
A Prefect Lie.

Princess Aurora is a powerful hybrid of werewolf and vampire. She is also an orphan. Her father handed her over Alpha Orion of the werewolf Kingdom to protect her from power-hungry men who wanted her for her powers and beauty. Princess Aurora is currently in the mortal realm and she is to go through some challenges. Darko, evil prince of the Vampire Kingdom. He has always wanted to be ruler of all supernaturals; he wants to overpower King Orion, who is the Alpha of the werewolf’s and has been so for years. When his spy informed him of the princess being in the mortal realm, he immediately went there with hopes of finding the princess and talking about her sacred fruit so he can make use of her powers. King Orion, who has always loved the princess, followed her there with hopes of protecting her from Darko. Coming into the mortal realm, all three have lost their memories and are now on earth with no ideas of who they are. Princess Aurora now turned. Arianna is the complete opposite of who she is in the supernatural world and so are Prince Darko and Alpha Orion. Alpha Orion now turned Zeke is a playboy, man whore and a bully. He was everything he was not as King Orion. He met Aurora on the first day of school. They both had a clash, resulting them to hating each other. The princess met Darko in a bookstore and they both became friends when he joined her school the next day. In the human realm, Princess Aurora has a step foster sister who hated her and was jealous of her beauty. When two new extremely handsome students joined the school, she wanted them both on her side. She wanted them to follow her around and pay attention to her. But they payed attention to Arianna instead. Zeke wanted to get back at her for their clash while Darko now turned. Jason was her friend as they both shared the same love for art and book. Jason and Arianna got closer and closer while she and Zeke become bigger enemies. Before her 18th birthday, she saw a book in a store and purchased the book after she felt a connection with it. The book was all about her life in the supernatural world. Days before her birthday, she started seeing flashes of her memories. She always has beautiful memories of her and Alpha Orion together while she also sees terrible memories of her and Darko, but in her dreams she never sees their faces. Arianna knew once that the book was about her. The book states that she will meet 2 boys’ days before her birthday and one of them is her light while the other is her darkness. Arianna knew the boys where Zeke and Jason has she met them on the same day, but she was confused about who was who. Her dreams were not helping in identifying who is who between Zeke and Jason. Neither is the book. Arianna and Jason, who were still friends, were having a friendly talk and Jason had called her Rora, which King Orion always called her in her dream. Arianna assumed he was her light and was very happy, as she was developing feelings for him already. Zeke, who has also started having flashes about Arianna, quickly put two and two together and he recovered his memories. At once he changed towards Arianna and even apologize to her in hopes of being her friend, but Arianna already pictured him as her darkness and refused to have anything to do with him. Zeke watched as Arianna and Jason started dating and was very public about it. Jason, who has also recovered his memory, started convincing Arianna to stay away from Zeke and she listened to him as she was madly in love with him. When Jason regained his memory, he started changing. They started having issues in their relationship as he started pressuring her for lying with him and have big fights about it. Jason went as far as cheating on her with her sister without her knowing.

Falohun_Aaliyah · Ciudad
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5 Chs

chapter 4

Clara's heart was pounding as she entered the mayor's office, clutching her bag in her hands. She had been 5x looking for a job for months, and this was her first big day. The gate keeper directed her to the receptionist, and Clara took a deep breath before reaching the desk. A tall, imposing man with a neatly trimmed beard sat behind the desk and extended his hand. "Hello, Clara," he said with a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Clara felt a rush of relief and smiled back.

"Am sorry, I couldn't make it yesterday, just got the message," Clara apologize.

"It's fine, the Mayor will see you at the penthouse" the receptionist said smiling.

As Clara stepped into the elevator, she tried to calm her nerves. She had never been to the penthouse of a mayor's office before, and she wasn't sure what to expect. As the elevator began to move, she took a deep breath and tried to picture what it would be like to meet the mayor. She imagined herself shaking hands with a tall, stately man, his office filled with important documents and important people. The elevator doors opened, and she stepped out, trying to look confident and poised.

As Clara stepped into the room, she saw the mayor sitting behind a large, imposing desk. He was a tall, broad-shouldered man with piercing blue eyes. He stood up to greet her, offering his hand.

"Welcome, Miss Clara," he said with a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Please, take a seat." Clara sat down in the chair across from him, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the opulence of the room.

The mayor sat back down and leaned forward, his hands folded in front of him. "So, tell me about yourself," he said.

