"I... I will leave immediately if you just point me in the right direction. I do not want any trouble..." Maedor reasoned.
"It is not your decision to make." The first bandit clarified with a wide grin that revealed his yellowing teeth.
The bandits cackled at Maedor's words and Maedor flinched backwards when the bandit he assumed was the leader reached a hand out to Maedor's ear.
"Get away from me!" Maedor snarled fiercely, his words causing the bandits to laugh even harder.
"Just look how pathetic you look, what can you do if I refuse? Now that you have walked straight into my territory, do not dream of leaving so easily." The bandit leader sneered.
"I do not want to hurt anyone, I have nothing of value on me... just leave..." Maedor breathed out weakly, his facade of ferocity faltering.