
a prince's journey {dxd}

some long lost soul meets a bored ROB and reincarnates as son of sirzechs gremory with some wishes in dxd read as he moves his lazy butt to go on a journey in his new world. disclaimer:i own absolutely nothing of highschool dxd or any other work that you see elements of in the story i only own my MC

obero34_ · Cómic
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19 Chs

Beginning of training, plans for the future


"You surprise me young master, your skills are far above anyone i have ever faced" Complimented a blonde young girl in sakura colored haori and a purple dress.

The girl was currently facing a kid half her size with snow white hair and an enchanting pair of blue and red eyes who was taking the most casual " stance" if it could even be called that.

It would look so ridiculous to anyone but this blonde girl. Since the "stance" almost looked like the opponent is casually taking a stroll through a park. And yet there were no openings aside from what he himself had allowed to show. And there were absolutely to wasted movement at all. Like the lazy butt that he is, only doing the bare minimum movement in order to achieve results.

These are of course Okita Souji, the current strongest knight in underworld and her master's young child antares, fighting with normal wooden swords in the training yard of Gremory state.

*A/N: Genderbended because why not?

'As i had thought my skills and experience still surpass hers by a long shot, my mind is perfectly capable of responding and defeating her but my body is still too weak to follow through'

"Let's stop there. I want to try practicing with a blindfold on."

"Umm, umm sharpening one's awareness is indeed one of the most important parts of combat."

Well thats already taken care of, considering my first wish and all that. The real reason is actually because i am still trying and failing to achieve observation haki. Its certainly a necessity considering my long running desires in this life.

So putting the blindfold on, i once again take the most casual looking stance ever. You're probably thinking why? Well because the one who's skills i inherited had no style or stance either. This is just what happens when you have too much time on your hands and your only hobby is swinging weapons around. You practice that same swing so many times, you kinda just don't need to stance for it anymore.

That is also why i am currently achieving better results than okita. Make no mistake, i am not delusional, i recognise she is holding back her strength but i also see the difference in our skills. Its similar to saber's battle with sasaki kojiro in a way. My predecessor had simply spent 100× more time in her fighting skills.

Now you might be arguing "well shouldn't you be hiding that ability?"

A fair point indeed. Here are the counter points:

Counter point 1: This isn't eminence in shadow and i am not Cid Kageno.

Counter point 2: I honestly can't bother to hide my "talents" from my parents all the time, i mean, you have to trust some people to achieve some allies. And well, i also have to show off sometimes. I am son of Lucifer after all, i can't afford to be "ordinary". i would still be loved by my parents sure, but the rest of the underworld would surely expect me to be some kind of unparalleled genius.

Counter point 3: What are they gonna do about it anyway? Sure, your 4 year old kid is better than you at swordsmanship, so what? they're just gonna put the label of "battle genius" on my name and get it over with. Certainly, it might look suspicious but at the end of the day they will just blame it on my talent. If anything, hiding it would probably be more suspicious. Surely i won't be sent off to Ajuka's lab just because i am good at swinging weapons around right?.....right?

Counter point 4: Mommy Grayfia hugs me and gives me head pats after training and i happen to be a mama's boy.

"Up, down, left, left, front, back, and up." i must admit Okita does a fine job at changing patterns to throw me off guard.

So as i dodge okita's attacks while blinded i am once again amazed by the world around me. Its just...weird to think 4 years ago i used to sit down in an office and come up with ways to avoid taxes. And failing to avoid said taxes of course.

Moving on from that....

As i focus on my surroundings i can definitely feel and hear things all around me. The sound of muscles twitching as she goes for a slash to my left, the sound of sword cutting through air. The feeling of her demonic power focused on her arms, hips and legs. All of this tells me enough about the direction of her sword.

As i parry her attacks and dodge around to attempt and visualize more and more of my surrounding, the more i can feel and even .....see to some extents. I know i am getting closer to achieving that first haki i want.

After the training hours end, i get some free time to myself to spend on my future plans. You thought it would be that easy to resurrect a dead clan? Nope. The most important thing is funding. Naturally, at this momment in time most of underworld's economy is dominated by old men with mile long sticks up their ass. And those old men hate new clans attempting to share in their influence and shaft their interests. They will also come to hate me because i am literally trying to change the way of underworld's leadership AND take over myself.

The reason why it is really important is :

1- The territories of Lucifer and Lucifuge are much like the territory of Leviathan. I mean, sure, people are living there and they often go there for fun. But its far from perfect. You gotta remmember these territories were pretty much left on their own after the civil war. All the old ass buildings and 1000 year old castles are pretty much rusting away. When i eventually take over i will have to do a lot of rebuilding to do.

2- The way these old men rule the underworld without the satans stopping them is by controlling the economy so well, that if they really wanted they could dismantle everything in just a few weeks worth of time and anyone who isn't on their side will abviously be crushed by their economy. we see this happen with house belial. Lady of house had to sell her armaments and lord of house had to sell his cloths just to pay for their son's school.

If house Lucifuge is to oppose these old men i have to become a economical juggernaut.

