
a prince's journey {dxd}

some long lost soul meets a bored ROB and reincarnates as son of sirzechs gremory with some wishes in dxd read as he moves his lazy butt to go on a journey in his new world. disclaimer:i own absolutely nothing of highschool dxd or any other work that you see elements of in the story i only own my MC

obero34_ · Cómic
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19 Chs

Taming a wild one.

Dragon Mountains.... a mountain full of dragons, shocker i know. Its stupid how lazy the naming sense in this world tends to be. Like the city of Agares, is in fact called "The floating city of Agares." Oh boy it gets worse, some of you may not know this, but the character's names also share a similar sense of laziness too. Except that there is a certain genius about them as well.

This mountain range was and is a part of Gremory's territory. It was granted to Tannin, a former dragon king, after he became an ultimate class devil, by becoming a top 10 rating game player himself.

Yeah apparently when you get to ultimate class you can choose a territory of your own. Would have been good to know whenever i was planning on my future.

One of these days my laziness will bite me in the ass.

So, why am i here?

Multiple reasons actually,

1- I was done with all my research and all my studies on Worthless, though time magic will have to wait a little more before i completely integrate it with my ice, setting that aside, i need a new test s *cough* i mean sparring partner, yes sparring partner.

2- It's the next step of my training, for you see Tannin is said to have power around satan level, so i thought 'if i can't beat him with my fists alone then i am just not good enough to travel outside' so here i am attempting to physically defeat a dragon king, as a test.

3-I have come here to pickup my first peerage member. Call it a timely investment of mine if you will.

You see i may have underestimated Diehauser's peerage a bit, i know Diehauser himself is gonna be a pain in the ass but i didn't know his peerage members. And let me tell you, they are STACKED. His queen only falls short of Graymama, he has Circe, yes that Circe from greek myth as a bishop. Granted she is a descendant but she still has the ability to turn people into animals.

Yeah that was a whole new level of 'crazy bitch' i know.

Moving on from that bitch, the rooks are the third and the fifth strongest rooks in the underworld. One of them being a werewolf notably.

His other bishop is called Julia, a descendant of the great Roman emperor Caesar.

his knight being the second strongest knight of Underworld is in fact Sariel. I was in for a shock when i found that out. apparently he was the first fallen angel ever who became a devil servant.

The pawns...OMS the damn pawns are no pushovers either.

its a clusterfuck of descendants.

Descendant of Orion the greek hero.

Descendant of Arrow boy a native American hero.

Descendant of Judas Iscariot.

This may be a bit harder than i initially thought it would be.

Safe to say i am fucked.

So i Scratched the previous plan and decided 'i need peerage members fast'. Why? because unlike what the populace believes, ultimate class servants don't drop out of skies randomly. Here's how this goes: you find someone with potential, train that someone with potential and wait for them to get exprience and mature up, until they reach the place you want them to be at.

Lesson is: it takes time for them to reach their potential, granted blank does some heavy lifting, but they still need time, so i have to get moving.

And i have decided on the first member of the peerage, a rook.

Which, finally brings us to the current situation.


""Beat his ass, beat his ass, beat his ass.""

""Fuck him in the vaginaaaaa""

Echoed the voice of literally every single dragon all around the battle arena.

They are really rude btw.

There's apparently this massive battle ground in the middle of this mountain range, where big dick dragons challenge each other and beat each other's ass. They are also very bias.

I can tell because i am currently experiencing that bias.

Standing in the middle of the arena, with sunglasses, a black jacket, some normal looking pants and combat boots, i smile and enthusiastically wave my hands at the crowd who is definitely cheering for me and me alone.

How do i know they are cheering for me? because i am not an asshole so i certainly don't deserve such rude words either.


Oh its fucking delicious. Their looks of contempt i mean.

Their responses only makes me wanna piss them off more.

Which brings me to question why are they pissed?

I don't know really, all i did was:

Waltzed in, called them all weakling little lizardman with stupid faces and no bitches, then proceeded to beat the ever living crap out of every challenger that walked into the arena, collecting their scales in the process. You never know when you might wanna make something out of them.

As i was lost in my thoughts, a 16 meters tall giant dragon walked into the arena.

Purple scales, golden horns, rather humanoid figure and glowing red eyes glaring at me with such resentment you would think i am his abusive, alcoholic father, beating his mom.

Not that i give 2 shits of course. I just kept sending kisses to my fans in the arena.

As he got closer he loudly announced:

"I Bova Tannin, son of the former dragon king, hereby challenge Antares Gremory, prince of underworld."

"I Antares Gremory, hereby accept the challenge of the little lizardman."