"Well" Clara began,

"I'm a single mom with two young daughters, Arizona and Eva. They're 18 years old, and they're my whole world. I've been looking for a job that would allow me to provide for them, and still be able to spend time with them. When I saw this position, I thought it would be the perfect fit." She took a deep breath, hoping she hadn't said too much. "That's wonderful," the mayor said, nodding.

"I'm sure being a single parent is difficult, but it's clear that your daughters are your top priority.

"Yes, they are." Clara said.

"As you know, this job is for the position of administrative assistant to me, the mayor," the mayor said.

"You'll be responsible for a variety of tasks, from scheduling meetings to preparing reports. You'll also be the first point of contact for many people who visit the office. It's a demanding job, but it's also very rewarding. Do you think you're up for the challenge?" Clara took another deep breath, trying to absorb all the information.

"Yes, I am," she said firmly.

"Good then. That would be your office." The mayor said, pointing to the crib beside the office.

Third person POV.

Clara couldn't believe it - she had just been offered a job as the mayor's administrative assistant. She had gone into the interview feeling nervous and uncertain, but now she was filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment. She could already picture herself doing the job, and she knew it would be a perfect fit. As she walked out of the office, she couldn't help but smile. She was excited to start her new job, and to make a difference in the lives of her daughters. She felt like anything was possible.


As Clara opened the front door, she was met with silence. She could hear the television playing in the living room, but there was no sign of her daughters, Arianna, and Arizona. She walked into the living room and found Arizona sprawled out on the couch, watching a reality TV show. She barely glanced up at her when she walked in. "Hey, girl," she said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Hey, mom," Arizona said, without leaving the television screen.

"Where is Arianna?" Clara asked, keeping seating on the couch.

"Maybe upstairs," Arizona said, still glancing at the television.

"Hey, mum," Arianna said, walking down the stairs.

"Guess what" Clara silenced the moment. "I got the job" Clara screamed.

"Good," Arizona said, not bothered.

"O my god" Arianna hugged her mum. "What good new." Arianna said happily.

Clara stared at her daughter, Arizona, feeling a mix of frustration and concern. Arizona was always stubborn, but this time she was being downright defiant. She seemed not bothered by the news, and when Clara had tried to reason with her, she had simply stormed off to her room. Now Clara didn't know what to do. She couldn't just let Arizona get away with it, but she didn't want to start a full-blown argument either. She sighed and tried to think of a way to reach her daughter.

"What happened at school today?" Clara asked after Arizona left. "Please, I want just good news," Clara said to Arianna.

"Nothing unusual" Arianna stopped looking at her mother. "Why don't you first rest" Arianna suggested.

"That good, I will take a nap now. I have got work to do tomorrow," Clara said as she pulled herself upstairs.

"Hmmm" Arianna breathed.


Third person POV.

The mayor took a seat at the table, surrounded by the opulent luxury of his dining room. They covered the table with a white linen tablecloth, and the silverware and china were sparkling clean. The centerpiece was a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers, with the mouth-watering aroma of the food prepared by the chef. The mayor's family gathered around the table. It was a night of togetherness, a chance to enjoy each other's company and create happy memories.

"Zeke, how was school" the mayor started after a long silence.

"Not so bad," Zeke said, scooping his cheesed pasta into his mouth.

"You do know it your final year, no mistakes will be conducted. You have to be at college next year, OK?" the Mayor added.

"Of course I know, dad," Zeke assured.

"That, my boy," the mayor said, rubbing his palm on Zeke's head.

"He knows, he himself promised me, right Zeke" the mayor's wife (Sofia) said, assuring her husband.

The moment the mayor finished his last bite of dinner, the chef and the maids came in to clear the dishes. They worked quickly and efficiently, their movements practiced and precise. Soon, the table got cleared, and they brought the desserts out. The desserts were works of art, each one carefully crafted by the French chef. There was a chocolate mousse cake, a berry tart, and a selection of sorbets. The mayor smiled, taking in the sight of the delicious desserts and the smiling faces of his family.

"Chef, la nourriture était si bonne, j'ai apprécié," the mayor said to the chef.

"Merci d'avoir aimé, à votre service," the chef responded, beaming with smiles as he leaves.

"Dad, I think am ready to learn French," Zeke giggled.

"Of course, good idea. You have m Donald to take you," the mayor laughed.