But there are problems.

Things like agriculture, health industry, other such businesses will be completely shut down because they're mainly dominated by these old men so when it comes to business my options are exceedingly limited. Or even if they weren't they would just be extremely troublesome. For example, nobody would really stop me from building hospitals all over underworld but the problem is that sitri clan has dominated that portion of jobs and businesses since the beginning of underworld's creation. A new comer attempting to replace them would just be a foolish thing to do. It would be much better to make an alliance with them, increase their fundings and give them new ways to cure people and medicines using the essence of mad doctor.

Problem once again is that the more cures and health medicines i make, the more i antagonize phenex family's economy...

Like, if i make a full health potion, in theory i am giving a great service to underworld. But in practice i am threatening the phenex clan's business.

Fucking devil politics i know....

Since when did demons of all people start doing politics anyway? Whose brilliant idea was this?

In conclusion there are only 2 paths i can take without being shut down by old men and without antagonizing potential future allies.

Either setup a lab at Agares territory and make use of all the elements from the time of original satans, put mad doctor's essence into use and make something ingenious. That is a rather straining task and there's no guarantee about its success either.

Or alternatively:

Join in the entertainment industry. Devils apparently have technology that is far better than that of humans currently, but they aren't really putting it into entertainment purposes at all. I mean, the magical girl show is like the best show in the whole world or something. Yes not just the underworld but the whole world. Because the rest of the pantheons suffer from an even worse case of boredom than us. Not surprising really, gods usually entertain themselves by fucking with heroes and humans, but the time of heroes is long gone, and cantact between supernaturals and humans has been limited. So they lost their top 1 hobby. Making them all bored out of they fickle minds.

Which brings me to the current situation as i stand in front of my fathers office and watch as Zeoticus looks at me with doubtful eyes Venelana with amused eyes and ...well my parents with shocked wide eyes.

".....You want to make a project related to our entertainment industry that might make billions if it succeeds?"

"Yes, indeed that is what i said father. And i request highest level technology, a room in the mansion and an art studio to start working on. Oh and a professional instructor for the study of said arts."

Yeah, i am about to introduce you people to the MOBA hell by launching DOTA2. Then we will go down the gacha hell AND the manga hell at the same time. i will do it. i am evil.

Indeed i am determined to make daddy Rizevim proud.

"That can be arranged for...but i still have to ask, are you certain you wish to spend your time on this project?" Said Zeoticus

translation: Are you sure this will work? Well yes because i am making DOTA 2. I am remaking a project that was already successful in modern times and i am making it at a time where magical girls are biggest source of entertainment. If course it will work duh.

Now why MOBA and why gacha? Well 1-because it makes money. That's why i am doing this in the first place. Funding and getting popularity for future research purposes.

2- Because it fits my criteria.

My criteria for what a "good game" should be is simply: if it can't ruin people's lives then its not a good game.

That's right, a good game is a game that absolutely destroys the lives of its audience.

The proudest momment of a company is when their audience tells them "the game was so good i spend 16 hours a day playing it"

that's why i will eventually have to remake pokemon too.

It was so fucking good i ruined my life for it.

That's when you know your game succeeded.

Of course, i can't just say that out loud now can i?

"Yes Grandfather, i believe this project will give me a satisfactory result and even if it doesn't live up to my expectations at all then it will be exprience for the future."

Sirzechs looked into my eyes for a few seconds after which he chuckled and answered "I see, well if you are that determined at this then i can only support you. Grayfia arrange for an instructor from house purson. i have heard they usually make incredible art."

I have studied about the purson's in fact, i know they use their clan trait dubbed as "all seeing eyes" for their craft. They are master craftsmen.

Well guess i have my first target for essence of bonder.

Oh yeah that thing was shafted too. Apparently i only have 20 charges to use.

I don't really need them for the most part, i mean i am like really hecking cute. Or so i have been told. It only took me a few days of work to tame all of mansion's maids. Shotacons the lot of them. But they had nice titties so they get a pass.

I wonder how long it would take for me to enchant Roygun Belphegor....

Anyway, the most important part about the essence of bonder is that i can transfer my other essences to those bonded. So basically all my peerage members need to absolutely be bonded to me if only for their improvement. Then again, that was the purpose of it anyway.

Exiting the office, i came face to face with my mom who was giving me "the look". Well she probably already knows this whole thing is about the money. She knows me too well. I did mention i was a mama's boy.

"Well ....ahmm how to say this.....what if i tell you i want the funds for my future independence?"

"Then i would not believe you."

Ouch. I mean, you are right mom but you didn't have to put it that way.

"Well lets just say it will be a surprise alright? I don't want to lie to you, so lets just say you will find out in the future."

She nodded to that. Seemingly satisfied but also curious. I won't mince words here, since i have arrived in this world it just feels like i have spent every waking momment either being watched by my mom or just being close to her. She is the closest person i currently have. In any situation i won't choose to lie to her. As i said, you have to trust some people to make some allies towards a goal.

And i will need my parents support at all times here.