Hearing that he immediately attacked like the wild animal he is.

Me being the elegant prince that i am, simply jumped over his claws and kicked his jaw, still with my hands in my pocket.

I then gracefully landed and watched as he backed up a bit and seemed to think up a strategy, noticing my strength from that kick he recieved.

He finally decides to go for yet another sweeping, claw attack but this time he is also preparing to breath fire wherever i jump or dodge next.

I once again jumped over his claw and waited for his fires to come out, only for them to disappear when they reach me.

Yes that is the result of project "mimic Worthless" it actually worked. At least on magic, projectiles and stuff like that, doesn't work that fabulously against physical attacks.

His eyes widened for a milisecond before he went for a bite. Literally.

I opened my wings and float away from him and then axe kicked him in the nose, slamming his face back to the ground.

At this moment the Audience collectively decided to be silent. Getting a bit humbled down.

"Soooo.....that was it? you know when you told me you dad is a dragon king i was expecting just a little bit more, not much, just a little. It seems my expectations were severely misplaced."

He roared again like some enraged animal, but this time he didn't just charge anymore. seemingly more aware of his weakness.

The lack of versatility.

He could breath fire.....then use his claws sometimes or satan forbid use his mouth from time to time too. And he is 16 meters tall so every move he makes is as abvious as it gets really.

To counter this problem, some dragons learned magic, Azi dahaka and Tiamat being top examples of this.

Some others develop certain abilities, like the heavenly dragons.

And some decide to simply push their claws and teeth so far beyond their limit that their lack of versatility wouldn't matter anymore. Such is the case with Crom cruach.

But the current Bova doesn't fit into any of these categories. He is just a simple dragon like any other one of them is. Nothing even remotely special about him at all.

To him this was a moment of reflection, realizing how lacking he truly is.

He cocked his fist before lunging ahead, breathing fire again and smashing his fist to the left, where i dodged. However this time i simply kicked his hand upwards, deflecting it. Thinking quickly he spins and tries to slam his tail into my body. I jump over his tail, reaching his stomach and kick his solar plexus, breaking some of his scales and knocking the wind out of him, using my wings i fly higher, directly in front of his face before releasing a flurry of kicks into his face, finishing with an axe kick. Slamming him back into the ground again.

At this point the poor dragon's head is bloody with shattered scales, even limping a little.

I did not hold back much on those kicks.

In fact his defense is impressive considering he is just high class dragon.

His eyes narrowed, no longer showing hate but rather respect and even resignation.

Even so he still stood, inhaling as much as he can before charging forward and throwing every breath of fire at me, in response, this time i take my hands out of my pocket. I coated my body in power of destruction before lunging and meeting his charge myself, the destructive energy protecting me against his flames as i dodge a claw attack, duck under his opened jaws and punched throw his chest, this time with all of my strength.

Vomiting blood he gets thrown straight out of arena.

Once the dust settles down, the once proud purple dragon can be seen still concious, struggling to stand however with a hole in his chest.

"I accept.....this loss....it is because of my weakness.....but i will catch up to you.... mark these words." he says before finally dropping down on ground, now knocked out.

I land on the ground, sunglasses still on, and smirk, satisfied with the result.

The strategy has 4 steps.

Step 1- bait him.

Step 2- humble him down and give him a goal to strive towards.

Step 3- train him towards that goal.

Step 4- make him a servant.

You bet your ass i did not miss the chance to bond him to myself, with this he will exprience explosive growth, with a little bit of guidance this dragon will become much stronger than he was today.

Its a long running investment, but i will make a dragon king out of this guy.

somewhere outside of the arena 2 people were watching the beatdown.

"Its his first day and he is already making a fuss. Though i suppose the dragons will no longer disregard him." said a busty mature woman with red eyes and blue hair, wearing a navy blue dress, befitting of a noble lady.

"He is strong. That last punch would stagger even myself. And he is only 8 and half? A fine showing indeed." Responded a purple dragon, this one larger than Bova, but looking the same overall.

"you don't seem too upset." the woman said, more of an statement than a question.

"Bova is the strongest child of his generation, not many can even break his defense, much less beat him. This has made him stagnant for a long time now. I am happy he has found a goal to reach." said the dragon.

"Yes but what if he decides to go on a new journey?" the woman asked, impassively.

"A new journey huh, i suppose we all find our calling at some point, and if he finds his calling in another one's adventure, then i can only hope for a happy ending to their travels." dragon responded. Somewhat nostalgic.

"Yes i suppose that is true." woman said. For the first time, a thin smile marrying her face.

For the first time in years, the woman was interested in watching a new journey.

This woman was of course the strongest dragon queen, Tiamat.