch!", Says Naruto.

"Yeah..let's go", Says Sakura.

Oh boy, how will you tackle this?

Naruto gets flustered.

"Hey...no need for you to run around. I can find that bastard for you The guy is hard to find. Who knows in what dump he might be in?" Naruto scoffs.

"Oh.... okay....wait? Does he go to dangerous places? It's not like I can say anything about it. But....Do I need to worry?", Sakura says with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh...no no...sakura chan...he might be annoying but he is a good kid. I will go fetch him for ya ", naruto says. Self-advertising bastard.

"If you say so. Then....both of you meet up at my place. I will ready things up, ne. Does he have favourites", sakura asks.

"He likes pork ramen....hmm....he also likes chicken, with lots of tomatoes", Says Naruto. Okay...Good job my friend.

"Okey....Good to know, see ya then", sakura says.

"Ya...see ya. And sakura chan....!", Naruto calls for her.

"Hmm?", turns Sakura hums playfully.

"I don't think he will mind....being your little brother", he says..... eyes not visible.

"I hope so", Sakura says....with a sigh.

She then does her signature smokeless sunshine.

Naruto gaps for a second at the scene.

I come out of the vegetation.

"Yeah....she does that all the time", I put my hand on his shoulder.

Naruto jumps at my voice, breaking the jutsu.

But soon he calms down.

"Sorry about that?", he says with a grimace.

"6 out of 10", I chide.

Naruto clicks his tongue.

Then he scratches the back of his.

"I feel lame now", he says with a sigh.

"Happens to the best of us. We don't see it....even though it's right in front ", I muse.

"You better not hurt her", Says Naruto. Glaring at me.

"I'm her little bro. You know,", naruto says with a grin.

I raise my hands defensively.

"Woo...!!! Koai koai. Mister shorty pants here will kick my ass.....ha ha ha ha !!!"

Naruto grits his teeth.

Before he can lash out I grabe his shoulder again.

"Come on let's go and get Sakura. Maybe if we run...we can catch her buying groceries."

"Yeah....let's get. Gonna help her", Says Naruto.

Naruto suddenly stops and with a grin he asks,"say....Bastred....did ya get dumped by her yesterday or something?"

I sigh.... well....here we go.

a serving of overprotective is coming up.

Up next Kakashi enters the scene.

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