
A Prefect Lie.

Princess Aurora is a powerful hybrid of werewolf and vampire. She is also an orphan. Her father handed her over Alpha Orion of the werewolf Kingdom to protect her from power-hungry men who wanted her for her powers and beauty. Princess Aurora is currently in the mortal realm and she is to go through some challenges. Darko, evil prince of the Vampire Kingdom. He has always wanted to be ruler of all supernaturals; he wants to overpower King Orion, who is the Alpha of the werewolf’s and has been so for years. When his spy informed him of the princess being in the mortal realm, he immediately went there with hopes of finding the princess and talking about her sacred fruit so he can make use of her powers. King Orion, who has always loved the princess, followed her there with hopes of protecting her from Darko. Coming into the mortal realm, all three have lost their memories and are now on earth with no ideas of who they are. Princess Aurora now turned. Arianna is the complete opposite of who she is in the supernatural world and so are Prince Darko and Alpha Orion. Alpha Orion now turned Zeke is a playboy, man whore and a bully. He was everything he was not as King Orion. He met Aurora on the first day of school. They both had a clash, resulting them to hating each other. The princess met Darko in a bookstore and they both became friends when he joined her school the next day. In the human realm, Princess Aurora has a step foster sister who hated her and was jealous of her beauty. When two new extremely handsome students joined the school, she wanted them both on her side. She wanted them to follow her around and pay attention to her. But they payed attention to Arianna instead. Zeke wanted to get back at her for their clash while Darko now turned. Jason was her friend as they both shared the same love for art and book. Jason and Arianna got closer and closer while she and Zeke become bigger enemies. Before her 18th birthday, she saw a book in a store and purchased the book after she felt a connection with it. The book was all about her life in the supernatural world. Days before her birthday, she started seeing flashes of her memories. She always has beautiful memories of her and Alpha Orion together while she also sees terrible memories of her and Darko, but in her dreams she never sees their faces. Arianna knew once that the book was about her. The book states that she will meet 2 boys’ days before her birthday and one of them is her light while the other is her darkness. Arianna knew the boys where Zeke and Jason has she met them on the same day, but she was confused about who was who. Her dreams were not helping in identifying who is who between Zeke and Jason. Neither is the book. Arianna and Jason, who were still friends, were having a friendly talk and Jason had called her Rora, which King Orion always called her in her dream. Arianna assumed he was her light and was very happy, as she was developing feelings for him already. Zeke, who has also started having flashes about Arianna, quickly put two and two together and he recovered his memories. At once he changed towards Arianna and even apologize to her in hopes of being her friend, but Arianna already pictured him as her darkness and refused to have anything to do with him. Zeke watched as Arianna and Jason started dating and was very public about it. Jason, who has also recovered his memory, started convincing Arianna to stay away from Zeke and she listened to him as she was madly in love with him. When Jason regained his memory, he started changing. They started having issues in their relationship as he started pressuring her for lying with him and have big fights about it. Jason went as far as cheating on her with her sister without her knowing.

Falohun_Aaliyah · Ciudad
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5 Chs

chapter 1

Chapter 1

18 years ago.

Third person POV.

Wind howled outside, sending shivers down the spines of the people indoors. The rain pounded on the roof, and now and then, a flash of lightning lit up the darkened sky. Thunder was so loud it seemed to shake the very foundations of the house. The people inside got scared, their eyes wide with fear. They knew something terrible was out there, and they were powerless to stop it. All they could do was wait and pray that the night would end soon.

"Please, friend," the man pleaded, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I know I have betrayed you and my people, and I will forever be ashamed of my actions. But I beg of you, do not punish my child for my sins. I cannot bear the thought of her suffering from my mistakes. I will do anything to keep her safe, and I will do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness. Please, have mercy." The man's words were raw and desperate, and the Alpha could not help but feel a twinge of sympathy.

"Alright," the friend said, his voice solemn and determined. "I will help you. I will do whatever it takes to keep your child safe, and to give them the life they deserve. I will not let you down." The man's face lit up with relief, and he felt a weight lift from his shoulders. He knew he could count on his friend, and that together they could overcome any obstacle. He was grateful for his friend's loyalty and resolve, and he vowed to never take it for granted again.

"Here take her" The man gave the child to Alpha Orion.

Alpha Orion stood there, speechless, as his friend placed the sleeping infant in his arms. The child looked up at him with big, curious eyes, and the man felt a surge of protectiveness and love. He looked at his friend, who simply smiled and said, "I know you will take good care of her." The man felt overwhelmed with emotion, and he nodded, unable to find the words to express how he felt.

Alpha Orion paced back and forth, his mind racing with thoughts of how to keep the child safe. He thought of all the dangers in the world, and how he could never fully protect her from everything. But he knew he had to try, for the sake of the child, the promise he made and for his own peace of mind. He started making plans, thinking of ways to keep them safe from harm, both physical and emotional. He was determined to do whatever it took to give the child a happy and healthy life.

"Go now," the man muttered.

"Okay but keep yourselves safe ok" Alpha Orion muttered trying to leave with the child, when the door cracked open, revealing four shadowy figures holding clubs

Alpha Orion knew the people he saw were dangerous, and he knew they wouldn't hesitate to harm the child. So he came up with a plan. He wrapped the child up tightly in a blanket, and then he tied the bundle to his back. He hoped that the people he was meeting wouldn't notice the child, and that they would be too preoccupied with their business to even think about it. He knew it was a risk, but he was desperate to keep the child safe.

A tall, imposing figure strode into the room, flanked by three men who looked like bodyguards. The man's face was hard and cold, and his eyes glinted with a dangerous light. The man felt his heart pounding in his chest, and he tried to remain calm. But he knew that he was facing a powerful and ruthless enemy.

Alpha Orion seemed confused; he has not met this guy before.

"Who is he?" Alpha Orion whispered to the father of the child.

"Darko, the prince of darkness, the prince of the vampires," the men whispered back.

Darko took a sir and sat down, looking at the house in disgust.

"You may not know me in person, but you sure have heard about me," Darko said proudly.

"Ok, good entrance, so what do you want?" Alpha Orion asked bravely

"I like that," Darko giggled. "He doesn't like to beat around the bush," Darko laughed.

Third person POV.

The wicked laugh was deep and menacing, with a touch of amusement and a hint of malice. It sent a chill down the man's spine, and he felt his blood run cold. It was the kind of laugh that made you feel like there was something dark and evil lurking just out of sight, waiting to pounce. It was the kind of laugh that made you feel like you were being watched, like you were being toyed with, like you were a mouse trapped in a cage with a hungry cat. It was a laugh that made you want to run and hide, but you knew you couldn't escape.

"Yes, how can we help you?" Alpha Orion asked boldly, staring at Darko disgusted.

"He knows why I am here right," Darko said, laughing."where is the child? " Darko asked.

"What child?"Alpha Orion asked before realizing the child.

"Of course, you don't know. This man here betrayed you guys and had an affair with a vampire. They had a child, a shameful child, even if she is still a vessel of powers, still a shameful child," Darko shouted.

The child cried, heart-wrenching, high-pitched and desperate. They echoed through the room, bouncing off the walls and filling the air with their anguish.

"Wait, did I hear something you go check?" Darko ordered his first guard.

"Is the child here?"Darko asked, whispering to the man.

"You heard that too, right?" Darko asked Alpha Orion.

Alpha Orion's face immediately became pale, confused he didn't know what to do again. Looking at the man in front of him, he knew he was done for.

Suddenly, a ray of hope came. The little child started glowing, revealing where at his back he tied her.

Third person POV.

Darko's face lit up with a grin that was both smug and triumphant. He looked down at the child, who was trembling with fear, and he felt a surge of satisfaction. He had been searching for the child for days, and he had finally found her. They were his key to power, his ticket to success. He knew that once he had the child, he could achieve all of his dreams. He would be rich, powerful, and above all, they would fear him. And the child's tears were just a bonus.

Darko tried touching the child, but he couldn't, because she was hurting him. His hands would start burning immediately as he tried touching her or anything.

The child's father quickly saw an opportunity and wanted to kill Darko, but Darko black magic was so protective the dagger didn't go through. Instead, Darko pushed him, making his head hit the table, and he started bleeding.

"Go now Orion" the man shouted as he engage combat with the guards.

Alpha Orion quickly covered the child with a fluffy blanket.

Third person POV.

Alpha Orion's heart was pounding as he ran, clutching the child close to his chest. He could hear Darko's footsteps behind him, getting closer and closer. The child was whimpering, and Alpha Orion tried to reassure her by whispering soothing words into their ear. But Darko was relentless, and Alpha Orion knew he couldn't keep this up for much longer. His breath was coming in short gasps, and his legs were starting to feel like lead. He just had to keep going, for the child's sake.

Finally, Alpha Orion saw a flash of light ahead. Not sure of what it was he entered the light, Darko who was also close entered the flash of light not minding what it may be